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Johari Bazaar

3 reviews of Johari Bazaar

Beautiful, but be careful

Bellissimo, ma bisogna fare attenzione

Gran parte della città vecchia di Jaipur è un susseguirsi di negozi, bancarelle, bazaar che vendono di tutto: dagli ortaggi, ai componenti di elettronica, alle antichità, fino all'immancabile paccottiglia per turisti. Una delle viuzze strette e affollate è il famoso Johari bazaar, specializzato in gioielli e pietre preziose, per cui Jaipur è famosa. Sarebbe piacevole anche solo passeggiare per la città vecchia se non ci fosse il continuo assillo di vari tipi di procacciatori di clienti che in un modo o nell'altro vi convinceranno a seguirli fino a un negozio nascosto in una viuzza isolata per acquisti non sempre di ottimo livello. Nulla che non capiti in altre città dell'India ma qui c'è l'occhio allenato per i turisti e quindi... preparatevi mentalmente. Peccato perché la rosa Jaipur è davvero di grandissimo fascino e ci si potrebbero perdere ore.
Much of the old city of Jaipur is a succession of shops, stalls, bazaar selling everything from vegetables to electronics components, antiquities, and the inevitable junk for tourists. One of the narrow streets and crowded is the famous Johari bazaar, specializing in jewelry and precious stones, for which Jaipur is famous for. Would be nice to just walk around the old town if there was the constant worry of various types of touts who in one way or another will convince you to follow them to a shop tucked away in a secluded lane for purchases not always good level. Nothing that does not happen in other cities of India but here's the trained eye for tourists and so ... prepare yourself mentally. Too bad because the pink Jaipur is really of great charm and you could lose hours.
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One of the most active streets

Una de las calles más activas

Jaipur es una ciudad que cuenta con varias avenidas grandes y anchas que recorren de este a oeste y de norte a sur la ciudad. En el centro encontramos Johari Bazar Road que junto con Hawa Mahal Road recorre de sur a norte Jaipur. Esta ancha avenida es una de las más activas de la ciudad que a menudo presenta un tráfico bastante espeso a ciertas horas del día. A pesar de ello, es una calle llena de fachadas bonitas y de colores ocres y marrones además de tener una gran cantidad de pequeñas tiendas que nos venderán probablemente lo que necesitemos.
Jaipur is a city that has several large and wide avenues that run from east to west and north to south the city. In the center we find Johari Bazar Road along with Hawa Mahal Road runs south to north Jaipur. This broad avenue is one of the most active of the city that often presents a rather thick traffic at certain times of the day. However, it is a street full of beautiful facades and ocher and brown besides having a lot of small shops that probably vendern us what we need.
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The bazaars of the old Japur

Les bazars du vieux Jaïpur

Jaipur vaut le détour pour autre chose que son fort d'Amber et son palais des vents. Résolument vivante, il faut prendre le temps de se perdre sans son labyrinthe de bazar pour apprécier à sa juste valeur la vraie vie locale, tout en négociations, ventes à la criées, bousculades et odeurs d'épices. On vous proposera un million de choses "pas chères" ou à des supers prix rien que pour vous. Ca fait partie du jeu et ce serait dommage de passer à côté.
Jaipur is worth the detour for anything other than its Amber Fort and Palace of Winds. Resolutely alive, take the time to be lost without her bazaar maze apprcier true value of the real local life while negotiations, sales Cree, jostling and smells of spices. We offer you a million things "not chres" or cool prizes just for you. It's part of the game and it would be a shame to spend ct.
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