Sofia Santos
One of the mysteries of Regaleira
One of the mysteries of Regaleira is its "little Iniciático". It is believed that it was used in rituals of initiation. They say you can find a relationship between its 9 "floors" in the play "do Conceito Rosicrucian Cosmos". It is an underground gallery with a spiral staircase that has columns that go down to the bottom of the well. Each "floor" of the ladder is 15 degrees and each one refers to a part of Dante's Divine Comedy, the 9 circles of hell, paradise, or purgatory. At the bottom of the well is the compass made of rose marble that lies on a Templar cross where you will see the symbol of
Carvalho Monteiro (the owner of the Regaleira) , and at the same time the indication of the Rosicrucian Order.
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