Golden eagles and falcons
This place is truly beautiful. The deep canyon, the steep cliffs, hides a spectacular labyrinth of caves on the side. Some of them are sinkholes. The area is shaded by juniper trees and inhabited by griffin vultures, golden eagles and falcons.
The majority of the paths that go through the park run next to clear waters of the Lobos river, dotted with water litties. Within the park, you'll find the Romanesque Saint Bartholomew chapel that was made in the 12th century. It is a nook filled with magic. It was one of the most important enclaves to the templar nights.
In addition to
Hiking trails and nature, you're interested in eating great dishes, make sure to visit Vinuesa, Molinos del Duero, El Burgo de Osma, and the town of Calatañazor.
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