River tourism
A few summers ago we decided to try river tourism in the French Loire region. So in a group of 6 and the car loaded to the hilt, we went from Castellon to Sablé-Sur-Sarthe, a journey that lasted almost an entire day. There in the port we expected "Pepe Botella" to give us the keys to our "boat" and teach us to handle it in five minutes. 10 minutes later we were in the river course Le Mans, with bicycles and purchases for two weeks on board. It was August, and although the weather was bad (it rained every day), it was worth it for the laughs, and the incredible scenery of the River Sarthe. They told us that it rains almost every day of the year, hence the explosive green river basin, vegetation, trees.
Throughout the trip, we only saw a castle in the basin of the river, an abandoned house, a cow drinking water in the river, a fisherman sitting on the river bank, (from which we got the line) and lots of locks , that we had to open and close ourselves to pass the different slopes of the river. If we were lucky and it did not rain at sunset we would sit on our deck terrace with a gin and tonic playing cards, we could watch a true sunset. Sometimes swans were our companions. When night came, we tied a rope and be the only ones for miles around. One night, we went out with bikes to visit a nearby lighted village to buy some things, and when we returned we saw two of our friends on the ship peeling potatoes, with the light of the lamp on, surrounded by a dark forest. It looked like a horror movie. But nothing ever happened to us, the people were friendly, the river beautiful and the towns and cities that we visited were also. We will come another time to find other corners.
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