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Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone

19 contributors

11 reviews of Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone

The guardian of Sant' Agnese

Last May I spent a week with my classmates in the city of Rome. In the mornings our group only visited the most emblematic sites of this beautiful city, guided by our teachers. Yes, during the long afternoons walking until our feet could not take it, we got to know Rome in its totality. Travelling from other side to the other however, more than once or twice a day we appeared suddenly in Piazza Navona, who became for us the symbol of that trip that we will never forget. In the picture is the entrance to the Church of Saint Agnes in Agone and part of the Fountain of Four Rivers, which presides

Over this square.
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The soul of Piazza Navona

El alma de Piazza Navona

Santa Agnese in Agone es la iglesia colindante a la Piazza Navona. Cuenta la tradición que la niña santa fue expuesta desnuda en la picota y fue cuando tuvo lugar el prodigioso crecimiento de sus cabellos de forma que la cubrieron completamente. El aspecto actual de la iglesia se debe al Papa Inocencio X Pamphili que encargó restaurar toda la plaza. El interior de Santa Agnese in Agone da la impresión de mayor amplitud debido a la luz procedente de las ventanas de la cúpula. La decoración es rica en estucos dorados y mármoles preciados, en las dos capillas del crucero han sido empleadas por Borromini columnas de verde antiguo procedentes de San Giovanni in Laterano. La cúpula está pintada al fresco por Ciro Ferri y en los altares todos los trabajos fueron ejecutados por los principales discípulos de Bernini. En el subterráneo está el antiguo oratorio medieval con un altar sobre el cual destaca "el milagro de los cabellos de Santa Agnese", magnífico relieve en mármol realizado por A. Algardi. Adjunto algunas instantáneas de la iglesia.
St. Agnese in Agone is adjacent to the Piazza Navona church. Tradition has it that the holy nia was exposed naked in the pillory and was when the prodigious growth of her hair so that it completely covered took place. The current appearance of the church is due to Pope Innocent X Pamphili to restore all Custom plaza. The interior of Santa Agnese in Agone gives the impression of greater amplitude due to the light from the windows of the dome. The decor is rich in gold and precious marbles stucco in the two chapels of the transept have been employed by Borromini columns of antique green from San Giovanni in Laterano. The dome is frescoed by Ciro Ferri and altars all the works were executed by the main disciples of Bernini. In the subterranean is the old medieval chapel with an altar on which stands "the miracle of hair Santa Agnese" magnificent relief in marble by A. Algardi. Attached are some snapshots of the church.
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The church of Sant"Agnese in Agone is a...

La iglesia de Sant´Agnese in Agone es ...

La iglesia de Sant´Agnese in Agone es una bella iglesia barroca que se encuentra en la Piazza Navona, en el centro de Roma. Fue construida a mediados del siglo XVII por el arquitecto italiano Francesco Borromini. Sant´Agnese in Agone debe su nombre al hecho de que la iglesia habría sido construida sobre el lugar donde la santa, expuesta a la vista de todos completamente desnuda, fue milagrosamente cubierta por sus pelos. El nombre mismo de la Piazza Navona viene de Agone. Antes había un oratorio desde el siglo VIII donde está ahora la iglesia. La iglesia la encargó el papa Inocente X, en 1650. La base de la iglesia fue construida por Rainaldi, y Borromini la terminó. Borromini era uno de los más grandes arquitectos de la época barroca italiana, y uno de los rivales mayores de Bernini, a quien se debe la fuente de los cuatro ríos, ubicada justo en frente de la iglesia. También realizó el palacio Giustiniani, Santa María dei Sette Dolori y la archibasílica San Giovanni in Laterano, considerada como la madre de todas las iglesias de Roma y del mundo. Es la sede del obispo de Roma, que es el Papa.
The church of Sant"Agnese in Agone is a beautiful baroque church located in Piazza Navona in central Rome. It was built in the mid-seventeenth century by the Italian architect Francesco Borromini. Sant"Agnese in Agone owes its name to the fact that the church would have been built on the place where the saint, exposed to view all completely naked, was miraculously covered by her hair. The very name comes from the Piazza Navona Agone. Before there was an oratory from the eighth century where the church is now. The church Pope Innocent X commissioned in 1650. The foundation of the church was built by Rainaldi, Borromini and finished it. Borromini was one of the greatest architects of the Italian Baroque era, and one of the biggest rivals Bernini, whom the source of the Four Rivers, located right in front of the church should be. Also performed the Giustiniani palace, Santa Maria dei Sette Dolori and the Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano, considered the mother of all churches of Rome and the world. It is the seat of the Bishop of Rome, who is the Pope.
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The church of St. Agnes in Agony is a...

