Fabianni Luiz Ribeiro
The mountains, the waterfall and the old chico!
A serra, a cachoeira e o velho chico!
Serra da Canastra - Parque Nacional Serra da Canastra / Minas Gerais - Brasil
A Serra da Canastra é situada no centro-sul do Estado de Minas Gerais, composta por grandes serras paralelas formando os conhecidos chapadões, com predomínio do cerrado de altitude, a paisagem se estende por longos horizontes compondo o Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra. A principal destas formações é o berço do Velho Chico (Rio São Franscisco) e sua nascente na Cachoeira Casca d'Anta é a maior queda do rio São Francisco e se forma quando o Rio da Integração Nacional deixa o seu "berço" na serra da Canastra.
Serra da Canastra - Serra da Canastra National Park / Minas Gerais - Brazil
The Serra da Canastra is located in the south-central state of Minas Gerais, comprised of large parallel mountain ranges forming the known plateaus, with a predominance of altitude cerrado, the landscape stretches over long horizons composing the Serra da Canastra National Park. The main of these formations is the birthplace of the Velho Chico (Rio San Franscisco) and its source in Cachoeira Casca d'Anta is the biggest drop of the São Francisco River and forms when the River of National Integration leaves his "cradle" in the hills of canastra.
Serra da Canastra - National Park Serra da Canastra / Minas Gerais - Brazil Serra da Canastra in the center-south of the state of Minas Gerais, comprised of large parallel mountain ranges forming the known chapades, with predominance of altitude cerrado, the landscape stretches for long horizons composing the Serra da Canastra National Park. The main of these formations the cradle of the Velho Chico (So Franscisco River) and its source in Cachoeira Casca d'Anta the biggest drop of the river So Francisco and forms when the River of National Integration leaves his "cradle" in the Serra da Canastra. Serra da Canastra - Serra da Canastra National Park / Minas Gerais - Brazil The Serra da Canastra is located in the south-central state of Minas Gerais, Comprised of large parallel mountain ranges forming the known plateaus, with a predominance of cerrado altitude, the landscape stretches over long horizons composing the Serra da Canastra National Park. The main formations of These is the birthplace of the Velho Chico (Rio San Franscisco) and its source in Cachoeira Casca d'Anta is the biggest drop of the So Francisco River and forms When the River of National Integration leaves his "cradle" in the hills of canasta.