The Ringhotel Schloss Tremsbuettel
The Ringhotel Schloss Tremsbuettel hotel is in the region of Tremsbuttel - Schleswig-Holstein in Germany. This hotel has 48 fully equipped rooms with a/c, bathroom with shower and toiletries, direct dial telephone, wireless Internet, safe, mini bar, complimentary bottled water, laundry and maid service. The restaurant offers cuisine that combines classic cuisine with SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE AND CREATIVITY. Among the services available at the hotel is a sauna, jacuzzi, beauty sector, a conference room for tourists interested in business and free parking for guests.
The Ringhotel Schloss Tremsbuettel hotel is in the Tremsbuttel - Schleswig-Holstein region in Germany.
This hotel has 48 rooms fully equipped with air conditioning, shower, bide and toiletries, telephone, wifi, safe, mini bar, complimentary bottled water, laundry and maid. The cuisine the restaurant offers in this wonderful hotel combines classic cuisine WITH SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE AND CREATIVITY. Among the services available at the hotel is in sauna, jacuzzi, beauty sector, a conference room for tourists interested in business and free parking for guests.
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