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Route: Marcos and Cordero Springs; Los Tiles Forest

18 contributors

13 reviews of Route: Marcos and Cordero Springs; Los Tiles Forest

Path along old water canals

The Nacientes de Marcos y Cordero Path is a descending path that goes along the old canals that provided water to the island and the gully/ravine for the Tiles forest to the North of the Island.

To begin the route, go to the information center that´s located at the end of the road, just before the town of San Andrés and Sauces (if you´re coming from Santa Cruz). There, they´ll inform you about where to find the 4x4 taxi that will take you to the highest peak, which is where you´ll start the hike (the taxi cost us about 15€ per person). The best time to catch the taxi is at 9 in the morning. No one gets up early on this island and you´ll be among the first, meaning you won´t have to wait for anything.

The descent takes about five hours. It´s essential you wear hiking boots, a windbreaker and bring a flashlight! We went inside the canal tunnels where there´s no natural light and everything is wet.

Once we advanced past the canal area, we went through a gully (we went jumping over the rocks like mountain goats because there´s isn´t a carved out path) and then arrived at the path that goes along Tiles forest. There we found the amazing prehistoric ferns that still grow on this part of the island.
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An incredible hiking experience


One of the best paths on the island. It´s a highly recommended and very fun route due to the variety of views and plant life you´ll find along the way. You´ll go through tunnels, waterfalls, river beds, the Tilos forest, laurel forests, pine woods, all with incredible views.

We´ve also done hiking in the jungles of Venezuela and Malasia and what we found here was just as good, if not better!

Water route in the beautiful island, La Palma

Ruta del agua en la isla bonita, La Palma

Esta es una de las rutas más frecuentadas de la isla de La Palma. La espectacularidad del paisaje, la pequeña y divertida emoción de los túneles, la visión del agua y de los nacientes, así como el incomparable marco en que se desenvuelve el sendero, son los principales méritos de esta atractiva ruta. El agua es el elemento más presente en este sendero, y esta agua ha sido una de las claves en el devenir histórico de la comarca.
This is one of the busiest in the island of La Palma. The spectacular scenery, fun little thrill of the tunnels, the vision of water and springs, as well as the beautiful setting in the path unfolds, are the main merits of this attractive route. Water is the element present in this path, and this water has been one of the keys in the historical development of the region.
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An essential place to visit and enjoy

Lugar imprescindible de visitar y disfrutar

Increíble lugar donde te hacen sentir como si estuvieras en un bosque prehistórico con sus helechos gigantes, sus cascadas de agua natural y todo ese entorno que llevan a la inspiración y a la tranquilidad en armonía con la naturaleza.
Incredible place where you feel like you are in a prehistoric forest with giant ferns, waterfalls and natural water all that environment that lead to inspiration and tranquility in harmony with nature, an essential place to visit and enjoy.
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Path of the nascent

Sendero de los nacientes

En el municipio de San Andrés y Sauces se encuentran los nacientes de agua de Marcos y Cordero. Toda una experiencia para grandes y pequeños atravesando túneles y siempre acompañados por el sonido del agua.
In the municipality of San Andrés y Sauces are the headwaters of Marcos y Cordero. Quite an experience for young and going through tunnels and always accompanied by the sound of water.
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Bed Los Nacientes: Marcos

Casa Rural Los Nacientes: Marcos

Fantástica ruta 12,5 km pasas 12 túneles y ves el nacimiento de dos ríos. Está en el bosque de tilos en la palma. Terminas en un bosque tan cerrado que apenas entra la luz de lo frondoso que es.
Fantstica 12.5 km route raisins 12 tunnels and see the birth of two rivers. Est lime trees in the forest of palm. You end up in such a closed forest that barely enters the green light it is.
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Natural song that emerges from the ground

Canto natural que emerge de la tierra

Canto natural que emerge de la tierra
Natural song that emerges from the ground
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Needless water is potable throughout...

No hace falta agua, el agua es potable...

No hace falta agua, el agua es potable a lo largo de todo el trayecto. LLevar linternas, comida y ropa adecuada para mojarse y caminar. NO cojan los taxis son una verdadera estafa, cobran 15 euros por persona independientemente la gente que vaya. Sale mucho más rentable alquilar un coche 4x4 y subir y bajar por el mismo sitio si desean hacer la ruta corta. Decir también que el camino no esta tan malo puede subir cualquier coche un poquito alto como una renault, furgoneta trasnporter, o turismo un poquitín más alto, los taxis que suben no son 4x4
Needless water is potable throughout the whole journey. Carry flashlights, food and clothing to get wet and walking. NO catch taxis are a real scam, they charge 15 euros per person regardless people to go. Comes much more profitable to rent a 4x4 car and go up and down in the same place if they want to do the short route. Also say that the road is not so bad any car can climb a little higher as a Renault van trasnporter, or sightseeing a little bit higher, climbing taxis are 4x4
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Pure nature

Naturaleza pura.

Naturaleza pura.
Pure nature
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It"s a bit long but it"s very worth it

Es un poco larga pero merece mucho la pena

Sin duda una de las rutas más bonitas que he visto, impresionantes túneles y vistas. Se lo recomiendo a los visitantes aventureros.
Without doubt one of the most beautiful routes that I have seen, impressive tunnels and views I recommend it to the adventurous visitors. It"s a bit long but it"s very worth it
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Very special place

Lugar muy especial.

Entrar en contacto con la maravillosa laurisilva de la isla de La Palma en el bosque de los Tilos.
Very special place to get in touch with the wonderful laurisilva of the island of La Palma in the forest of Los Tilos
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Do not miss it

No te lo pierdas

No te lo pierdas.. Es más larga pero mucho más bonita que la ruta del mirador.
Do not miss it .. It is longer but much prettier than the route of the viewpoint.
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Information about Route: Marcos and Cordero Springs; Los Tiles Forest