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Parque das Nações

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33 reviews of Parque das Nações

Park of the Nations

The eastern boundary of the city, along the river Tagus, was chosen to build pavilions to celebrate Expo 98. It is located in the modern part of the city, near the spectacular Vasco de Gamma bridge. You can visit the Oceanarium, one of the largest aquariums in Europe.


Nice to have some walks


Vanguard in New Lisbon

Avanguardia nella nuova Lisbona

Parque das Naçoes, ovvero il volto iper-moderno e avanguardista di Lisbona, si trova lontano dal centro, nella zona nord-est della città, ma è facilmente e velocemente raggiungibile con la metro. Prima del 1998 era un triste quartiere industriale che nessun turista mai avrebbe visitato: venendo poi scelta come zona per l'Expo '98, il quartiere venne radicalmente trasformato: oggi non v'è più traccia delle sporche ciminiere delle raffinerie di allora, al loro posto è sorta una futuristica zona commerciale, residenziale, espositiva e culturale. La stazione della metro "Oriente", capolinea della linea rossa, vi porta direttamente nel cuore di questo quartiere simbolo della rinascita e dello slancio al futuro della capitale lusitana. Progettata da Santiago Calatrava, essa stessa, con le sue plastiche colonne bianchissime e il caratteristico tetto a fisarmonica, è un capolavoro di architettura urbana moderna. Da lì potete proseguire alla scoperta delle altre mete obbligate del quartiere: l'"Oceànario", innanzitutto, splendido acquario, secondo più grande d'Europa (non perdetevi la sua star, il grande, grasso e bellissimo Pesce Luna); il divertente "Padiglione della Conoscenza", dove simulerete una camminata sulla luna; il ponte Vasco da Gama, che coi suoi 17,2 km è il ponte più lungo d'Europa; il "caminho da àgua", la passeggiata lungo il Tejo, costellata di piccoli "vulcani" dello scultore Rigo che eruttano rinfrescanti cascate d'acqua. Inoltre: centri commerciali, nightclub, un casinò e ottimi ristoranti (consigliatissimo il brasiliano "Sabor a Brasil").
Parque das Naçoes, or face hyper-modern and avant-garde of Lisbon, located far from the center, in the north-east of the city, but is quickly and easily accessible by metro. Before 1998 it was a sad industrial district that no tourist would ever visited: then being chosen as the area for Expo '98, the neighborhood was radically transformed: today there is no trace of dirty smokestacks of refineries then, their place arose a futuristic business district, residential, exhibition and cultural. The metro station "East", the terminus of the Red Line, takes you straight into the heart of this neighborhood symbol of rebirth and the momentum for the future of the Lusitanian capital. Designed by Santiago Calatrava, itself, with its white plastic pillars and the characteristic roof accordion, is a masterpiece of modern urban architecture. From there you can continue to explore other destinations obliged the neighborhood: 's "Oceanarium", first of all, a splendid aquarium, the second largest in Europe (do not miss its star, the big, fat and beautiful fish Luna), the fun " Pavilion of Knowledge ", where simulerete a walk on the moon, and the Vasco da Gama bridge, which, with its 17.2 km is the longest bridge in Europe, the" caminho from agua ", the walk along the Tejo, dotted with small "volcanoes" by sculptor Rigo erupting refreshing waterfalls. Also shopping malls, nightclubs, a casino and excellent restaurants (highly recommended the Brazilian "Sabor Brasil").
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Area which hosted the Expo'98. Upon...

Zona donde se celebró la Expo’98. A nu...

