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6 reviews of Orte

The country of natural springs

Il paese delle sorgenti naturali

Fino a qualche giorno fa ero passata da Orte solo con il treno visto che si tratta comunque di un importante snodo ferroviario, ma vista da vicino è davvero un borgo incantevole. Abbarbicata su una collina come spesso accade ai paesi da queste parti, Orte ha poco più di 8000 abitanti ed è un borgo ricco di sorgenti naturali. Ricca di viuzze lungo le quali perdersi ad osservare i particolari degli antichi edifici e monumenti, Orte dista solo una sessantina di chilometri dalla capitale ed offre il giusto clima di relax e quiete ideale per una sosta. Ma Orte è anche interessante dal punto di vista storico e culturale con i suoi musei e la sua architettura variegata.
Until a few days ago I had gone from Orte only by train because it is still an important railway junction, but up close it really is a charming village. Perched on a hill, as is often the case for countries in these parts, Orte has just over 8000 inhabitants and is a village rich in natural springs. Full of narrow streets along which lost to view the details of the ancient buildings and monuments, Orte is only about sixty miles from the capital and offers the right atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility ideal for a stopover. Orte But it is also interesting from the point of view of history and culture with its museums and its varied architecture.
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horrible village ruined by a large black population

Paesetto orrendo rovinato da una vasta popolazione negra

Sono più gli extracomunitari e clandestini che gli ortani. A maggior ragione c'è anche il fulcro dell'autostrada punto nevralgico del centro Italia dove arriva di tutto, naturalmente parlo di criminalità e non di belle cose. Da evitare assol anche se ce gente che piace moltissimo. Soprattutto se avete figli piccoli perché oltre a quello che vi ho appena menzionato non c'è neanche un parco giochi o qualsiasi cosa simile da far giocare i vostri pargoli.
horrible village ruined by a large black population. they are more outsiders and clandestines than orthoses. there is also the fulcrum of the highway in the center of Italy, where everything comes from, of course, crime and not of beautiful things. to avoid even if there are people who like it very much. SCONSIGLIATISSIMO especially if you have small children because besides what i have just mentioned there is not even a playground or anything like to play your parrots.
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Beautiful and very Italian!

Precioso y muy italiano!

Precioso y muy italiano!
Beautiful and very Italian!
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When I commented to Letizia I wanted to...

Cuando comenté a Letizia que quería p...

