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Pashupatinath Temple

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7 reviews of Pashupatinath Temple


Pashupatinah is undoubtedly one of the most impressive places in Kathmandu. The city's mortuary is located along the Bagmati, a river that's as sacred for the Napelese people as the Ganges is for Indians. Pashupatinah is located on the outskirts of Kathmandu, but you can walk there, especially if you're staying in Bodhnath. The big ceremonial Hindu city is made up of several buildings and temples. The main one is for Shiva, and non-Hindus aren't allowed to enter. However that pales in comparison to the adventure of walking aimlessly through the mystical city dotted with temples and sculptures minors, and packed with sadhus, or holy men.

The ghats of the Bagmati offer a unique and strong: The cremations witnessed closely. Life and death, wealth and extreme poverty, are part of a ritual emotional, intimate and chilling.
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A must visit when you go to Kathmandu...

Una de las visitas imprescindibles...

Una de las visitas imprescindibles cuando vas a Kathmandú es la zona del templo de Pashupatinath, y digo la zona porque si no eres hinduista no puedes entrar dentro del recinto sagrado. Este lugar es ideal para comprender y observar los ritos de las cremaciones del Hinduismo. Nepal es un país mayoritariamente hinduista, a pesar de que la gente lo suele relacionar con el budismo. Pashupatinath en Kathmandú y el río Bagmati podrían ser los equivalentes nepalíes de Varanasi y el Ganges. Allí fue donde realmente apreciamos las cremaciones y los ritos funerarios hinduistas. Es un poco morboso y en occidente estaría muy mal visto, pero los turistas se colocan a la otra parte del Bagmati para observar los ghats y las cremaciones. La zona de Pashupatinath en Kathmandú, está repleta de monos, y también es un buen lugar para contemplar y hacerte fotos con los saddús. Son una especie de santones que se dedican a la vida contemplativa. Se supone que son célibes y que renuncian a los placeres terrenales. Según nuestro guía, vagos que se dedican a ganar dinero a costa de las fotos de los turistas. En fin, que si alguna vez vais por Kathmandú, este es un buen lugar para llevarte una experiencia dura, pero irrepetible.
A must visit when you go to Kathmandu is Pashupatinath temple area, and I say area because if you are Hindu can not enter into the sacred precinct. This place is ideal to understand and observe the cremation rites of Hinduism. Nepal is a Hindu majority country, despite what people often associated with Buddhism. Pashupatinath in Kathmandu and the river Bagmati Nepal could be the equivalent of Varanasi and the Ganges. That's where we really appreciate the cremations and Hindu funeral rites. It's a bit morbid and in the West would be frowned upon, but tourists are placed on the other side of the Bagmati to observe and cremations ghats. Pashupatinath area in Kathmandu, is full of monkeys, and also a good place to see and make pictures with saddĂşs. They are a kind of holy men who are dedicated to the contemplative life. Are supposed to be celibate and renounce earthly pleasures. According to our guide, vague engaged in making money at the expense of the photos of the tourists. Anyway, if you're going to Kathmandu, this is a good place to take a tough experience, but unrepeatable.
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The Kathmandu crematorium is located on...

El crematorio de Kathmandu esta situado...

