Restaurante Ave del Paraiso
When you're in the middle of a huge nature park, 1200 meters high, and have just been on a road with a downward slope of 30% via a Cuban rental car after a day of traveling and visiting places, your appetite wets itself in an inexplicable way. So when you get to a restaurant where they have a very limited menu of dishes, and all you need is to eat and recuperate, you just fill the stomach. Fortunately the Cubans know how to do more with less, so the dishes we ordered were simple but tasty, and we enjoyed them like meats prepared in a most luxurious restaurant. The-choice, that is, was based on a beet salad and peppers, spaghetti with tomato sauce and a steak stuffed with ham and cheese and then fried reobozado and accompanied by all frost Bucanero beers.