Jeff Schmerker
Missed turn yields a hidden lake
Somehow we’d missed Rainy Lake, even though I’d driven by it dozens of times headed north into the Swan or south into the Seeley. But one day, while biking the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route and looking for our starting point, I missed the road and pulled into the next driveway to make a U-turn. There, half hidden by the foliage, was the sign for Rainy Lake. Cooper and I came back the next week with Laura out of town. The lake has a campground with just five spots – four of which you have to walk into. The lake itself is small – maybe a mile across, but with mountains rising steeply from two sides and a lot of wild forest on the other two sides.
Since then we've been back to swim, kayak, and just sit on the beach soaking up the short warmth of a Montana summer.
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