Zona donde se celebró la Expo’98. A nuestra llegada a la estación de Oriente pudimos admirar la obra del intercambiador realizada por nuestro destacado arquitecto Santiago Calatrava. Este sector de la ciudad era una de las más degradadas y uno de los peores arrabales, sobre todo a partir de los años cincuenta, en los que se llevó a cabo una salvaje ocupación industrial. No faltó ni un basurero de desechos sanitarios ni un almacén de contenedores en tránsito abandonados, además de un cementerio de armas oxidadas. Hoy es una de las zonas más modernas y atractivas de la capital. Estuvimos dando un paseo por todo el recinto y pudimos observar el Oceanario, el pabellón del Conocimiento, y el Pabellón Atlántico cuya apariencia externa recuerda el caparazón de una tortuga y que tiene capacidad para 17.000 espectadores. Todo este espacio está cruzado por un teleférico desde cuyas cabinas se puede disfrutar de un paseo aéreo por todo el parque. La torre Vasco da Gama es otro de los emblemas de este parque, y cuya silueta está ahora totalmente afeada por la construcción de un hotel a su lado. El Centro Comercial Vasco de Gama es enorme y en él están instaladas las tiendas de las principales cadenas de distribución de productos comerciales.
Area which hosted the Expo'98. Upon arrival at the station we could admire the work East exchanger on our featured architect Santiago Calatrava. This sector of the city was one of the most degraded and one of the worst slums, especially from the fifties, which was carried out a savage industrial occupation. No missing or a sanitary waste dump or a warehouse of containers in transit abandoned cemetery and a rusty weapons. Today is one of the most modern and attractive areas of the capital. We were taking a walk around the campus and we saw the Oceanarium, the Knowledge Pavilion, and the Atlantic Pavilion whose outward appearance reminiscent of a turtle and has capacity for 17,000 spectators. All this space is spanned by a cable car from whose cabins can enjoy a stroll around the park air. The Vasco da Gama Tower is one of the emblems of the park, and whose silhouette is now completely spoiled by the construction of a hotel next to him. The Vasco da Gama shopping center is huge and it is installed in the stores of major retail chains of commercial products.
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Taking the Metro in the direction of...

Tomando el Metro en dirección a la ...

Tomando el Metro en dirección a la moderna estación de Oriente, por la línea roja, se llega al fabuloso Parque de las Naciones, un ámplio espacio concebido para la realización de la Expo de Lisboa en el año de 1998. Este parque en forma de complejo, alberga instalaciones de todo tipo como el Pabellón Atlántico, el Pabellón de Portugal obra del Maestro Alvaro Siza, la Torre Vasco da Gama, el Puente del mismo nombre, ambas obras firmadas por el afamado arquitecto valenciano Fernando Calatrava; además de un agradable centro comercial y zonas residenciales. Recorrerlo da gusto de principio a fin, con las orillas del río Tajo en frente, los hermosos jardines y las caminerías interminables, este lugar es perfecto para pasar una bonita tarde con sabor lisboeta. Se puede tomar un café o una cerveza en cualquiera de los bares que circundan la zona o simplemente ir de compras si es lo que se quiere, igualmente, contemplar río a lo lejos es un placer visual. También está la opción de moverse con unos funiculares que recorren el parque de lado a lado, o tumabarse bajo la sombra si es verano, tomar unas buenas fotos y contemplar el modernísimo Puente Vasco de Gama. El lugar esta colmado de arte urbano, así como de una colorida fila de banderas de todo el mundo, recordando el espíritu de la Expo de finales de los noventa, Un rincón de una Lisboa renovada, moderna y amigable, para no perdérsela.
Taking the Metro in the direction of modern East station, on the red line, you get the fabulous Nations Park, ample space designed for the realization of the Lisbon Expo in the year 1998. This park in complex, houses facilities of all kinds as the Atlantic Pavilion, the Pavilion of Portugal by the Master Alvaro Siza, the Tower Vasco da Gama, the bridge of the same name, both books signed by famous Valencian architect Calatrava Fernando; plus a nice shopping center and residential areas. Traverse a pleasure from start to finish, with the banks of the Tagus river in front, the beautiful gardens and endless walkways, this place is perfect for a nice evening with flavor Lisbon. You can have a coffee or a beer at any of the bars that surround the area or just go shopping if that's what you want, also, to contemplate river in the distance is a visual delight. There is also the option to move around the park cable cars that run side to side, or under the shade tumabarse if it's summer, take some good pictures and contemplate the very modern Vasco da Gama Bridge. The place is full of urban art, as well as a colorful row of flags from around the world, recalling the spirit of the Expo in the late nineties, a corner of a renewed Lisbon, modern and friendly, not to be missed.
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Improve the estuary

