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[{"Comment":{"id":"2349069","total_score":"33","content":"At La Casuca we bet decidedly by a careful working out of quality raw materials. Campoo specialty meats, chuletn, steak, tenderloin ... slaughter, hunting, etc. Variety of dishes, fusing traditional cuisine with new recipes and elaborations. Special menus for groups, men of the day, men weekend, Pueblo tables, tables Mar ...","title":"altsima quality home cooking","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"En el Restaurante La Casuca apostamos decididamente por una cuidada elaboraci\u00f3n de materias primas de primera calidad. Especialidad en carnes de Campoo, chulet\u00f3n, entrecot, solomillo... matanza, caza, etc.\r\n\r\nGran variedad de platos, fusionando la cocina tradicional con nuevas recetas y elaboraciones. Men\u00fas especiales para grupos, men\u00fa del d\u00eda, men\u00fa de fin de semana, tablas de Pueblo, tablas de Mar...","original_title":"Comida casera de alt\u00edsima calidad"},"User":{"id":"13","name":"El propietario","username":"propietario","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/13_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"9404425","hashcode":"dfc99baf71a5550ccc52d8cbf66a735b","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1199","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404432","hashcode":"31e21278499108f8a9a31f9b59010273","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1623","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404431","hashcode":"d34e3001475ef8b124425e8cac88e60f","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1623","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404430","hashcode":"30b02642a8220a6f72375390de8eedae","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404429","hashcode":"c30f9e7c70a000da21f26c7fdb86b039","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404428","hashcode":"0622485a889312cb54a7f2276f8a39d6","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1422","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404427","hashcode":"4dd3dd93fe92f1c0eb123929331842d5","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"960","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404426","hashcode":"d0441a4de264addc0cea48fae71e49ae","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1199","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404424","hashcode":"671dd1c17f68af3906c946e8409dc28a","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"960","o_height":"543","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404434","hashcode":"b1ca2bba898c4c72286b6cf21af50ee2","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1620","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404423","hashcode":"01aab079ba177d84eb4d6b6004bac31e","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404433","hashcode":"82659e3da8e1018119018af530cab69e","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404422","hashcode":"6d08f09552bbe5a5a042209cdc8fbb04","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"100152","total_score":"31","content":"home cooking, where you can have breakfast, eat a skewer or comer.Si going skiing or hiking in the area recommend stopping and without scrolling road 12 kilometers from Alto Campoo you would encontraras.Los owners are a call crak.Se Rafa and Nevis and you atenderan estupendamente.Si you want to taste some Iberian sausage also have from corned Leon Extremadura shoulder, with denomination of origen.Un kiss to them and to all who decides to make the restaurant the CASUCA.Detras restaurant once with a full stomach, you will find a bridge with a crystal clear river and a few rides with landscapes alucinantes.Un kiss to all.","title":"home cooking, where you can have...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2009-11-24 22:41:00","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Comida casera,donde podr\u00e1s desayunar,comerte un pincho o comer.Si vas a esquiar o de excursi\u00f3n por esa zona recomiendo parar, y sin desplazarte de la carretera a 12 kil\u00f3metros de Alto Campoo te lo encontraras.Los due\u00f1os son unos crak.Se llaman Rafa y Nieves y te atenderan estupendamente.Si quieres degustar de alg\u00fan embutido ib\u00e9rico tambi\u00e9n tienen desde cecina de Le\u00f3n a paletilla de extremadura,con denominaci\u00f3n de origen.Un beso para ellos y para todos los que os anim\u00e9is a conocer el RESTAURANTE LA CASUCA.Detras del restaurante una vez con la tripa llena,encontraras un puente con un r\u00edo de aguas cristalinas y unos paseos con paisajes alucinantes.Un beso a todos.","original_title":"Comida casera,donde podr\u00e1s ..."