La iglesia de Santa Agnes en Agonía es ...

La iglesia de Santa Agnes en Agonía es una hermosa iglesia barroca que se encuentra en la Piazza Navona, en el centro de Roma. Fue construida a mediados del siglo XVII por el arquitecto italiano Francesco Borromini. Saint Agnes en Agonía debe su nombre al hecho de que la iglesia fue construida sobre el lugar donde la santa, que fue llevada desnuda a la plaza, fue milagrosamente cubierta por el pelo. Anteriormente hubo un oratorio del siglo VIII en la ubicación de la iglesia, que fue construida a petición del Papa Inocencio X en 1650. La base de la iglesia fue construida por Borromini Rainaldi. Francesco Borromini fue uno de los principales arquitectos del barroco italiano, y uno de los enemigos y rivales Bernini, que tiene también aquí la fuente de los cuatro ríos, que se encuentra justo en las afueras de la iglesia. También ha dirigido el palacio Giustiniani, de Santa María dei Sette Dolori o San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane y Archbasilica San Giovanni in Laterano, que se considera la madre de todas las iglesias de Roma y del mundo. Es la sede del obispado de Roma.
The church of St. Agnes in Agony is a beautiful baroque church located in Piazza Navona in central Rome. It was built in the mid-seventeenth century by the Italian architect Francesco Borromini. Saint Agnes in Agony owes its name to the fact that the church was built on the place where the saint, who was taken naked to the square, was miraculously covered by hair. Previously there was an oratory of the eighth century in the location of the church, which was built at the request of Pope Innocent X in 1650. The foundation of the church was built by Borromini Rainaldi. Francesco Borromini was one of the main architects of the Italian Baroque, and one of the enemies and rivals Bernini, who has also here the source of the Four Rivers, located just outside of the church. He also directed the Giustiniani palace, Santa Maria dei Sette San Carlo alle Dolori or Quattro Fontane and Archbasilica San Giovanni in Laterano, which is considered the mother of all churches of Rome and the world. It is the seat of the Bishop of Rome.
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The Church of Sant'Agnese in Agone a...

A Igreja de Sant'Agnese in Agone é uma ...

A Igreja de Sant'Agnese in Agone é uma bonita igreja barroca do século XVII, mandada construir pelo Papa Inocêncio X. Ela está localizada na Piazza Navona, por ter sido aqui que a Santa Inês, santa a quem é dedicada a igreja, foi martirizada. Esta é uma das muitas espectaculares igrejas espalhadas pela cidade e quem visita o seu interior fica absolutamente apaixonado. Lá podemos encontrar o relevo em mármore no altar principal, que mostra o Milagre de Santa Inês ou ainda a peça-de-altar da Sagrada Família. Uma das peculiaridade desta igreja é ter guardado, no santuário dedicado à Santa Inês, o crânio da santa.
The Church of Sant'Agnese in Agone a beautiful baroque church of the seventeenth century, built by Pope Inocncio X. She is located in Piazza Navona, because it was here that Santa Ins, saint who dedicated the church, was martyred. This is one of many spectacular churches throughout the city and those visiting the interior is absolutely passionate. U can find relief in marble in the main altar, which shows the miracle of Santa Ins or the pea-of-altar of Holy Famlia. One of the peculiarity of this church have saved in the sanctuary dedicated to Santa Ins, the skull of the saint.
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Eglise Sainte Agns in Agone

Eglise Sainte Agnès en Agone

L’église Sainte Agnès en Agone se trouve à l’emplacement où la sainte fut exposée nue aux yeux de tous. La légende veut que miraculeusement, ses cheveux l’ai recouverte, cachant ainsi son corps. Cette église a été construite à la place de l’oratoire au 18ème siècle à la demande du pape Innocent X. Cette église de style baroque, suit le plan d’une croix grecque.
The Church of St. Agnes in Agony is the location where the sacred was exposed bare for all to see. Legend has it that miraculously have covered her hair, hiding her body. This church was built on the site of the chapel in the 18th century at the request of Pope Innocent X. This baroque church, following the plan of a Greek cross.
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Built at the same time as the fountains...

