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10 reviews of Pitigliano

Surprising journey in Tuscany


It is situated on a volcanic mountain. There are many in the area. There are remains of Etruscan, medieval and Renaissance monuments. Spectacular arrival by road. Very quiet and cozy.

A city that emerges from the rock.

Una ciudad que emerge de la roca.

Avanzando hacia el Oeste por la Strada Statale Maremmana, SS/SR74 a unos 60 km de su inicio en la Via Aurelia, E80 al sur de la Toscana en su límite con Lazio emerge Pitigliano de la roca volcánica a 300 metros sobre el nivel del mar. La ciudad parece emerger de la roca. De orígenes etruscos, ya se habla de Pitigliano, la Pequeña Jerusalem allá por 1061. La ciudad parece emerger de la roca. De orígenes etruscos, ya se habla de Pitigliano, la Pequeña Jerusalem allá por 1061. Todo el pueblo está construido sobre una colina de "Tufo" (así se le llama a esta tierra especial que se encuentra en muchas zonas de la Toscana y Lacio) y da la impresión de que sus murallas y sus casas son la continuación de la misma colina. Desde el punto de vista histórico no cabe duda de que Pitigliano había sido ya habitada por los Etruscos (500 AC) teniendo en cuenta las numerosas grutas que los arqueólogos han encontrado en la localidad, aunque su aspecto actual es mas bien medieval. Llamada también la pequeña Jerusalén, Pitigliano es uno de los pocos pueblos de la Toscana que conserva aún un barrio Judío con su Sinagoga.
Moving west along the Strada Statale maremmana, SS/SR74 about 60 km from his home on the Via Aurelia, E80 south of Tuscany on the border with Lazio emerge Pitigliano volcanic rock 300 meters above sea level . The city seems to emerge from the rock. Etruscan origins, there is talk of Pitigliano, Little Jerusalem back in 1061. The city seems to emerge from the rock. Etruscan origins, there is talk of Pitigliano, Little Jerusalem back in 1061. The whole town is built on a hill "Tufo" (so called to this special land that is found in many areas of Tuscany and Lazio) and gives the impression that its walls and houses are a continuation of the same hill. From the historical point of view there is no doubt that Pitigliano had been inhabited by the Etruscans (500 BC) taking into account the many caves that archaeologists found in the village, although its present appearance is rather medieval. Also called Little Jerusalem, Pitigliano is one of the few towns in Tuscany that still has a Jewish quarter with its synagogue.
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Extraordinary village of the town of...

Village extraordinaire de la commune de...

Village extraordinaire de la commune de Grosseto à une centaine de kms au sud de Sienne , il se dresse au sommet d'une colline de Stuf . Vous laisserez votre voiture à l'entrée car l'etroitesse des ruelles et leur pente n'est autorisée qu'aux petites fiats 500 et encore !! Mais bon nous sommes en Italie ...... Village médiéval où les ruines romaines sont légion mais aussi au passé de ghetto Juif dont subsiste les synagogues.
Extraordinary village of the town of Grosseto in a hundred miles south of Siena, it stands atop a hill Stuf. You can leave your car at the entrance because the narrowness of the streets and their slope is allowed only small Fiats 500 and again! But hey we are in Italy ...... Medieval village where Roman ruins abound but also the past of Jewish ghetto which remains the synagogues.
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Pitigliano, wonder tuff

Pitigliano,meraviglia di tufo

16 maggio 2015,partiamo alla scoperta della selvaggia Toscana del Sud. Direzione Saturnia, per provare le famose cascatelle vulcaniche. Quel giorno però il tempo non è dei migliori,smette di piovere appena arriviamo e decidiamo di girare un pò,fino a giungere a Pitigliano. Un meraviglioso paese costruito sopra il tufo,la piccola Gerusalemme, per la grande sinagoga che ospita. Peccato che di aperitivi non siano proprio attrezzati,tuttavia,la vista è mozzafiato,soprattutto di notte!
May 16, 2015, we start to explore the wild southern Tuscany. Saturnia direction, to try the famous waterfalls volcanic. That day the weather is not the best, it stops raining soon arrive and decide to shoot a p, to arrive in Pitigliano. A wonderful country built on the tuff, the little Jerusalem, which is home to the largest synagogue. Too bad aperitifs are not quite equipped, however, the view breathtaking, especially at night!
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Pitigliano magic

Pitigliano magica

Pitigliano è un posto meraviglioso, te la trovi davanti a sorpresa dopo una curva, e ti lascia senza parole. Nei suoi vicoli il tempo sembra essersi fermato.
Pitigliano is a wonderful place, you are in front of the surprise after a curve, and leaves you speechless. In its alleys time seems to stand still.
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A village carved into the stone and in the memory of man. And 'the proof of ecological city.

Un paese scavato nel tufo e nella memoria dell'uomo. E' la dimostrazione di una città ecologica.

Quando l'uomo con pochi mezzi, con quello che la natura gli mette a disposizione, riesce a fare un gioiello di urbanistica e vivibilità, un posto dove qualsiasi angolo o scorcio è poesia e armonia, un incanto per gli occhi.
When the man with few resources, with that which nature provides, manages to make a jewel of urban and comfort, a place where any angle or insight is poetry and harmony, a delight for the eyes.
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And one of those surprises appears on an ancient volcanic tuff

Y una de esas sorpresas aparece sobre una antigua toba volcánica

Aventurarse por el corazón de Grosseto siempre puede deparar alguna grata sorpresa al viajero. Y una de esas sorpresas aparece sobre una antigua toba volcánica. Sumergirse en sus sinuosas callecitas y respirar su embrujo medieval es algo que no se puede expresar con palabras; se debe vivir.
Venturing through the heart of Grosseto can always bring some pleasant surprise to the traveler. And one of those surprises appears on an ancient volcanic tuff. To submerge in its winding streets and breathe its medieval charm is something that can not be expressed in words; You must live.
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To visit beautiful places surrounded by nature

Per visitare luoghi bellissimi immersi nella natura

Un paese tranquillo e molto caratteristico, perfetto per una vacanza rilassante, panorami stupendi e percorsi tracciati. A poca distanza ci si può rilassare alle terme di Saturnia.
A quiet and very characteristic country, perfect for a relaxing holiday, beautiful views and marked trails to visit beautiful places surrounded by nature! At a short distance you can relax at the thermal baths of Saturnia !!
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Enchanting village

Borgo incantevole

Difficile trovare parcheggio ma una volta entrati in paese tutt’intorno l’aria è frizzante, si viene travolto dai tanti negozietti di prodotti locali e hand made.
Enchanting village. Difficult to find parking but once you enter the village all around the air is buzzing, you are overwhelmed by the many shops of local products and hand-made.
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Very beautifull.


Very beautifull.
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