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Portobello Restaurant

12:00 - 15:00 - 19:00 - 23:00
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00 - 19:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00 - 19:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00 - 19:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00 - 19:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00 - 19:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00 - 19:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00 - 19:00 - 23:00
258 951 949
258 951 949
Phone number

6 reviews of Portobello Restaurant

A Place to Return To

If you go to this village in the north you really should go through the second place, which has the right people, there's a way to get to this delicious restaurant. The excellent treatment, always aware that you do not miss anything and if you like what you have. That's twice I've gone to this place and hope to return. First we ate cod in our house that was very rich and more recently came back and devour a succulent "Parrilhada of Peixe" was exquisite. Tell them leftover ration and that we are dining. The prices were about what you would expect for the quality of the food that was served.

Of the best restaurants in northern Portugal

De los mejores restaurantes del norte luso

El restaurante Portobello, uno de mis favoritos, y como tal voy con frecuencia a desgustar sus platos, sobre todo a la hora de llevar familia o amistades para que conozcan este estupendo y acogedor restaurante. Portobello ofrece a sus clientes cocina regional, pescado fresco, carnes y también pizzas variadas. Está regentado por una familia brasileña y algunos de sus empleados también son de allí, más concretamente de Fortaleza y Sao Paolo. Portobello se encuentra situado enfrente de la oficina de Turismo en el paseo de la bonita playa de Ancora con unas vistas excepcionales, así que recomiendo reservar dada la clientela que tiene en los fines de semana. Recomiendo probar el bacalao a "Portobello", también hay lugar para las carnes, como la picaña, un plato muy completo acompañado con arroz blanco, patata frita, habas negras (feixon) y farofa. También está buenisima la "espetada de carne" como la de la foto, acompañada también de patata frita y ensalada. Y si no eres muy amigo de la carne, recomiendo la "espetada de lulas" acompañada de ensalada y patata cocida. Como podeis ver hay un gran abanico de posibilidades gastronómicas y en cuanto a los postres, la elección es difícil por la variedad que tienen sobre todo en mousse y tartas porque te acercan a la mesa un buen muestrario de ellos y aquí la vista juega un papel importante.
The restaurant Portobello, one of my favorites, and as such will often desgustar dishes, especially in bringing family or friends to know this wonderful, cozy restaurant. Portobello offers its customers regional cuisine, fresh fish, meats and pizzas varied. It is run by a Brazilian family and some of his employees are also there, more specifically Fortaleza and Sao Paolo. Portobello is located opposite the tourist office on the promenade of the beautiful beach of Ancora with views exceptional, so we recommend booking given the clientele it has on weekends. I recommend trying the cod "Portobello" also no place for meats such as picaña, a bowl comprehensive served with white rice, potatoes fried beans black (feixon) and farofa. Also buenisima the "espetada meat" as the photo, also accompanied by fried potatoes and salad. And if you"re very fond of meat, I recommend the "espetada of cells" with salad and baked potato. As you can see there is a wide range of possibilities dining and as for the desserts, the choice is difficult because of the variety they have especially mousse and cakes because you come to the table a good sampling of them and here the view plays a role important.
See original



Encontrei este como o único meio de poder expressar a minha tremenda satisfação por ter encontrado este restaurante. Quando as pessoas se preocupam com o bem estar dos clientes, é meio caminho andado para a satisfação dos mesmos, e, na minha opinião, o restaurante Portobello é o melhor neste aspeto. Mas o melhor de tudo nem é isso, mas sim uma das funcionárias que lá trabalha. Tanto, que obriguei os meus pais a ir jantar lá duas vezes em dois dias. Mesmo quando lá chegamos e vimos o restaurante cheio, preferimos esperar, tudo por influência desta tal funcionária em mim :D Espero muito sinceramente que os responsáveis do restaurante vejam este comentário, visto não ser possível fazê-los na página oficial. E mais sinceramente, espero que tu, a funcionária a quem me estou a referir, possas ver isto e ver se te lembras de alguém que lá tenho ido dois dias seguidos. Isto sou eu a lutar contra o facto de provavelmente nunca mais nos vermos, visto hoje ser o meu último dia em Vila Praia de Âncora... Se chegar o dia em que vires isto, ou alguém do restaurante, agradecia imenso que me fizessem chegar uma resposta, para saber se a minha reflexão foi lida por quem realmente me interessa.
I found this as the only way to express my tremendous satisfaction to have found this restaurant. When people care about the welfare of clients, is halfway to their satisfaction, and, in my opinion, the Portobello restaurant is the best in this aspect. But best of all it is not, but one of the employees who work there. So much that I forced my parents to go to dinner there twice in two days. Even when we got there and saw the restaurant filled, prefer to wait for all this influence such employee in me: D I very much hope that those in charge of the restaurant see this comment, since it is not possible to do them on the official page. And most sincerely hope that you, the employee to whom I am referring, you may see this and see if you remember someone who have gone there two days straight. This is me fight that will probably never see each other, since today is my last day in Vila Praia de Ancora ... If the day comes when you see it, or someone from the restaurant, I do greatly appreciate to get an answer to whether my reflection was read by someone who really interests me.
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We came for the opinions they saw here, and we will be delighted

Vinimos por las opiniones que vimos aquí, y nos vamos encantados

Vinimos por las opiniones que vimos aquí, y nos vamos encantados. Trato y comida perfecto. Bonitas vistas.
We came for the reviews we saw here, and we're delighted. Treatment and perfect food. Nice view.
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Portugal is reputed to eat well. This restaurant compliments the saying. Two people

Portugal tiene fama de que se come bien

En este restaurante se cumple ese dicho. Dos personas: pedimos unos Mejillones de primero y un naco (carne de ternera super tierna, creo que de la parte de arriba del lomo) a la piedra para dos. Solo decir que menos mal que se olvidaron los mejillones. No fuimos capaces de terminar la carne, que la acompañan con arroz, patatas y ensalada. Todo regado con un vino verde. Atención, servicio y precio (35€ todo) inmejorable. Mañana repetimos.
Portugal is reputed to eat well. This restaurant compliments the saying. Two people: we ordered some first mussels and one loaf (super tender veal. I think q from the top of the loin) to the stone for two. Just to say that it was less bad that the mussels were forgotten. We were not able to finish the meat, accompanied with rice, potatoes and salad. All washed down with a green wine. Attention, service and price (35 € all) unbeatable. We repeat tomorrow
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I love to repeat it for sure

Me encanta, repetiré seguro.

Me encanta, repetiré seguro.
I love to repeat it for sure
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