},"User":{"id":"80934","name":"marcelino mellado martin","username":"marcelinomelladomartin","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_2_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[{"id":"492322","hashcode":"dba707adc9546856b8f551f8988aea7b","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"492324","hashcode":"2d520de1c2c4c91ca77bad4c8dae8171","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"492325","hashcode":"41a62d2690f4a10424a7c8fa1a521c01","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"492323","hashcode":"7fa1c1ad5522fa4a9652a4f1ddaa29a5","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"2348082","total_score":"30","content":"The food is good, but the other day I went with my family (two adults and two children) to eat, we ordered two children's menus and a menu of the day, I do not ped nothing good if a acuarius as the stomach did not have it at all all right. I removed the plate and cutlery (which I see logical) and all began to eat. The first dish my husband was strong and the second I announced that I would not try it with the first he had I been sated. Pidi the second and covered my husband com a little. By submitting the bill we They wanted to charge a supplement of 50% of a menu of the day, appearing on the account the price of an \"extra men\" which cost 16 euros instead of 24 euros (8 euros higher). We asked and told us that the costs were not the same if the men eats a person if shared with a second person (with the same cutlery), which Tenan to scrub ms (lie because I use covered my husband) and the service had been doubled. We warrant that at no time habamos asked to share the dish, or as we covered Haban older. However they wanted to abuse us and called us \"snouts\" to intimidate. We asked the book of complaints and we assure that we were going to pay for only what is consumed and the services offered. We seemed abuse, in addition to a lack of education when calling \"snouts\" to its customers. It is that if you eat of men are doing you a favor, so do not ever get out to take a fried potato dish your partner, because there may be cameras grabndote and charge you an additional fee of 50%. But no, obviously there is no law that says men is not transferable.","title":"Restaurant La Casuca","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-02-29 09:17:39","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"La comida est\u00e1 bien, pero el otro d\u00eda fui con mi familia (dos adultos y dos ni\u00f1os) a comer, pedimos dos men\u00fas infantiles y un men\u00fa del d\u00eda, yo no ped\u00ed nada, bueno si un acuarius pues el estomago no le ten\u00eda del todo bien. Me retiraron el plato y los cubiertos (lo cual veo l\u00f3gico) y todos se pusieron a comer. El primer plato de mi marido era contundente y el segundo me anuncio que no lo iba a probar pues con el primero se hab\u00eda quedado saciado. Pidi\u00f3 el segundo y con los cubiertos de mi marido com\u00ed un poco. Al entregarnos la cuenta nos quer\u00edan cobrar un suplemento del 50 % del precio de un men\u00fa del d\u00eda, figurando en la cuenta el precio de un \"men\u00fa extra\" que costaba en lugar de 16 euros, 24 euros (8 euros a mayores). Preguntamos y nos dijo que los costes no eran los mismos si el men\u00fa lo come una persona que si se comparte con una segunda persona (con los mismos cubiertos), que ten\u00edan que fregar m\u00e1s (mentira pues yo use el cubierto de mi marido) y el servicio hab\u00eda sido el doble. Nosotros justificamos que en ning\u00fan momento hab\u00edamos pedido compartir el plato, ni nos hab\u00edan puesto cubiertos a mayores. No obstante quisieron abusar de nosotros y nos llamaron \"jetas\", para intimidar. Pedimos el libro de reclamaciones y les aseguramos que solo \u00edbamos a pagar por lo consumido y los servicios ofrecidos. Nos pareci\u00f3 un abuso, adem\u00e1s de una falta de educaci\u00f3n al llamar \"jetas\" a sus clientes. Se ve que si comes de men\u00fa te est\u00e1n haciendo un favor, as\u00ed que ni se te ocurra sacar la mano para coger una patata frita del plato de tu pareja, porque puede que haya c\u00e1maras grab\u00e1ndote y te cobren un suplemento del 50%. Pero no, obviamente no existe ninguna ley que diga que el men\u00fa es personal e intransferible.","original_title":"Restaurante La Casuca"},"User":{"id":"6516636","name":"Berta","username":"berta553","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_5_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6478028","total_score":"17","content":"The menu is homemade but not too good, we ordered octopus with chickpeas (pretty tasteless) paella (a lot of coloring past rice and dried prawns), and second lamb (this if it was good) homemade dessert but not for rocketing. For great parking, it is one of the few that catch you from transit passage from one place to another.","title":"The menu is homemade but not too good,...