Clara Aramburo
The place that brought me peace
This place, on Itaúna beach, was my place of meditation during my exchange year in Brazil. The sunsets were beautiful and made me feel that life is extraordinary. One day, I'd had a very bad day, in the beginning of my exchange when I'd not yet mastered the language and I couldn't communicate well with people. I felt very frustrated and after going to school I ran to the beach to this special place, it was a sweet medicine for my soul. I sat on the beach and the waves reflected my emotions, strong and threatening. There was no one on the beach just me and my feelings. For some reason I wanted to mourn but I couldn't cry.
My emotions were tangled. Angry, I looked to the sky and shouted "get rid of this knot, this pain that I can not mourn". I felt silly talking to myself and was thankful that I was alone. Then I heard someone approaching from behind and when I turned to look, it was a stray dog that was coming towards me unafraid. Seeking shade from the strong sunlight it lay down beside me resting its head on my leg. I wanted to move away but couldn't, and seeing it was harmless I let it stay. I looked to the sea again and then the dog lying next to me. Then the words started coming out of my mouth, I told the dog why I was angry and sad, the tears began to run non-stop from my eyes, taking away all the pain that was inside me. After this time of mourning and talking without stopping the dog stood up, looked me in the eyes and started to walk the other way. I felt relieved that I had a friend who I told my sorrows to, I looked back towards the sky and said "thank you". This is my favorite place in the world.
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