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Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes

92 contributors

40 reviews of Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes

Gothic-Spanish-Flemish Monastery

While we strolled through the streets that took us to the monastery, we surrounded the stone walls that let us glimpse a wonderful collection of plants and flowers.

It was built in 1476 by the Catholic King and Queen to commemorate the Battle of Toro and it is one of the temples that constitute one of the best examples of Gothic-Spanish-Flemish style; it was made by Juan Guas.

The cloister has two floors and it is a wonder full of sculptures, windows, and a plateresque style cupola that is divided in big sashes and flowers carved in stone; the mudejar crafts carved in larch wood have beautiful lions that surround it. You can access the upper cloister through an iron staircase made in Spanish style.

It has one nave and chapels between the buttresses. The transept does not stand out in the floor. It presents a dome tower of polygonal floor. It depicts heraldic and epigraphic motifs. In the interior of the monastery you can visit the patio of San Juan de los Reyes and find there a refuge far from the city’s noise.

The visit hours in winter from the 1st of October to the 31st of March are from 10:00 to 18:00.
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A Monastery With Little Details

The monastery of San Juan de los Reyes was built by the Catholic Kings to commemorate the Battle of Toro (1476). It is one of the most valuable examples of Isabelline-Gothic style in Spain.

It was built for the Franciscan order by the architect Juan Guas. In the temple’s façade we can see symbols of the Catholic Kings as well as de eagle of San Juan and heraldic decorations.

The inside’s perimeter is covered with a strip of commemorative text, something very common in Arab art, so we can consider it an adaptation of Christian architecture. The cloister is considered to be one of the Spanish jewels representing the transition from gothic to renaissance.

Even though you have to pay an entrance fee to go in, it is worth it since it is one of the most beautiful constructions in Toledo. A curious fact: in the exterior’s façade the queen ordered the hanging of the chains of the Christian slaves that were liberated in Granada. You can still see them hanging there. Moreover, next to the monastery you have a viewpoint with great views of the river and the new part of Toledo. You have to observe the small details; the monastery is full of them…
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One of the most spectacular monuments of Toledo

Uno de los monumentos más espectaculares de Toledo

Para mí, el Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes es uno de los monumentos más espectaculares de Toledo, una ciudad que no falta de grandes monumentos históricos. Fue construido a finales del siglo XV por Fernando e Isabel y destaca, en mi opinión, sobre todo por su impresionante claustro. El claustro inferior tiene bóvedas góticas de crucería y un jardín precioso con un pozo, naranjos, y pinos. Cuando subes al claustro superior, encuentras un gran techo mudéjar adornado con los escudos de los Reyes Católicos y, si te fijas bien, de granadas representando su reconquista de la ciudad andaluza. Lo que más me gusta de rincones como el Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes es la sensación de paz y tranquilidad que transmiten y la riqueza de detalle. Desde las gárgolas en el claustro (no hay dos iguales) a los detalles del techo mudéjar, las pinturas en la iglesia y las vistas del jardín; podrías pasar horas ahí y seguir descubriendo cosas nuevas. Da igual si vas a Toledo para un fin de semana entero o solo un día, no te puedes ir sin visitar San Juan de los Reyes.
For me, the Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes is one of the most spectacular monuments of Toledo, a city that lack of great historical monuments. It was built in the late fifteenth century by Ferdinand and Isabella and highlights, in my opinion, especially for its impressive cloister. The lower cloister is Gothic vaults and a beautiful garden with a well, orange trees and pines. When you climb to the upper cloister, you find a great Moorish ceiling decorated with shields of the Catholic Monarchs and if you look closely, grenades representing his reconquest of the Andalusian city. What I like most about places like the Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes is the sense of peace and tranquility that emit and wealth of detail. Among the gargoyles in the cloister (no two alike), the details of the Mudejar ceiling paintings in the church, and views of the garden, you could spend hours there and keep discovering new things. It does not matter if you go to Toledo for the whole weekend or just one day, you can not go without visiting San Juan de los Reyes.
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Christian monastery

