2 pekes viajeros
Gothic church
This Gothic church was built by Isabel of Aragon, Queen Santa Isabel, in 1283. The place where the monastery was built was a bad choice, due to flooding from the Mondego river. It was abandoned in 1677, when the Clarisse nuns moved to [poi = 696 111] the Convent of Santa Clara in Nova [/ poi], very close by. From May to September it is open from 10-19. From October to April it is open only 10-17. They allow you to enter up to 45 minutes before closing. We weren't allowed in because the visit lasts between 45 minutes to 1 hour and a half, depending on how long you take looking around, so go there early.
It's close to Two Little Ones . Closed on Mondays, 1 January, 1 May and 25 December.
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