El crematorio de Kathmandu esta situado a la orilla del sagrado río Bagmati. El camino de entrada esta lleno de tenderetes con turistadas, poco a poco, el olor de carne humana quemada se va percibiendo en el ambiente. Tuve la suerte de ver una parte de la ceremonia en la que se trae el cuerpo del difunto en el ataúd y se quema en una de las muchas piras que hay. El proceso es largo, tanto que nos dimos una vuelta por todo el recinto y cuando nos íbamos aun no lo habían quemado. El panorama es muy pintoresco, niños intentando pescar basura; ataudes lanzados al agua y la gente intentando pescarlos, quien sabe si para reutilizarlos con uno de sus familiares; autenticos personajes pidiendote dinero por hacerles una foto (la verdad es que no me pude resistir con algunos, aunque con otros se las hice con zoom desde lejos :) gratuitamente, sin que me vieran claro); monos danzando por los tejados, en fin... Un espectáculo digno de ver. El conjunto monumental es espectacular, templos, puentes de piedra, cupulas doradas, incluso casas colgantes al río, al mas puro estilo de Cuenca. Imprescindible!
The Kathmandu crematorium is located on the banks of the sacred Bagmati river. The driveway is full of stalls with turistadas, little by little, the smell of burning human flesh is being perceived in the environment. I was lucky to see a part of the ceremony that brings the dead body in the coffin and burned in one of the many pyres there. The process is long, so we took a walk around the grounds and when we were not even burned. The picture is very picturesque, children trying to catch garbage thrown overboard coffins and people trying to catch them, who knows, for reuse with a family member; authentic characters make money by asking you a picture (the truth is that I could not resist some, although others did with the zoom from afar :) free, clear without being seen); monkeys dancing on rooftops, in order ... A sight to see. The monument is spectacular temples, stone bridges, golden domes, including terraced houses to the river, as is typical of Cuenca. A must!
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Next to ro ms sacred Nepal

Junto al río más sagrado de Nepal

La entrada a este templo está vetada a los no hindúes, pero aún así al visitar el lugar se puede vislumbrar parte del edificio y su tejado dorado tipo pagoda. Junto a este templo fluye el río Bagmati, el más sagrado de Nepal y junto al cual los hindúes incineran a sus muertos. Al acudir a Pashupatinath hay que recordar que muchas personas vienen aquí porque han perdido a un ser querido, de modo que hay que mostrar cierto respeto y entender que lo que se ve no es un espectáculo.
The entrance to this temple is banned to non-Hindus, but an ace to visit the place you can glimpse of the building and its golden pagoda roof type. Next to this temple Bagmati river flows, the most sacred of Nepal and beside which the Hindus cremate their dead. To go to Pashupatinath remember that many people come here because they have lost a loved one, so you have to show some respect and understand that what you see is not a show.
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One of the cities with more religious...

Una de las ciudades con mas simbolismo...

Una de las ciudades con mas simbolismo religioso de Nepal. En ella se han levantado cientos de templos, según sus habitantes miles, entre los que destaca el Templo Hindú Pashupatinath, situado a orillas del río Bagmati. Este río cumple las mismas funciones que el río Ganges en India, al contar con crematorios y unas aguas sagradas. Las cenizas de los cadáveres incinerados se lanzan al río y el difunto puede así entrar en el Nirvana
One of the cities with more religious symbolism of Nepal. It has raised hundreds of temples, as thousands inhabitants, among which Pashupatinath Hindu Temple, located on the banks of Bagmati River. This river meets the same functions as the Ganges River in India, to have crematoria and sacred waters. The ashes of cremated bodies are thrown into the river and the deceased may well enter Nirvana
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This temple is the Mecca of Hinduism in...

Este templo es la meca del hinduismo en...

Este templo es la meca del hinduismo en Nepal, y el lugar es muy animado. Cuando estuve allĂ­, tuvo lugar una cremaciĂłn en medio de flores de naranja y de los dolientes. El lugar es un buen preludio de mi llegada a la India, donde la atmĂłsfera cambia radicalmente a partir de la reserva del TĂ­bet. Nepal es un paĂ­s en transiciĂłn entre el mundo de Buda y el imperio HindĂş. Los Hombres Sagrados (Sadddhu), vienen aquĂ­ a meditar sobre el significado de la vida con la esperanza de que los turistas les den algunas rupias.
This temple is the Mecca of Hinduism in Nepal, and the place is bustling. When I was there, there was a cremation amid orange flowers and mourners. The place is a good prelude to my arrival in India, where the atmosphere changes dramatically from the book of Tibet. Nepal is a country in transition between the world of Buddha and Hindu rule. The Holy Men (Sadddhu), come here to meditate on the meaning of life with the hope that tourists will give a few rupees.
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Holy place for Hindus and you can not enter.

Luogo sacro per induisti e non puoi entrare.

La cremazione non fa per me.
Cremation is not for me. Sacred place for Hindus and you can not get in
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