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1 review of Patagonia

Cheap threads.

We rarely swing through Dillon without stopping at the Patagonia Outlet. Patagonia, of course, is the upscale outdoor gear clothier; Dillon is a stunning middle-of-nowhere college town in southwestern Montana surrounded by a whole lot of nothing (I.e., mountains, rivers, valleys, etc.). The outlet store is the town’s shopping highlight and focus of commercial activity. Inside is the near-full array of jackets, fleece, pants, down, long undies, and more. You can never be sure that they will have what you want – or what you want in the color and size you need – but when you do find the right item it’s a keeper.

A few times a year the store has a massive (and well-publicized) clearance sale, when the low prices are slashed. Then, make sure you show up early.
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