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2017-07-23 15:21:43","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Pedimos pulpo con garbanzos (bastante ins\u00edpido) paella (mucho colorante arroz pasado y gambas secas), y cordero de segundo (este si estaba bueno) el postre casero pero no para tirar cohetes. Para aparcar genial, es de los pocos que te pillan de paso de tr\u00e1nsito de un sitio a otro.","original_title":"El men\u00fa es casero pero no demasiado bueno"},"User":{"id":"842401","name":"Makina_baja","username":"makinabaja","has_avatar":"4","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/842401_80x80_4.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"10452688","hashcode":"9525913af36598737d309a76d89ec8e1","post_time":"2017-07-23 15:32:23","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"},{"Comment":{"id":"2358639","total_score":"2","content":"Ste restaurant in superb quality home cooked food is eaten. The fish soup is riqusima. The menu of beef chuletn is super recommended. The exquisite, their dueos, know what they do and do it with passion.","title":"superb quality home cooking","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-05-19 12:49:00","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"En \u00e9ste Restaurante se come comida casera de inmejorable calidad.\r\nLa sopa de pescado est\u00e1 riqu\u00edsima.\r\n\r\nEl men\u00fa del chulet\u00f3n de ternera es super recomendable.\r\nEl trato exquisito, sus due\u00f1os, saben lo que hacen y lo hacen\r\ncon pasi\u00f3n.","original_title":"Comida casera de inmejorable calidad"},"User":{"id":"6639461","name":"Mireya Diaz Gutierrez","username":"mireyadiazgutierrez","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_3_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6728213","total_score":"0","content":"Cuidado si pides algo de picar en la terraza y te sacan una bolsa con cuatro cachos de pan sin pedirlo, luego te lo cobran pero que bien cobrado \"que forma tan cutre de sacar cuatro perras mas\"","title":"Muy cutre.","hidden":0,"post_time":"2024-07-11 22:51:19","lang_flag":"es","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"9279088","name":"Carlos Fernandez","username":"carlosfernandez866","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/9279088_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":"5"}]
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Pizzeria La Mutanda

[{"Comment":{"id":"2349069","total_score":"33","content":"At La Casuca we bet decidedly by a careful working out of quality raw materials. Campoo specialty meats, chuletn, steak, tenderloin ... slaughter, hunting, etc. Variety of dishes, fusing traditional cuisine with new recipes and elaborations. Special menus for groups, men of the day, men weekend, Pueblo tables, tables Mar ...","title":"altsima quality home cooking","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"En el Restaurante La Casuca apostamos decididamente por una cuidada elaboraci\u00f3n de materias primas de primera calidad. Especialidad en carnes de Campoo, chulet\u00f3n, entrecot, solomillo... matanza, caza, etc.\r\n\r\nGran variedad de platos, fusionando la cocina tradicional con nuevas recetas y elaboraciones. Men\u00fas especiales para grupos, men\u00fa del d\u00eda, men\u00fa de fin de semana, tablas de Pueblo, tablas de Mar...","original_title":"Comida casera de alt\u00edsima calidad"},"User":{"id":"13","name":"El