Monasterio cristiano

Todo el edificio es un claro exponente de lo que ha venido en llamarse Gótico Isabelino; variación española del gótico tardío caracterizado por su rica decoración. Particularidad del mismo lo constituye el cordón franciscano realizado en piedra labrada que recorre toda la fachada y que de esta manera se expresa la orden religiosa que desde el principio la habita. La fachada principal está "decorada" por una serie de cadenas que un día llevaron cristianos cautivos antes de ser liberados por Fernando el Católico en la toma de Málaga y Baeza. Las obras para su construcción se iniciaron en el año 1476 iniciandose por el arquitecto Juan Guas y el escultor Egas Cueman.Las obras duraron 19 años, poco tiempo para la envergadura del monasterio. Hay que destacar la riqueza iconográfica el simbolismo y la finura del tallado de Egas, así como el crucero en que la sabia disposición de las vidrieras colaboran a realzar la belleza de las formas. En el claustro de dos plantas podrás perderte en mil y un detalles que tu amor a la belleza te hara observar. Hay muchas leyendas en torno a este edificio y yo, si tuvieramos tiempo, amigo viajero, con gusto te contaría ésta y mil historias o..... leyendas de Toledo. Sigue tu camino, amigo, y pierdete, callejea ensimismado, sin orden, sin plano, tomando una cerveza en cualquiera de los muchos rincones en el que hayas caído rendido en esta hermosa y enigmática ciudad de Toledo
The whole building is a clear example of what has been called Elizabethan Gothic, late Gothic Spanish variation characterized by its rich decoration. Special feature is the same as the Franciscan cord made of carved stone that runs along the front and thus expresses the religious order that from the beginning the dwelling. The main facade is "decorated" by a series of strings that one day Christian captives taken before being released by Ferdinand in making Malaga and Baeza. The works for construction started in 1476 by the architect Juan starting Guas and sculptor Egas Cueman.Las work lasted 19 years, little time for reaching the monastery. Of note is the rich iconography and symbolism of Egas fine carving and cruising on the wise disposition of the windows collaborate to enhance the beauty of form. In the two-storey cloister you can lose yourself in a thousand and one details that your love will make you see the beauty. There are many legends about this building and I, if we had time, fellow traveler with taste and it would tell you a thousand stories or ..... Toledo legends. Go your way, friend, and lose, pensive loitering, no order, no plan, having a beer at any of the many places in which you have fallen rendered in this beautiful and enigmatic city of Toledo
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Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes

Monastère de San Juan de los Reyes

La monastère de San Juan de los Reyes est l'un des plus beaux monuments de la ville. Commandé par les Rois Catholique, Isabelle de Castille et Ferdinand d'Aragon, pour célébrer la victoire de leurs troupes en terre portugaise, lors de la Batalla del Toro en 1476, le monastère devait initialement servir de Panthéon pour les Rois. Le bâtiment ne présente qu'une seule nef et offre un très joli petit jardin intérieur, dans le splendide cloître. Partout dans le monastère, sur la façade principale et à l'intérieur on retrouve des gravure en l'hommage du Roi et de la Reine, mélangeant savamment les chrétiens, musulmans et "mudejar". Le monastère est donc un bâtiment splendide, à inclure dans le parcours des monuments phares de la ville médiévale. Visite incluse dans le Pass Touristique
The monastery of San Juan de los Reyes is one of the most beautiful monuments of the city. Commissioned by the Catholic Monarchs, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, to celebrate the victory of their troops in Portuguese land at the Batalla del Toro in 1476, the monastery was originally intended for the Kings Hall of Fame. The building has only one nave and offers a very nice little garden in the beautiful cloister. Everywhere in the monastery, on the main facade and inside we find engraving homage to the King and the Queen, cleverly mixing the Christians, Muslims and "Mudejar". The monastery is a magnificent building, to include in the path of the most important monuments of the medieval city. Tour included in the Tourist Pass
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The ideal restorer of a romantic