Construite à la même époque que les fo...

Construite à la même époque que les fontaines de la place Navone, l'église Sainte Agnès en Agone a aussi un style baroque et une coupole où est représentée la Gloire du Paradis. Sainte Agnès était une enfant de Rome, qui mouru sur le bucher, elle est donc considérée à la fois comme vierge et martyre.
Built at the same time as the fountains of Piazza Navona, the church of St. Agnes in Agony also has a baroque style and a cupola which is represented the glory of Paradise. St. Agnes was a child of Rome, which mouru at the stake, so it is regarded as both virgin and martyr.
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The Church of St. Agnes in Agony is a...

L´église de Sant´Agnese in Agone est un...

L´église de Sant´Agnese in Agone est une belle église baroque qui se trouve sur la Piazza Navona, au centre de Rome. Elle a été construite au milieu du XVIIème siècle par l´architecte italien Francesco Borromini. Sainte Agnès en Agonie doit son nom au fait que l´église aurait été construite sur l´endroit où la sainte, qui avait été amenée nue sur la place, a été miraculeusement recouverte par ses cheveux. Le nom de la place Navone dérive d´Agone. Il y avait auparavant un oratoire depuis le VIIIème siècle a ´l emplacement de l´église, qui a été construite sur demande du pape Innocent X vers 1650. La base de l´église a été construite par Rainaldi, et Borromini l´a terminée. Francesco Borromini était l´un des grands architectes de l´époque baroque italienne, et l´un des ennemis et rivaux de Bernini, a qui l´on doit la fontaine des quatre fleuves, qui se trouve juste devant l´église. Il a également réalisé le palais Giustiniani, Santa Maria dei Sette Dolori ou encore San Carlo alle quattro fontane et l´archibasilique San Giovanni in Laterano, considerée comme la mère de toutes les églises de Rome et du monde. C´est le siège de l´évéché de Rome.
The Church of St. Agnes in Agony is a beautiful baroque church is located on the Piazza Navona in central Rome. It was built in the mid seventeenth century by the Italian architect Francesco Borromini. St. Agnes in Agony owes its name to the fact that the church was built on the spot where the saint, who was brought naked in the square, was miraculously covered by her hair. The name derives from Piazza Navona Agnone. There used to be a chapel since the eighth century 'the location of the church, which was built at the request of Pope Innocent X in 1650. The base of the church was built by Rainaldi and Borromini was completed. Francesco Borromini was one of the great architects of the Italian Baroque era, and one of the enemies and rivals Bernini, to whom we owe the Fountain of the Four Rivers, which is just outside the church. He also directed the Giustiniani palace, Santa Maria dei Sette Dolori or San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane and Archbasilica San Giovanni in Laterano, meant as the mother of all the churches of Rome and the world. It is the seat of the bishopric of Rome.
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Basilica of Sant 'Agnese

Basilica di sant' Agnese

La Basilica di sant' Agnese si trova nell'omonimo complesso monumentale in via Nomentana a Roma. Ha un soffitto altissimo e la sua particolarità è di essere costituita al suo interno da sole colonne riutilizzate da vecchi edifici romani distrutti o abbattuti. La santa Agnese si trova sepolta nel primo piano mentre ancora sotto si trovano le Catacombe. La basilica ha subito notevoli modifiche nel corso del tempo e anche oggi sta subendo dei lavori di manutenzione che interessano tutto il complesso monumentale.
The Basilica of Sant 'Agnese is in the eponymous monumental complex in Nomentana in Rome. It has a high ceiling and its particularity is to be formed inside alone columns reused from old Roman buildings destroyed or slaughtered. The St. Agnes is buried in the foreground while still under the Catacombs are located. The basilica has undergone considerable changes over time and even today is undergoing maintenance work affecting the whole monumental complex.
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To fall in love

Para enamorarse

Para enamorarse
To fall in love
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Stop forced

Parada obligada

Parada obligada
Stop forced
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Information about Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone