Saint Remeze
Saint Remeze is a town of about 1000 inhabitants, in the Ardeche region. It is a rural region of southern France, and if Saint Remeze is a tourist town it is because it is a natural park 15 kilometers from the gorges of Ardeche River. You can stay in the village, which has many nice places. The town has a small church, a castle, and also a museum about the culture of lavender. At the museum, you can buy lavender-based products such as perfumes and pouches to put in the closet so your clothes have a nice lavender scent. There are no supermarkets, but you can find a bakery and a post office. Furthermore, you can find multiple opportunities for walking and cycling.
It's a good atmosphere where they grow grapes and lavender and fruit trees. And be sure to take in the beautiful landscapes.
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