propietario","username":"propietario","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/13_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"9404425","hashcode":"dfc99baf71a5550ccc52d8cbf66a735b","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1199","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404432","hashcode":"31e21278499108f8a9a31f9b59010273","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1623","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404431","hashcode":"d34e3001475ef8b124425e8cac88e60f","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1623","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404430","hashcode":"30b02642a8220a6f72375390de8eedae","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404429","hashcode":"c30f9e7c70a000da21f26c7fdb86b039","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404428","hashcode":"0622485a889312cb54a7f2276f8a39d6","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1422","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404427","hashcode":"4dd3dd93fe92f1c0eb123929331842d5","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"960","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404426","hashcode":"d0441a4de264addc0cea48fae71e49ae","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1199","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404424","hashcode":"671dd1c17f68af3906c946e8409dc28a","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"960","o_height":"543","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404434","hashcode":"b1ca2bba898c4c72286b6cf21af50ee2","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1620","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404423","hashcode":"01aab079ba177d84eb4d6b6004bac31e","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404433","hashcode":"82659e3da8e1018119018af530cab69e","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404422","hashcode":"6d08f09552bbe5a5a042209cdc8fbb04","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"100152","total_score":"31","content":"home cooking, where you can have breakfast, eat a skewer or comer.Si going skiing or hiking in the area recommend stopping and without scrolling road 12 kilometers from Alto Campoo you would encontraras.Los owners are a call crak.Se Rafa and Nevis and you atenderan estupendamente.Si you want to taste some Iberian sausage also have from corned Leon Extremadura shoulder, with denomination of origen.Un kiss to them and to all who decides to make the restaurant the CASUCA.Detras restaurant once with a full stomach, you will find a bridge with a crystal clear river and a few rides with landscapes alucinantes.Un kiss to all.","title":"home cooking, where you can have...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2009-11-24 22:41:00","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Comida casera,donde podr\u00e1s desayunar,comerte un pincho o comer.Si vas a esquiar o de excursi\u00f3n por esa zona recomiendo parar, y sin desplazarte de la carretera a 12 kil\u00f3metros de Alto Campoo te lo encontraras.Los due\u00f1os son unos crak.Se llaman Rafa y Nieves y te atenderan estupendamente.Si quieres degustar de alg\u00fan embutido ib\u00e9rico tambi\u00e9n tienen desde cecina de Le\u00f3n a paletilla de extremadura,con denominaci\u00f3n de origen.Un beso para ellos y para todos los que os anim\u00e9is a conocer el RESTAURANTE LA CASUCA.Detras del restaurante una vez con la tripa llena,encontraras un puente con un r\u00edo de aguas cristalinas y unos paseos con paisajes alucinantes.Un beso a todos.","original_title":"Comida casera,donde podr\u00e1s ..."},"User":{"id":"80934","name":"marcelino mellado martin","username":"marcelinomelladomartin","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_2_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[{"id":"492322","hashcode":"dba707adc9546856b8f551f8988aea7b","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"492324","hashcode":"2d520de1c2c4c91ca77bad4c8dae8171","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"492325","hashcode":"41a62d2690f4a10424a7c8fa1a521c01","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"492323","hashcode":"7fa1c1ad5522fa4a9652a4f1ddaa29a5","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"2348082","total_score":"30","content":"The food is good, but the other day I went with my family (two adults and two children) to eat, we ordered two children's menus and a menu of the day, I do not ped nothing good if a acuarius as the stomach did not have it at all all right. I removed the plate and cutlery (which I see logical) and all began to eat. The first dish my husband was strong and the second I announced that I would not try it with the first he had I been sated. Pidi the second and covered my husband com a little. By submitting the bill we They wanted to charge a supplement of 50% of a menu of the day, appearing on the account the price of an \"extra men\" which cost 16 euros instead of 24 euros (8 euros higher). We asked and told us that