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Phnom Bakheng Temple


3 reviews of Phnom Bakheng Temple

Beautiful sunsets


This Hindu temple was built on top of the mountain during the reign of Yasorvarman (889-910), at the end of the ninth century. It stands directly opposite the entrance to Angkor Wat, and is a famous place to go to watch the sunset. To get there, you can either walk or take an elephant; the road isn't too long, but the heat can be a bit of a problem. It's worth the walk and the heat of the climb, though, to see the spectacular sunset and the stunning views of Angkor Wat. We were lucky with the weather and it was really lovely.


The sunsets from Phnom Bakhaeng

Los atardeceres de Phnom Bakhaeng

Phnom Bakhaeng Templo dedicado a Shiva. Se encuentra a 1,300 Km. de Angkor Wat en una colina. Construido durante el reinado de Yasovarman en el siglo IX Una forma turística para poder acceder a este templo situado en una colina en plena selva es a lomos de elefante. Es uno de los templos más visitados por los turistas para poder contemplar el atardecer sobre Angkor, es por ello es uno de los más castigados por lo que a su conservación se refiere. Al parecer sus puestas de sol son impresionantes contempladas desde lo alto del templo, mirador privilegiado por cuanto la vista alcanza, por encima de los árboles de la selva, hasta ver las torres de Angkor Wat. Lamentablemente cuando lo visité era un día nublo y lluvioso y no pude contemplar su famosa puesta de sol. Para llegar hasta la cima del templo que está situado a 67 mts. de altura hay que llegar a través de unas empinadas escaleras. Por su ubicación ya alejado de los complejos monumentales, rodeado de selva, es sin duda el templo más tranquilo y más placentero de visitar salvo en el sector donde se encuentran las escaleras para subir en lo alto del templo donde se origina acumulación de visitantes, máxime antes de la puesta de sol. www.rodamons.net
BAKHAENG Phonem Temple dedicated to Shiva. It is located 1,300 km from Angkor Wat on a hill. Built during the reign of Yasovarman in the ninth century tourist One way to access this temple situated on a hill in the jungle is on elephant back. It is one of the temples visited by tourists to watch the sunset over Angkor, which is why it is one of the hardest hit as far as conservation is concerned. Apparently its breathtaking sunsets are covered from the top of the temple, privileged viewpoint because the eye can see, above the trees of the forest, to see the towers of Angkor Wat. Unfortunately when I visited it was a day clouded and rainy and I could not see its famous sunset. To get to the top of the temple which is located 67 meters. height must be reached via steep stairs. For location and away from the monumental complex, surrounded by jungle, the temple is definitely quieter and more pleasant to visit in the area except where the stairs to climb on top of the temple where visitors originate accumulation, especially before sunset. www.rodamons.net
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Good spot for a sunset

Bon spot pour un coucher de soleil

Petit édifice en plutôt mauvaise condition, Phnom Bakheng se démarque en deux points.Tout d’abord de par ses escaliers, qu’il vous faudra grimper non seulement avec les pieds, mais aussi avec les mains (voir photo ci-dessous pour admirer les touristes à l’oeuvre!). Et puis de par son superbe positionnement pour une vue sur Angkor Wat et un coucher de soleil réussi! Pour plus d’explications sur ce temple ainsi que tous ceux entourant Siem Reap, le livre «Ancient Angkor» de Freeman et Jacques est une référence.
Small building in rather poor condition, Phnom Bakheng out two points.Tout first of its stairs that you need to climb not only my feet, but also with their hands (see photo below to see the Tourists at work!). And by its superb position for a view of Angkor Wat and a setting sun succeeded! For further explanation of this temple and all those around Siem Reap, the book "Ancient Angkor" Freeman and Jacques is a reference.
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