El ideal restaurador de un romántico

San Juan de los Reyes de Toledo es un templo de factura monumental cuya traza fue encargada a Juan Guas por Isabel de Castilla en el año 1477 con objeto de conmemorar la victoria en la decisiva batalla de Toro que enfrentó a las tropas castellano-aragonesas frente a las mesnadas de Alfonso V, rey de Portugal y Juana la Beltraneja en su lucha por obtener la corona de Castilla. El magnífico edificio, uno de los ejemplos más sublimes que se pueden contemplar del llamado gótico isabelino, fue ideado para cumplir las funciones de panteón real pero los avatares de la convulsa vida política en la que se vieron envueltos los católicos monarcas a finales del siglo XV dieron al traste con esta pretensión y San Juan de los Reyes fue cedido a los frailes franciscanos. La paz del monasterio se vería alterada un fatídico 19 de Diciembre de 1808 , fecha en la cual las tropas napoleónicas procedieron al saqueo indiscriminado de buena parte del edificio llevándose la peor parte los claustros del convento que quedaron prácticamente destruidos. Tiempos oscuros se ciernen sobre la península y San Juan de los Reyes conocerá durante el siglo XIX un largo período de abandono que lo sume en un estado de ruinas que a punto está de provocar la demolición del edificio. A fines del XIX la fuerte irrupción de las corrientes románticas que promueven y alientan la recuperación del calamitoso patrimonio artístico nacional impiden que San Juan de los Reyes pase a engrosar la larga lista de edificios lamentablemente perdidos y se toma conciencia de la necesidad de salvar de la ruina esta joya del arte gótico. El arquitecto encargado de llevar acabo la restauración del edificio fue Arturo Mélida cuyo ideal restaurador, muy distante de las corrientes actuales, abogaba por reconstruir con la mayor fidelidad posible aquello que había sido destruido. La imitación al ideal estilístico de Juan Guas en la intervención de Mélida es tan fiel que, de no ser porque el arquitecto fechó y firmó su obra, resultaría harto complicado diferenciar la obra nueva del original del siglo XV. Así pues, cuando contemplemos ese magnífico universo pétreo compuesto por bichos, animales grotescos y figuras humanas debemos pensar que su realización se debe a la particular manera de entender el arte de un romántico del siglo XIX para el que la distinción entre lo antiguo y lo restaurado no debía resultar patente, ni siquiera intuirse. San Juan de los Reyes es un edificio majestuoso, sobrio y delicado que merece ser visitado con detenimiento.
San Juan de los Reyes in Toledo is a temple of monumental bill whose line was entrusted to Juan Guas by Isabella of Castile in 1477 to commemorate the victory in the decisive battle of bull faced the Castilian-Aragonese troops against the retinues of Alfonso V, King of Portugal and Juana la Beltraneja in their struggle for the crown of Castile. The magnificent building, one of the most sublime examples which you can see the so-called Elizabethan Gothic, was designed to fulfill the functions of royal pantheon but the vicissitudes of the turbulent political life in which the monarchs Catholics were involved in the late fifteenth century put paid to this claim and San Juan de los Reyes was they ceded to the Franciscans. The peace of the monastery would be altered a fateful December 19, 1808, the date on which Napoleon's troops proceeded to the indiscriminate looting of much of the building taking the brunt of the convent cloisters were virtually destroyed. Dark times loom over the peninsula and San Juan de los Reyes know in the nineteenth century, a long period of neglect that plunges him into a state of ruin that is about to cause the demolition of the building. In the late nineteenth strong emergence of romantic currents that promote and encourage the recovery of the national artistic heritage calamitous prevent San Juan de los Reyes go to swell the long list of buildings unfortunately lost and become aware of the need to save the ruin this gem of Gothic art. The architect commissioned to carry out the restoration of the building was Arturo Melida whose ideal restorative, far removed from current trends, advocated reconstruct as closely as possible what had been destroyed. The ideal of stylistic imitation Juan Guas Mélida intervention is so true that, if not for the architect dated and signed his work, it would be very complicated to distinguish the new work of original fifteenth century. So, when we contemplate this magnificent stone universe composed bugs, animals and grotesque human figures must think that their realization is due to the particular way of understanding the art of romantic nineteenth century that the distinction between old and restored should not be patent even intuit. San Juan de los Reyes is a stately, sober and delicate building worth visiting carefully.
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El Monasterio ya impresiona desde su entrada, pues es la Muerte, ni más ni menos, la encargada de recibir a los visitantes. Una vez en su interior, el templo es precioso, pero sin duda la joya de la corona es su patio a dos alturas. Presidido por un naranjo y otros árboles, recorrer este patio de punta a punta es un ejercicio de relajación. Sin duda, uno de los musts de Toledo.
The monastery is impressive since entry, because Death is no more or less responsible for receiving visitors. Once inside the temple is beautiful, but definitely the jewel in the crown is your yard to two heights. Chaired by an orange tree and other trees, this courtyard walk from end to end is a relaxation exercise. Definitely one of the musts of Toledo.
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Also located in the Jewish quarter