Mejora el estuario

La Exposición Universal del 1998 dió lugar a la mejora de una parte del estuario del río Tajo en el que se encuentra también el Parque das Naçoes. En esta ocasión se ha creado un espacio paralelo al Tajo donde Portugueses y demás turistas pueden disfrutar de un paseo super bonito a sus orillas adornado con vegetación autóctona y arquitectura moderna. También es una buena zona para practicar deportes al aire libre tales como el footing y la bicicleta ya que dispone de un vial destinado a ese uso y está claramente diferenciado de la zona de paseo mediante un cambio de pavimento y un cambio de altura. Las muestras de arquitectura moderna son evidentes en los edificios mediante reminiscencias marinas tales como las velas de un barco. Son característicos también los sombrajos que se realizaron con unas telas sobre unos fustes a modo de árbol estirado. Muy original y práctico, es un ejemplo de las innovaciones que se pueden observar en el Parque das Naçoes. La Exposición Universal de 1998 le proporcionó a Lisboa modernidad, prosperidad y muchas mejoras en comunicación vial. En el mismo paseo se creó una línea de telesférico y un embarcadero para pequeñas lanchas.
The Universal Exposition of 1998 resulted in the improvement of part of the Tagus river estuary which is also the Parque das Naçoes. This time it has created a parallel space where the Tagus Portuguese and other tourists can enjoy a super nice on its banks adorned with native vegetation and modern architecture tour. It is also a good area to practice outdoor sports such as jogging and cycling, because it has a vial intended for that use and is clearly differentiated from the walking area by changing pavement and a change in height. Samples of modern architecture are evident in buildings such as reminiscences by sea a boat sails. Are characteristic also sun shades that were made with some fabric on a tree stems as a drawing. Very original and practical, is an example of innovation that can be observed in the Parque das Naçoes. The Universal Exposition of 1998 was provided to Lisbon modernity, prosperity and many improvements in road communication. In the same line cable car ride and a jetty for small boats was created.
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The Nations Park is located in the...

O Parque das Nações situa-se na parte o...

O Parque das Nações situa-se na parte oriental de Lisboa e surgiu sob esta denominação após a Expo 98. A Expo 98 foi a responsável pela mudança ocorrida nesta antiga zona deprimida da cidade. De fábricas altamente poluidoras passaram a haver jardins virados para o Rio Tejo. O Oceanário, o Pavilhão Atlântico, construções modernas e arrojadas ajudaram a dar movimento à zona e a evitar-se o que aconteceu em Sevilha aquando da sua expo em 92. O Parque das Nações é actualmente uma das zonas de Lisboa em maior contacto directo com o Tejo.
The Nations Park is located in the eastern part of Lisbon and appeared under that name after Expo 98. Expo 98 was responsible for the change that occurred in this depressed area of ​​old city. Highly polluting factories have started gardens facing the Tagus River. The Oceanarium, the Atlantic Pavilion, bold and modern buildings helped to move to the area and avoided what happened in Seville during its expo at 92. The Park of Nations is currently one of the largest areas of Lisbon in direct contact with the Tagus.
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the leisure

la zona de ocio

El Parque de las Naciones es el sitio donde tuvo lugar la Expo 98. Hoy se ha convertido en una zona de ocio para los habitantes de la ciudad y los turistas, sobre todo por su Oceanario con más de 25.000 especies de animales marinos. También es una buena zona para ir de compras, para visitar el Centro de Ciencia Viva (ideal para los más pequeños de la casa) y para montar en el teleférico que pasea por la ribera del río Tajo. Desde aquí las vistas son increíbles. Arte urbano y parques son otros de los atractivos del lugar. En la zona también existen dos torres de apartamentos de lujo, nada asequibles pero muy bonitas desde fuera.
Nations Park is the site of the Expo 98 took place. Today it has become an entertainment area for city dwellers and tourists, especially for its oceanarium with over 25,000 species of marine animals. It is also a good area for shopping, to visit the Living Science Center (ideal for children of the house) and to ride the cable car to walk along the banks of the River Tagus. From here the views are incredible. Urban art and parks are other attractions of the place. In the area there are two towers of luxury apartments, all affordable but very nice from outside.
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Nations Park