the costs were not the same if the men eats a person if shared with a second person (with the same cutlery), which Tenan to scrub ms (lie because I use covered my husband) and the service had been doubled. We warrant that at no time habamos asked to share the dish, or as we covered Haban older. However they wanted to abuse us and called us \"snouts\" to intimidate. We asked the book of complaints and we assure that we were going to pay for only what is consumed and the services offered. We seemed abuse, in addition to a lack of education when calling \"snouts\" to its customers. It is that if you eat of men are doing you a favor, so do not ever get out to take a fried potato dish your partner, because there may be cameras grabndote and charge you an additional fee of 50%. But no, obviously there is no law that says men is not transferable.","title":"Restaurant La Casuca","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-02-29 09:17:39","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"La comida est\u00e1 bien, pero el otro d\u00eda fui con mi familia (dos adultos y dos ni\u00f1os) a comer, pedimos dos men\u00fas infantiles y un men\u00fa del d\u00eda, yo no ped\u00ed nada, bueno si un acuarius pues el estomago no le ten\u00eda del todo bien. Me retiraron el plato y los cubiertos (lo cual veo l\u00f3gico) y todos se pusieron a comer. El primer plato de mi marido era contundente y el segundo me anuncio que no lo iba a probar pues con el primero se hab\u00eda quedado saciado. Pidi\u00f3 el segundo y con los cubiertos de mi marido com\u00ed un poco. Al entregarnos la cuenta nos quer\u00edan cobrar un suplemento del 50 % del precio de un men\u00fa del d\u00eda, figurando en la cuenta el precio de un \"men\u00fa extra\" que costaba en lugar de 16 euros, 24 euros (8 euros a mayores). Preguntamos y nos dijo que los costes no eran los mismos si el men\u00fa lo come una persona que si se comparte con una segunda persona (con los mismos cubiertos), que ten\u00edan que fregar m\u00e1s (mentira pues yo use el cubierto de mi marido) y el servicio hab\u00eda sido el doble. Nosotros justificamos que en ning\u00fan momento hab\u00edamos pedido compartir el plato, ni nos hab\u00edan puesto cubiertos a mayores. No obstante quisieron abusar de nosotros y nos llamaron \"jetas\", para intimidar. Pedimos el libro de reclamaciones y les aseguramos que solo \u00edbamos a pagar por lo consumido y los servicios ofrecidos. Nos pareci\u00f3 un abuso, adem\u00e1s de una falta de educaci\u00f3n al llamar \"jetas\" a sus clientes. Se ve que si comes de men\u00fa te est\u00e1n haciendo un favor, as\u00ed que ni se te ocurra sacar la mano para coger una patata frita del plato de tu pareja, porque puede que haya c\u00e1maras grab\u00e1ndote y te cobren un suplemento del 50%. Pero no, obviamente no existe ninguna ley que diga que el men\u00fa es personal e intransferible.","original_title":"Restaurante La Casuca"},"User":{"id":"6516636","name":"Berta","username":"berta553","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_5_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6478028","total_score":"17","content":"The menu is homemade but not too good, we ordered octopus with chickpeas (pretty tasteless) paella (a lot of coloring past rice and dried prawns), and second lamb (this if it was good) homemade dessert but not for rocketing. For great parking, it is one of the few that catch you from transit passage from one place to another.","title":"The menu is homemade but not too good,...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2017-07-23 15:21:43","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Pedimos pulpo con garbanzos (bastante ins\u00edpido) paella (mucho colorante arroz pasado y gambas secas), y cordero de segundo (este si estaba bueno) el postre casero pero no para tirar cohetes. Para aparcar genial, es de los pocos que te pillan de paso de tr\u00e1nsito de un sitio a otro.","original_title":"El men\u00fa es casero pero no demasiado bueno"},"User":{"id":"842401","name":"Makina_baja","username":"makinabaja","has_avatar":"4","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/842401_80x80_4.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"10452688","hashcode":"9525913af36598737d309a76d89ec8e1","post_time":"2017-07-23 15:32:23","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"},{"Comment":{"id":"2358639","total_score":"2","content":"Ste restaurant in superb quality home cooked food is eaten. The fish soup is riqusima. The menu of beef chuletn is super recommended. The exquisite, their dueos, know what they do and do it with passion.","title":"superb quality home cooking","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-05-19 12:49:00","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"En \u00e9ste Restaurante se come comida casera de inmejorable calidad.