eXplorador Escocés
Wild and untamed
About 7 km from Whitehaven, is the village of Saint Bees, famous for its school and especially for its beaches and cliffs. The beach is sand and pebbles and if the tide is in you can't see the sand. The place is perfectly equipped for a visit, including a children's area and a public service for dogs, which is not at all usual. In summer people bathe and spend the day here, I've been twice, in Autumn and Winter. On both occasions I was told this is something incredible, because of the violence of the waves, the icy wind and general weather conditions. Although not want to be misunderstood, I love non-tourist beaches in times when you can really appreciate the power of nature, take a walk and basically enjoy this coastal area.
Being from Cádiz I don't need a "tropical" beach (I have it in my hometown) and it makes my appreciation for these places slightly different. I know there are tastes for everyone, but iI like this very wild beach, where you walk to integrate with nature and admire the northwest coast of England, which is the wildest and perhaps not well known. Cliffs, houses on the edge of the cliffs and other elements of nature add some drama and a romantic air to the landscape, but like so many times, I think the pictures illustrate what I mean better than my words.
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