Parque de las Naciones

O lo que es lo mismo, la zona que nació con la Expo 98. Es una microciudad dentro de la ciudad, cuya arquitectura y urbanismo tiene muy poco que ver con el resto de Lisboa. Allí están situados el Pabellón Atlántico –para conciertos y espectáculos deportivos-, la Feria Internacional de Lisboa, el Centro Comercial Vasco de Gama y el impresionante Acuario que no puede dejar de visitar ninguna persona que tenga interés en los animales o en el mar.
Or what is the same, the area began with the Expo 98. It is a micro-city within the city, whose architecture and urbanism has very little to do with the rest of Lisbon. There are set-Atlantic Pavilion for concerts and sporting events, the International Fair of Lisbon, the Vasco da Gama shopping center and the impressive Aquarium can not miss any person having an interest in animals or in the sea.
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Um prato cheio para arquitetos e amantes da arquitetura. Uma área de Lisboa dedicada às construções de grande porte, contemporâneas e ousadas.
A recipe for architects and architecture lovers. An area of ​​Lisbon dedicated s large constructions, contemporneas and bold.
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Parque das Naoes (Park of Nations)

Parque das Naçoes (Parque de las naciones)

El Parque de las Naciones es una zona de 340 hectáreas que se extiende 5 km a lo largo de la ribera del río Tajo. Construída para celebrar la Exposición Universal de 1998, es una zona muy moderna de las afueras de Lisboa, que no deja de sorprender por su contraste con las calles empedradas y llenas de encanto mágico de los barrios más miticos de la ciudad. El resultado es una zona de arquitectura contemporánea, donde edificios muy modernos se combinan con amplias avenidas y paseos junto al río con reciosas zonas ajardinadas.
Nations Park is an area of ​​340 hectares which stretches five miles along the banks of the Tagus River. Built to celebrate the World Expo 1998 is a fashionable area in the outskirts of Lisbon, which is surprising because of its contrast with the cobblestone streets and charming magic of the most mythical of the city. The result is an area of ​​contemporary architecture, which combine very modern buildings with wide avenues and walks along the river with reciosas gardens.
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The Park of Nations in Lisbon is the...

El Parque de las naciones en lisboa es...

El Parque de las naciones en lisboa es el lugar donde se celebró la exposicion mundial de 1998. Ahora es un bonito lugar para visitar junto al mar, con grandes avenidas y dedicado principalmente a la restauración.
The Park of Nations in Lisbon is the place where they held the World Expo 1998. Now is a nice place to visit by the sea, with wide avenues and dedicated to the restoration.
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The more futuristic Lisbon

La Lisboa mas futurista

Los lisboetas han sabido reciclar el espacio que fue sede de la exposición de los océanos de 1998. Un oceanário, un centro comercial y zonas ajardinadas son los atractivos de este bonito lugar que sirve de contrapunto a la melancólica Lisboa.
The lisboetas have known recycling space which hosted the exhibition of the Oceans 1998. An oceanarium, a mall and garden areas are the attractions of this beautiful place that serves as a counterpoint to the melancholy Lisbon.
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In the place where the Expo was held,...

En el lugar en el que se celebró la ...

En el lugar en el que se celebró la Expo, ahora se encuentra un centro lúdico en el que podemos pasar unas horas de forma muy amena. Como se puede ver, muchos turistas se sienten prendados por la multitud de formas y figuras que ali habitan. Yo los hice a ellos parte del escenario.
In the place where the Expo was held, is now a leisure center where we can spend a very pleasant hour. As you can see, many tourists are captivated by the multitude of forms and figures that inhabit ali. I made them part of the scenario.
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You can write anything you want: what...

You can write anything you want: what you like most, your personal experience ... Everything!
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