\r\nLa sopa de pescado est\u00e1 riqu\u00edsima.\r\n\r\nEl men\u00fa del chulet\u00f3n de ternera es super recomendable.\r\nEl trato exquisito, sus due\u00f1os, saben lo que hacen y lo hacen\r\ncon pasi\u00f3n.","original_title":"Comida casera de inmejorable calidad"},"User":{"id":"6639461","name":"Mireya Diaz Gutierrez","username":"mireyadiazgutierrez","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_3_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6728213","total_score":"0","content":"Cuidado si pides algo de picar en la terraza y te sacan una bolsa con cuatro cachos de pan sin pedirlo, luego te lo cobran pero que bien cobrado \"que forma tan cutre de sacar cuatro perras mas\"","title":"Muy cutre.","hidden":0,"post_time":"2024-07-11 22:51:19","lang_flag":"es","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"9279088","name":"Carlos Fernandez","username":"carlosfernandez866","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/9279088_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":"5"}]

1 review of Pizzeria La Mutanda

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[{"Comment":{"id":"2349069","total_score":"33","content":"At La Casuca we bet decidedly by a careful working out of quality raw materials. Campoo specialty meats, chuletn, steak, tenderloin ... slaughter, hunting, etc. Variety of dishes, fusing traditional cuisine with new recipes and elaborations. Special menus for groups, men of the day, men weekend, Pueblo tables, tables Mar ...","title":"altsima quality home cooking","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"En el Restaurante La Casuca apostamos decididamente por una cuidada elaboraci\u00f3n de materias primas de primera calidad. Especialidad en carnes de Campoo, chulet\u00f3n, entrecot, solomillo... matanza, caza, etc.\r\n\r\nGran variedad de platos, fusionando la cocina tradicional con nuevas recetas y elaboraciones. Men\u00fas especiales para grupos, men\u00fa del d\u00eda, men\u00fa de fin de semana, tablas de Pueblo, tablas de Mar...","original_title":"Comida casera de alt\u00edsima calidad"},"User":{"id":"13","name":"El propietario","username":"propietario","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/13_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"9404425","hashcode":"dfc99baf71a5550ccc52d8cbf66a735b","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1199","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404432","hashcode":"31e21278499108f8a9a31f9b59010273","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1623","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404431","hashcode":"d34e3001475ef8b124425e8cac88e60f","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1623","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404430","hashcode":"30b02642a8220a6f72375390de8eedae","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404429","hashcode":"c30f9e7c70a000da21f26c7fdb86b039","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404428","hashcode":"0622485a889312cb54a7f2276f8a39d6","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1422","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404427","hashcode":"4dd3dd93fe92f1c0eb123929331842d5","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"960","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404426","hashcode":"d0441a4de264addc0cea48fae71e49ae","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1199","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404424","hashcode":"671dd1c17f68af3906c946e8409dc28a","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"960","o_height":"543","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404434","hashcode":"b1ca2bba898c4c72286b6cf21af50ee2","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1620","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404423","hashcode":"01aab079ba177d84eb4d6b6004bac31e","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404433","hashcode":"82659e3da8e1018119018af530cab69e","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:02","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9404422","hashcode":"6d08f09552bbe5a5a042209cdc8fbb04","post_time":"2016-03-05 