Cuando comenté a Letizia que quería publicar un rinconcito sobre su pueblo su reacción fue la siguiente: — Ci sono tanti piccoli paesi italiani molto meglio del mio. Hai impazziato? Non perdere il tempo!— me dijo. Lo que mi buena amiga no sabe es que yo no publico exactamente por la gran belleza de un sitio —algo que, por otro lado, su pueblo posee—. Lo que me lleva a publicar un rincón en minube.Com son los recuerdos que un lugar —y las personas que allí me encontré— me despiertan. ¿No os pasa a vosotros lo mismo? Pues bien, este sentido, Orte Scalo se encuentra en mi top ten particular. El pueblo de Letizia es una pequeña ciudad medieval de Viterbo conocida por los propios italianos por ser un importante centro de distribución por carretera y línea ferroviaria. Para cualquier viajero de minube.Com, lo más importante con lo que Orte Scalo cuenta es su maravilloso centro histórico, en el cual, tal como ella me comentó, viven poco más de un millar de habitantes. En Orte Scalo, algunas tradiciones del pasado aún siguen vivas a pesar de los años. En ellas, la religión y el folclore son dos elementos estrechamente relacionados entre sí. De hecho, los principales eventos populares de esta pequeña ciudad tienen su origen en antiquísimos festivales religiosos. Sin duda, algo que yo he vivido en primera persona, la festividad más importante para los habitantes de Orte Scalo —y para los de los pueblos vecinos— es la feria medieval que cada mes de septiembre se celebra por sus calles. Ésta, como ya insinué, es una festividad con una milenaria tradición. Como datos anecdóticos, puedo señalar que fue solemnizada por el Papa Bonifacio IX en 1396 y que su celebración es un gran compromiso público que incluso se encuentra especificado en los estamentos municipales. La Octava Medieval —L'Ottava Medievale, para poner en práctica mi italiano, aunque en este caso no tenga excesivo mérito— divide el pequeño pueblo en siete pequeños distritos, cada uno con su insignia y su bandera. Como podréis comprobar si acudís a tan precioso evento, cada distrito se encarga de delimitar —y bien que lo hacen— su área de influencia para celebrar los días de fiesta. La ciudad, de estrechas y empinadas calles, está preciosa con banderas e insignias en los balcones. Basta decir, algo que olvidé comentar, que la fiesta recibe tal nombre porque su duración es de ocho días. Así, cada distrito se encarga de organizar su propia fiesta durante uno de los primeros siete días. Tal como Letizia me chiva, los distritos son los siguientes: Contrada di San Gregorio, Porcini, San Angelo, Olivola, San Biagio, San Sebastiano y San Giovenale. Las primeras siete noches son especialmente vibrantes, pues no falta el entretenimiento ya sea realizando juegos tradicionales, teatro popular o pasacalles medievales; y no hay lugareño que renuncie a su atuendo de época, algo que para una persona que venga de fuera no deja de chocar por la atmósfera plenamente medieval del momento y del lugar. El octavo y último día se dedica a lo que se conoce como el Palio de los Arqueros —Palio degli Arcieri—. Durante todo el día y toda la noche, los habitantes de Orte Scalo, cada uno defendiendo los colores de su propio distrito, compiten entre sí lanzando flechas con arcos de madera de tipo medieval, debiendo acertar en un minúsculo anillo de plata de diez centímetros de circunferencia. Por supuesto, gana el distrito que más veces haya conseguido acertar en el anillo. Por si éstas no fueran suficientes razones para visitar Orte Scalo, señalar que los diferentes distritos que componen la ciudad abren sus tabernas al público. De gran interés histórico y cultural, voluntarias amas de casa retoman viejos hábitos para ofrecer al visitante su saber hacer. Aquí también puedo ofrecer mi opinión personal: Pocas veces he comido más y mejor que durante aquellas fiestas. ¡Madre mía! Tanto Marta —mi pareja— como yo fuimos invitados por Letizia y sus amigos a cenar y celebrar tal festividad. ¡No podíamos dejar de comer por lo bueno que estaba todo! A pesar de que los platos no dejaban de pasar y nosotros estábamos a punto de explotar, debo decir que Marta y un servidor cumplimos, acabando con todo aquello que caía en nuestras manos —vino local incluido—. Todos estos elementos, así como el antagonismo gastronómico entre barrios y la gran hospitalidad de sus habitantes, hacen que la visita a Orte Scalo, especialmente en esos días, se convierta en obligatoria si peregrináis por la zona. Para escribir este rincón, debo agradecer la colaboración de Letizia Bertozzi, quien me invitó a vivir tales experiencias hace ya algún tiempo y me dio todas las indicaciones oportunas sobre su pueblo y sobre La Octava para escribir estas líneas. Si viajar y descubrir lugares es un placer, no cabe duda que tener buenos amigos lo es aún más. Chicos, no lo dudéis: ¡vivid y compartid!
When I commented to Letizia I wanted to post a little corner of his people his reaction was: - Ci sono tanti italiani paesi piccoli molto meglio del mio. Hai impazziato? Non perdere il tempo! - I said. What my good friend does not know is that I do not publish exactly the beauty of a site-something that, on the other hand, the town owns. Which brings me to publish a corner minube.Com are the memories that a place-and the people there-I found myself awake. Did not happen to you as well? Well, this way, Orte Scalo is in my top ten particular. Letizia's people is a small medieval town of Viterbo known by the Italians themselves to be a major hub for road and rail line. For any traveler minube.Com, most importantly with what Orte Scalo has is its wonderful historical center, in which, as she told me, live a little over a thousand people. In Orte Scalo, some traditions of the past are still alive despite the years. For them, religion and folklore are two closely interrelated. In fact, major popular events of this small town have their origin in ancient religious festivals. No doubt, something I've experienced first, the most important festival for the people of Orte Scalo, and for neighboring villages, is the medieval fair every September is celebrated for its streets. This, as already hinted, is a holiday with an ancient tradition. As anecdotal evidence, I can say that was solemnized by Pope Boniface IX in 1396 and that its celebration is a big public commitment is even specified in municipal structures. The Eighth-L'Ottava Medieval Ages, to put into practice my Italian, but in this case has no merit excessive-divided the small town of seven small districts, each with its logo and its flag. As you can see If you call a precious event, each district is responsible for defining, and well they do-its catchment area to celebrate the holidays. The city of narrow, steep streets, is lovely with flags and banners on balconies. Suffice to say, something I forgot to comment that the party is so called because its duration is eight days. Thus, each district is responsible for organizing their own party during one of the first seven days. As Letizia goatee me, districts are: Contrada di San Gregorio, Porcini, San Angelo, Olivola, San Biagio, San Sebastiano and San Giovenale. The first seven nights are especially vibrant because no lack of entertainment games either performing traditional folk theater or medieval parades, and no villager who resigns his era attire, which for someone who comes from outside keeps crashing by fully medieval atmosphere of the moment and the place. The eighth and final day is devoted to what is known as the Palio of the Archers-Palio degli Arcieri. All day and all night, the inhabitants of Orte Scalo, each defending the colors of his own district, competing with bows launching wooden arrows medieval type, having hit a tiny silver ring four inches circumference. Of course, the district wins more times you got hit in the ring. As if these were not enough reasons to visit Orte Scalo, note that different districts that make up the city open to the public taverns. Of great historical and cultural interest, voluntary retake housewives old habits to offer visitors their expertise. Here I can also offer my personal opinion: I have rarely eaten more and better than for those parties. Mother! Both my partner-Martha and I were invited by Letizia and her friends to dinner and celebrate this festival. We could not stop eating so good everything was! Although they kept the plates move and we were about to explode, I must say that Martha and comply server, killing everything that fell into our hands, local wine included. All these elements, as well as culinary antagonism between neighborhoods and the hospitality of its people, make a visit to Orte Scalo, especially in those days, it becomes mandatory if peregrináis the area. To write this corner, I must thank the collaboration of Letizia Bertozzi, who invited me to live such experiences for some time and gave me all the right signals on his people and on the Eighth to write these lines. If traveling and discovering places is a pleasure, no doubt that having good friends is even more so. Guys, do not hesitate: vivid now and share!
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A small town near Orte between Viterbo...

Orte una cittadina vicino tra Viterbo e...

Orte una cittadina vicino tra Viterbo e terni. Conosciuta da coloro che viaggiano lungo la A1.
A small town near Orte between Viterbo and Terni. Known by those traveling along the A1.
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One of the most charming places in...

Uno dei luoghi più suggestivi di Roma, ...

Uno dei luoghi più suggestivi di Roma, da visitare assolutamente, dia di giorno che di sera.
One of the most charming places in Rome, to visit, give the day and evening.
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