Ana Mellinas
Refugee Camps in Tindouf (Algeria)
At Easter 2008, after months of hard work collecting clothes, medicines and various staples, organizing concerts and various fundraising events we went with all our enthusiasm and desire to refugee camps in Tindouf, in Western Sahara. We found a desolate desert, where the people had had their land and identity stolen from them. They were left with nothing but their big smiles, generosity, and the desire and efforts to one day recover what was taken from them. This is their identity, their land and hope. Helping them was an unforgettable eight days, which we will always hold in our minds and hearts.
We took humanitarian aid money to restore the kitchen of a center for the blind, gave Spanish classes and more. We did a lot. They had nothing but gave us smiles, love, friendship, and lessons in humanity which is something that money can never buy.
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