eXplorador Escocés
A house hunting
While many define it as the palace, this building (the only thing left standing) is not the palace, it is the hunting lodge of the Dukes of Hamilton and is on the other side of the palace by the hunting ground. That's why this building has no beds, only rooms and apartments designed for lounging, dining and entertaining. Its construction dates to 1734. The Palace of the Dukes was demolished in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, due to its poor condition and was never rebuilt. Access to the interior is free and offers stunning views over the gardens. Its preservation is excellent but when you leave you get slightly dizzy.
This is due to a fault in its construction that makes the ground are straight but each have different inclinations, which can be seen if you look closely at the outer structure (I realized that it was almost impossible take a straight photo, even with tripod). Currently it contains Chatelherault Natural Park visitor center (with cafe and shops), which contributes to its maintenance and upkeep. Of course there is a noble ghost included, which is not to the favor to the employees who close the doors and turn off the lights at night.
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