Ruins of a castle from the 15th century
Miranda Castle is on a hill at the beginning of the heart of town, and the hotel has views of the the Douro river basin as well as Fresno. It was constructed in the late 13th century by King Dinis, and was expanded in the 15th by the revolution of gunpowder. Now only its ruins can be seen as it was razed in the year 1762 when the city was captured by the troops of Charles III of Spain, during the Seven Years War. It is rectangular and was flanked by 4 towers at the corners, the Keep being the biggest. In the middle of the courtyard is the well, which the bottom can be reached by with 46 spiral stairs to get water.
Until the Episcopal Palace was constructed in the mid-16th cntury, this castle was the residence of the bishops. It is now a National Monument and the zone is surrounded by gardens. There are still ruins of walls and entrances to the city, for example a tower and the Barbican.
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