Maureen Pies
This CAI Rifugio in the heart of...
This CAI Rifugio in the heart of Valtrompia is extremely popular with ski alpinists. It is 45 minutes away from the car park in Pezzoro up a steep forestry track. Continuing past the Rifugio the summit of Monte Guglielmo can be reached in a further 2 hours. This a total climb of 1000m and takes a fair amount of determination.
On the top of Monte Guglielmo (1957) is one of 20 statues to the Redeemer built on the tops of Italian mountains by Pope Leo to celebrate the Catholic jubilee in 1900.
The Rifugio offers home cooked food at a reasonable price. The kitchen closes at 2:30pm but sandwiches can be bought from the bar.
They also sell an excellent wild strawberry liquor.
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