Situado también en el barrio judío

Situado también en el barrio judío. Los Reyes Católicos lo mandaron construir para conmemorar la victoria de Toro (donde quedó decidida la sucesión del trono a favor de Isabel), el nacimiento del príncipe Juan y con la intención de que los enterraran en él. Finalmente no fue su lugar de enterramiento, ya que cuando conquistaron Granada, Isabel se enamoró de la ciudad y decidió que los sepultaran allí. Tiene forma de catafalco funerario debido a su perfil rectangular y a sus pináculos verticales. Su claustro es impresionante, y en el claustro alto además de las gárgolas podemos ver el famoso lema de los reyes “Tanto monta”. No es el único lugar donde dejaron huella los Reyes Católicos, ya que por todo el edificio podemos ver su escudo de armas: los emblemas del yugo y las flechas y sus iniciales Y (Isabel) y  F (Fernando).
Also located in the Jewish quarter. The Catholic Kings ordered it built to commemorate the victory of Toro (where the succession of the throne in favor of Isabel was decided), the birth of Prince Juan and with the intention of being buried in it. Finally it was not her place of burial, because when they conquered Granada, Isabel fell in love with the city and decided to be buried there. It has the shape of a funerary catafalque due to its rectangular profile and its vertical pinnacles. Its cloister is impressive, and in the high cloister as well as the gargoyles we can see the famous slogan of the kings "Tanto monta". It is not the only place where the Catholic Monarchs left their mark, since throughout the building we can see their coat of arms: the emblems of the yoke and the arrows and their initials Y (Isabel) and F (Fernando).
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San Juan de los Reyes and environment

San Juan de los Reyes y su entorno

Realmente es impresionante ir caminando por las calles de Toledo y encontrarse de repente con este maravilloso monumento a la grandeza de los Reyes Católicos. Ellos mandaron a construir este conjunto para conmemorar su victoria contra los portugueses y para que fuera su lugar de enterramiento, que finalmente fue en otro lugar. También es de resaltar el lugar en el que se alza, porque las puestas de sol son inmpresionantes. Si bajamos por la calle encontramos la Puerta del Cambron y el puente de San Martín.
It really is amazing to walk through the streets of Toledo and suddenly find yourself with this wonderful monument to the greatness of the Catholic Monarchs. They were sent to build this set to commemorate his victory against the Portuguese and to be his burial place, which was eventually elsewhere. Also highlight the place where it stands, because the sunsets are inmpresionantes. If we go down the road we find the Puerta del Cambron and the bridge of San Martin.
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Monastrio the Franciscan order

Monastério da ordem franciscana

O Monastério de San Juan de los Reyes é um dos lugares mais bonitos da pequena Toledo, que a propósito, está repleta de coisas magnificar para ver, visitar e fotografar. Mas o monastério me chamou atenção em particular por sua arquitetura exuberante. Sua construção foi financiada pela Rainha Isabel I de Castilha com o objetivo de utilizá-lo como mausoleo da realiza. É uma das edificações mais importantes assinada pelos reis Católicos. Além disso, o monastério é um monumento comemorativo das conquistas dos Reis Católicos e seu "mandato" (se podemos dizer assim)
The Monastrio of San Juan de los Reyes one of the most beautiful places in small Toledo, which by the way, are full of things to magnify to see, visit and photograph. But monastrio caught my attention in particular by its exuberant architecture. Its construction was financed by Queen Isabella I of Castile in order to USAGE it as mausoleum of place. one of the most important edificaes signed by Catholics kings. In addition, the monastrio a memorial of the achievements of the Kings Catholics and their "mandate" (if we may say so)
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The monastery of San Juan de Los Reyes...

