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Ruta Chisinau-Odesa


2 reviews of Ruta Chisinau-Odesa

If traveling to the capital of Moldova...

If traveling to the capital of Moldova feels in many ways like a time travel, going deeper into the country this feeling is multiplied. Road traffic is greatly reduced but just as chaotic, and the road surface allows travelers to feel each of the bumps and potholes scattered across it. The concept of "Bus Stop" is completely unknown. Stops at crossroads if the minibus has a spare seat or not even that, if the trip is short. The driver´s bonus I presume. Small villages break up the monotonous, hilly landscape. The further south you go the flatter it becomes. Undoubtedly, a unique experience.

Spending a day or two is worth it

Passare li una giornata o due vale la pena

tiraspol capitale dello stato di transistria,non riconosciuto dalla comunitâ internazionale, perché andarlo a vedere?Prima di tutto bisogna sfatare il detto che è pericoloso o problematico passare il confine nulla di tutto questo.L atmosfera che si incontra è surreale sembra di passare la porta del tempo tornando veramente ai tempi del ex unione sovietica con le statue e i palazzoni caratteristici e i suoi parchi.Passare li una giornata o due vale la pena
tiraspol capital of the state of transistria, not recognized by the international community, why go and see it? First of all, it is necessary to dispel the saying that it is dangerous or problematic to cross the border, none of this. of the time actually returning to the times of the ex soviet union with the characteristic statues and buildings and its parks. To spend a day or two there is worth
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