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7 reviews of Porch of Paradise

Good and Evil

This is definitely one of the most beautiful and significant cathedrals in Ourense. It's the Gate of Paradise, whose construction was inspired by the Portico de la Gloria on the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. It lies on the western facade of the temple, up a monumental staircase. Built in the 13th century, it consists of three large double arches profusely decorated and painted, supported by columns and statues representing prophets and apostles. There are conflicting representations between good and evil, or the blessed and the damned. The northern arch is decorated with floral motifs, the southern arc symbolizes the final judgment, with Christ the Judge and the Archangel Michael.

In the central arch, there are the 24 elders of the Revelation (a product of the 18th century renovation, showing the primitive Romanesque). The whole is flanked by two baroque altars, one dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the other to the martyr San Francisco Blanco. The middle column has the image of St. James seated an iron sword in his right hand and an open book resting on his knees.
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Pure polychrome

Policromía en estado puro

De la catedral de Ourense destaco, a mi juicio, dos joyas: - La capilla del Santo Cristo. - El pórtico del paraíso. Si vas a Ourense no dejes de acercarte a la Catedral, merece la pena. Notas: La Capilla del Santísimo Cristo busca la manera de verla abierta e iluminada (hay misas y rosarios a determinadas horas, las indican en su puerta). El pórtico del paraíso míralo con buena luz, es decir, mucho antes de que caiga la tarde pues la iluminación del mismo es muy pobre, prácticamente sólo podrás ayudarte de la luz exterior que entra por las ventanas y vidrieras. Saludos.
Ourense Cathedral I feature my view, two jewels: - The chapel of the Holy Christ. - The portico of paradise. Ourense If you're not sure to visit the Cathedral, worth it. Notes: The Chapel of the Holy of Holies Christ seeks ways to see it open and lit (no Masses and rosaries at certain times, the show at your door). The portico of paradise mralo good light, that is, long before evening falls the same as the lighting is very poor, practically only podrs help of outside light coming through the windows and glass doors. Regards.
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The portico has recovered the original polychrome.

El pórtico ha recuperado la policromía original.

Despues de meses cubierto por los andamios el Portico del Paraiso de la Catedral de Ourense ha recuperado su policromía original y luce con todo detalle. Obligada visita durante una estancía en Ourense. La puerta de la fachada principal está normalmente cerrada siendo la puerta norte el punto de acceso habitual.
After months covered by scaffolding the Portico del Paraiso de la Catedral de Ourense has regained its original color and looks in detail. Must during a stay in Ourense. The main front door is normally closed north gate being the usual access point.
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It was placed in the vault of San...

Fue colocado en la bóveda de San Martín en el siglo XVI.

Las estatuas a modo de columnas reproducen a los profetas, que portan cartelas con su nombre. También a los apóstoles, estos con sus libros. El arco central conserva a los 24 ancianos del Apocalipsis, músicos portando instrumentos de la época que parecen interactuar entre sí, en animada conversación.
It was placed in the vault of San Martín in the sixteenth century. The statues in the form of columns reproduce the prophets, who carry placards with their name. Also to the apostles, these with their books. The central arch conserves the 24 elders of the Apocalypse, musicians carrying instruments of the time that seem to interact with each other, in animated conversation.
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Good condition

Buen estado de conservación

Interesante copia del Pórtico de la Gloria. Buen estado de conservación. Es la antesala a una catedral que es una auténtica joya. Conserva parte de la pigmentación original. Merece la pena contemplarlo in situ.
Interesting copy of the Portico de la Gloria. Good condition. It is the prelude to a cathedral that is an authentic jewel. It retains part of the original pigmentation. It is worth contemplating it in situ.
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It is very well preserved, there are also tourist guides

Está muy bien conservado, además existen guías turísticas.

Su historia es muy interesante, y lo que representa también. Te invito a descubrir más visitando la hermosa catedral ourensana.
It is very well preserved, there are also tourist guides. His story is very interesting, and what it represents as well. I invite you to discover more by visiting the beautiful Ourense Cathedral.
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Freshly restored

Recién restaurado

Para hacer fotos, por la tarde le da la luz.
To take pictures, afternoon gives light.
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