Il monastero di San Juan de Los Reyes è ...

Il monastero di San Juan de Los Reyes è uno degli edifici piú imponenti e spettacolari della Toledo storica. Si trova nel quartiere ebraico, appena oltre l'ingresso al centro storico della Puerta del Cambrón, ed è in una posizione previlegiata a picco sul fiume e sul versante ovest della cittá, che gli garantisce una calda gamma di colori al tramonto. Nonostante la sua grandiositá esteriore, l'interno della chiesa è molto piú modesto di quanto ci si possa aspettare; per ritrovare la ricca e preziosa complessitá dello stile gotico bisogna visitare il chiostro, un piccolo gioiello dentro una delle chiese piú importanti di Toledo. La visita è gratuita il mercoledí.
The monastery of San Juan de Los Reyes is one of the most impressive and spectacular buildings of historic Toledo. It is located in the Jewish Quarter, just beyond the entrance to the historic Puerta del Cambron, and is emphasized to a position overlooking the river and on the west side of the city, which offers a warm range of colors at sunset. Despite its grandiosity exterior, the interior of the church is much more modest than one might expect, to rediscover the rich and precious complexity of the Gothic style should visit the cloister, a little gem in one of the most important churches of Toledo. The visit is free on Wednesdays.
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I was where so

Estuve donde soñé

Dos semanas antes de ir a Toledo soñé... que veía una iglesia exactamente igual al Monasterio San Juan de los Reyes, en su explanada había cientos de templarios, una peregrinación y la pérdida de mi llave de hierro que ocasionó tal sueño.... Realmente sentí que había vivido allí en otro Tiempo.....
Two weeks before going to Toledo dreamed ... I saw a church exactly like the Monasterio San Juan de los Reyes, had hundreds of Templars esplanade, a pilgrimage and the loss of my iron key that caused such a dream .... I really felt I had lived in another time .....
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A gem of a cloister

Una joya de claustro

Obviando la Catedral, este monasterio fue el edificio que más me impresionó en mi visita a Toledo. Especialmente el cuidado claustro, lleno de esculturas y detalles. Fue concebido como un panteón real para los reyes Católicos, aunque finalmente no fueron enterrados ahí.
Ignoring the Cathedral, the monastery was the building that impressed me on my visit to Toledo. Especially careful cloister full of sculptures and details. It was conceived as a royal mausoleum for Catholic kings, but ultimately were not buried there.
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The convent belonging to the Franciscan Order

El convento perteneciente a la Orden Franciscana

Fue construido por Juan Guas en 1476 bajo el patrocinio de la reina Isabel I de Castilla. Pose una sola nave y un claustro. Pues visitarlo por 3€ (aprox) o por la compra de la pulsera turista, con la que puedes visitar 7 monumentos al precio de 9€.
The convent belonging to the Franciscan Order, which was built by Juan Guas in 1476 under the patronage of Queen Isabella I of Castile. Pose a single nave and a cloister. Then visit it for € 3 (approx) or for the purchase of the tourist bracelet, with which you can visit 7 monuments at the price of € 9.
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Después del Alcazar y la Catedral, el Monasterio de San Juan de los reyes es la edificación mas bonita y espectacular de Toledo. El patio interior es espectacular, hay unas 3 capillas, los suelos y bóvedas son preciosos, los arcos también, las torres son grandiosas.
After the Alcazar and the Cathedral, the Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes is the most beautiful and spectacular buildings of Toledo. The inner courtyard is spectacular, there are three chapels, floors and ceilings are beautiful, the arcs also, the towers are great.
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