23:50:01","o_width":"1618","o_height":"1080","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"100152","total_score":"31","content":"home cooking, where you can have breakfast, eat a skewer or comer.Si going skiing or hiking in the area recommend stopping and without scrolling road 12 kilometers from Alto Campoo you would encontraras.Los owners are a call crak.Se Rafa and Nevis and you atenderan estupendamente.Si you want to taste some Iberian sausage also have from corned Leon Extremadura shoulder, with denomination of origen.Un kiss to them and to all who decides to make the restaurant the CASUCA.Detras restaurant once with a full stomach, you will find a bridge with a crystal clear river and a few rides with landscapes alucinantes.Un kiss to all.","title":"home cooking, where you can have...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2009-11-24 22:41:00","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Comida casera,donde podr\u00e1s desayunar,comerte un pincho o comer.Si vas a esquiar o de excursi\u00f3n por esa zona recomiendo parar, y sin desplazarte de la carretera a 12 kil\u00f3metros de Alto Campoo te lo encontraras.Los due\u00f1os son unos crak.Se llaman Rafa y Nieves y te atenderan estupendamente.Si quieres degustar de alg\u00fan embutido ib\u00e9rico tambi\u00e9n tienen desde cecina de Le\u00f3n a paletilla de extremadura,con denominaci\u00f3n de origen.Un beso para ellos y para todos los que os anim\u00e9is a conocer el RESTAURANTE LA CASUCA.Detras del restaurante una vez con la tripa llena,encontraras un puente con un r\u00edo de aguas cristalinas y unos paseos con paisajes alucinantes.Un beso a todos.","original_title":"Comida casera,donde podr\u00e1s ..."},"User":{"id":"80934","name":"marcelino mellado martin","username":"marcelinomelladomartin","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_2_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[{"id":"492322","hashcode":"dba707adc9546856b8f551f8988aea7b","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"492324","hashcode":"2d520de1c2c4c91ca77bad4c8dae8171","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"492325","hashcode":"41a62d2690f4a10424a7c8fa1a521c01","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"492323","hashcode":"7fa1c1ad5522fa4a9652a4f1ddaa29a5","post_time":"2009-11-24 22:31:31","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"2348082","total_score":"30","content":"The food is good, but the other day I went with my family (two adults and two children) to eat, we ordered two children's menus and a menu of the day, I do not ped nothing good if a acuarius as the stomach did not have it at all all right. I removed the plate and cutlery (which I see logical) and all began to eat. The first dish my husband was strong and the second I announced that I would not try it with the first he had I been sated. Pidi the second and covered my husband com a little. By submitting the bill we They wanted to charge a supplement of 50% of a menu of the day, appearing on the account the price of an \"extra men\" which cost 16 euros instead of 24 euros (8 euros higher). We asked and told us that the costs were not the same if the men eats a person if shared with a second person (with the same cutlery), which Tenan to scrub ms (lie because I use covered my husband) and the service had been doubled. We warrant that at no time habamos asked to share the dish, or as we covered Haban older. However they wanted to abuse us and called us \"snouts\" to intimidate. We asked the book of complaints and we assure that we were going to pay for only what is consumed and the services offered. We seemed abuse, in addition to a lack of education when calling \"snouts\" to its customers. It is that if you eat of men are doing you a favor, so do not ever get out to take a fried potato dish your partner, because there may be cameras grabndote and charge you an additional fee of 50%. But no, obviously there is no law that says men is not transferable.","title":"Restaurant La Casuca","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-02-29 09:17:39","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"La comida est\u00e1 bien, pero el otro d\u00eda fui con mi familia (dos adultos y dos ni\u00f1os) a comer, pedimos dos men\u00fas infantiles y un men\u00fa del d\u00eda, yo no ped\u00ed nada, bueno si un acuarius pues el estomago no le ten\u00eda del todo bien. Me retiraron el plato y los cubiertos (lo cual veo l\u00f3gico) y todos se pusieron a comer. El primer plato de mi marido era contundente y el