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Ospedale Lake


2 reviews of Ospedale Lake

From dreamy ..!

De ensueño..!

En los alrededores de este lago tuvimos la suerte de dormir durante unos días. Levantarse por las mañanas y dar un paseo alrededor del lago es sencillamente, una suerte. Existen en un par de lugares en donde las caravanas y furgonetas pueden pernoctar, pegados al lago y bajo pinos de más de 30 metros de altura. El caso es que el lago es artificial, se talaron árboles y se almacenó agua, que ahora abastece a todo el extremo sur de la isla. El resultado es un hermoso enclave, casi de ensueño. Al llenar esta superficie hicieron que el agua de los ríos subterráneos que lo abastecen, buscasen nuevos lugares para salir. Una de estas "búsquedas" ha provocado que, un hilo de agua que caía por una pared unos kilómetros más abajo, ahora sea una cascada espectacular. La Cascada de "Un Piscia di Ghjaddu".
Around this lake we were lucky to sleep for a few days. Getting up in the mornings and take a walk around the lake is simply lucky. There are a couple of places where the caravans and vans can sleep, glued to the lake and under pines over 30 meters high. The fact is that the lake is artificial, trees were felled and water, which now supplies the entire southern end of the island is stock. The result is a beautiful enclave, almost dreamy. By completing this surface caused water from subterranean rivers that supply, buscasen new places to go. One of these "lookups" has caused a trickle of water caa by a wall a few kilometers more low, now is a spectacular waterfall. Cascade "A Piscia di Ghjaddu".
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In the mountains

Fra i monti

Il lago dell'Ospedale (dal nome dell'omonimo massiccio, frequentato dagli appassionati di passeggiate in montagna) appare all'improvviso, incastonato fra le foreste delle montagne dell'Alta rocca. Purtroppo d'estate, visto che viene utilizzato come riserva idrica, può apparire alle volte 'a secco', come nella foto. E naturalmente il lato estetico ne risente non poco.
The Lake Hospital (named after the rocky massif, frequented by lovers of mountain walks) suddenly appears, set among the forests of the mountains of the fortress. Unfortunately, in the summer, since it is used as a water supply, it may appear at times 'dry', as in the photo. And of course the aesthetic side became a dire.
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