Small cove of fine sand
Pequeña cala de arena fina
No estamos en el lago del Estany, a esta playa pocos llegan porque está al final de la carretera de acceso al lago y a mano izquierda.
Es una pequeña cala de arena fina situada al norte del lago, y tras pasar la desembocadura del Júcar, unos pocos privilegiados con sus rústicas casas han sido los que durante años han tenido como privado este reducto de paz, fuera de las aglomeraciones de la playa de San Antonio o del Racó.
We are not in the lake of Estany, to this beach few arrive because it is at the end of the access road to the lake and to the left. It is a small cove of fine sand located north of the lake, and after passing the mouth of the Júcar, a privileged few with their rustic houses have been those who for years have had as private this redoubt of peace, outside the crowds of the beach of San Antonio or the Racó.