segundo me anuncio que no lo iba a probar pues con el primero se hab\u00eda quedado saciado. Pidi\u00f3 el segundo y con los cubiertos de mi marido com\u00ed un poco. Al entregarnos la cuenta nos quer\u00edan cobrar un suplemento del 50 % del precio de un men\u00fa del d\u00eda, figurando en la cuenta el precio de un \"men\u00fa extra\" que costaba en lugar de 16 euros, 24 euros (8 euros a mayores). Preguntamos y nos dijo que los costes no eran los mismos si el men\u00fa lo come una persona que si se comparte con una segunda persona (con los mismos cubiertos), que ten\u00edan que fregar m\u00e1s (mentira pues yo use el cubierto de mi marido) y el servicio hab\u00eda sido el doble. Nosotros justificamos que en ning\u00fan momento hab\u00edamos pedido compartir el plato, ni nos hab\u00edan puesto cubiertos a mayores. No obstante quisieron abusar de nosotros y nos llamaron \"jetas\", para intimidar. Pedimos el libro de reclamaciones y les aseguramos que solo \u00edbamos a pagar por lo consumido y los servicios ofrecidos. Nos pareci\u00f3 un abuso, adem\u00e1s de una falta de educaci\u00f3n al llamar \"jetas\" a sus clientes. Se ve que si comes de men\u00fa te est\u00e1n haciendo un favor, as\u00ed que ni se te ocurra sacar la mano para coger una patata frita del plato de tu pareja, porque puede que haya c\u00e1maras grab\u00e1ndote y te cobren un suplemento del 50%. Pero no, obviamente no existe ninguna ley que diga que el men\u00fa es personal e intransferible.","original_title":"Restaurante La Casuca"},"User":{"id":"6516636","name":"Berta","username":"berta553","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_5_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6478028","total_score":"17","content":"The menu is homemade but not too good, we ordered octopus with chickpeas (pretty tasteless) paella (a lot of coloring past rice and dried prawns), and second lamb (this if it was good) homemade dessert but not for rocketing. For great parking, it is one of the few that catch you from transit passage from one place to another.","title":"The menu is homemade but not too good,...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2017-07-23 15:21:43","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Pedimos pulpo con garbanzos (bastante ins\u00edpido) paella (mucho colorante arroz pasado y gambas secas), y cordero de segundo (este si estaba bueno) el postre casero pero no para tirar cohetes. Para aparcar genial, es de los pocos que te pillan de paso de tr\u00e1nsito de un sitio a otro.","original_title":"El men\u00fa es casero pero no demasiado bueno"},"User":{"id":"842401","name":"Makina_baja","username":"makinabaja","has_avatar":"4","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/842401_80x80_4.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"10452688","hashcode":"9525913af36598737d309a76d89ec8e1","post_time":"2017-07-23 15:32:23","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"},{"Comment":{"id":"2358639","total_score":"2","content":"Ste restaurant in superb quality home cooked food is eaten. The fish soup is riqusima. The menu of beef chuletn is super recommended. The exquisite, their dueos, know what they do and do it with passion.","title":"superb quality home cooking","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-05-19 12:49:00","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"En \u00e9ste Restaurante se come comida casera de inmejorable calidad.\r\nLa sopa de pescado est\u00e1 riqu\u00edsima.\r\n\r\nEl men\u00fa del chulet\u00f3n de ternera es super recomendable.\r\nEl trato exquisito, sus due\u00f1os, saben lo que hacen y lo hacen\r\ncon pasi\u00f3n.","original_title":"Comida casera de inmejorable calidad"},"User":{"id":"6639461","name":"Mireya Diaz Gutierrez","username":"mireyadiazgutierrez","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_3_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6728213","total_score":"0","content":"Cuidado si pides algo de picar en la terraza y te sacan una bolsa con cuatro cachos de pan sin pedirlo, luego te lo cobran pero que bien cobrado \"que forma tan cutre de sacar cuatro perras mas\"","title":"Muy cutre.","hidden":0,"post_time":"2024-07-11 22:51:19","lang_flag":"es","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"9279088","name":"Carlos Fernandez","username":"carlosfernandez866","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/9279088_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":"5"}]

Information about Pizzeria La Mutanda

Links to Pizzeria La Mutanda