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Valletta Old Town


7 reviews of Valletta Old Town

Walk through Valetta

The truth is that to walk and wander through the capital is one great pleasure. Steep streets, balconies with hanging laundry, stairs, cats, closed balconies, doors and other features motivates you to keep moving. Also see the city's ancient walls of protection, real works of engineering genius, small springs and savor the history of this charming capital. I did not care who joined me, I just loved getting lost in the smell of the bakeries in the morning and chats with the elders to who love to share the history of Malta.



La Valette

La Valette est la capitale de l'ile de Malte. Le centre historique de La Valette, entouré par ces magnifiques forteresses érigées par le chevalier de La Valette après le siège des Turcs en 1565, et où se concentre la plupart des monuments notables de la ville, est étonnamment petit ! Si mes souvenirs sont bons, il y a un kilomètre à parcourir pour aller de la prote d'entrée principale au bout de la péninsule ! Autant vous dire que pour la visite, c'est l'idéal ! ;) Pas besoin de voitures, de prendre les transports en commun ou quoi que ce soit, tout est à porté de main… où plutôt de pied ! De plus, il faut bien le dire, c'est un véritable plaisir de se perdre dans les petites ruelles de La Valette. On prend la pleine mesure du caractère fortement méditerranéen de la ville en déambulant à travers ces rues, ces grandes artères qui montent et qui descendent et qui finissent invariablement les pieds dans l'eau turquoises de la mer Méditerranée. Il y a bien évidemment beaucoup de monuments à visiter, de terrasses où se reposer… etc, et je ne peux pas tout vous citer (je recommande tout de même particulièrement la co Cathédrale Saint John et les jardins d'Upper Barrakka). Il faut se balader, se perdre un peu, pour dénicher un petit coin particulier. Un bon conseil en tout cas, n'oubliez pas de bien lever les yeux pour profiter de l'architecture si typique de Malte avec ces "bow window" hérités des moucharabiehs que l'on retrouve dans l'architecture du Maghreb :) Avec toutes ces influences arabes, catholiques, italiennes, anglaises, les amateurs d'histoire et d'architecture trouveront largement de quoi s'occuper ici ! :D
Valletta is the capital of the island of Malta. The historic center of Valletta, surrounded by the magnificent fortresses built by the Knight of Valletta after the siege of the Turks in 1565, and where the most significant monuments of the city is concentrated, is surprisingly small! If I remember correctly, there is a mile walk to get from the main entrance protects the tip of the peninsula! Let me tell you for the visit, it is the ideal! ;) No need for cars, take public transportation or anything, everything is at hand ... or rather foot! In addition, it must be said, it is a pleasure to get lost in the narrow streets of Valletta. The full extent of strongly Mediterranean character of the city is taken while walking through these streets, these large arteries that go up and down and invariably end feet in the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Of course there are many monuments to visit, terraces where you can relax ... etc, and I can not quote you any (I recommend still particularly co Cathedral Saint John Upper Barrakka Gardens). We must walk, to lose a little to find a small private corner. Good advice in any case, do not forget to look up to enjoy the architecture so typical of Malta with the "bow window" inherited moucharabiehs found in the architecture of the Maghreb :) With all Arab influences these English Italian Catholics, the history and architecture buffs will find plenty to occupy here! : D
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Beautiful and special capital to the sea ... to visit absolutely

Bellissima e particolare capitale sul mare... da visitare assolutamente

La Valletta è la capitale di Malta. Fu fondata nel 1566 dai Cavalieri Ospitalieri. La città è situata sulla costa settentrionale su di una penisola rocciosa che sorge tra due ampie insenature in cui sono situati i porti della città. La città contiene numerosi edifici di rilevanza storica: il più conosciuto è la concattedrale di San Giovanni, ma vi si trovano anche il Palazzo del Grande Maestro, che oggi ospita gli uffici del parlamento Maltese, le fortificazioni per la difesa della città, il forte di Sant'Elmo e il Museo di Belle Arti. Tutte queste opere sono valse alla città il titolo di patrimonio dell'umanità assegnato dall'UNESCO.
Valletta is the capital of Malta. It was founded in 1566 by the Knights Hospitallers. The city is located on the north coast on a rocky peninsula that lies between two large bays where the ports are located in the city. The town contains many buildings of historical importance: the best known is the Co-Cathedral of St. John, but there are also the Grand Master's Palace, which now houses the offices of the Maltese parliament, the fortifications for the defense of the city, the fort of Elmo and the Museum of Fine Arts All these works have earned the city the title of World Heritage Site by UNESCO awarded.
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La Valette

La Valette est une ville qui réserve bien des surprises. Sa co-cathédrale, ses jardins qui surplombes la mer, ses fortifications impressionnantes et ses palais sont tout simplement magnifiques. Mais vous apprécierez encore plus ses rues, ses escaliers qui abritent des cafés, ces bow-windows aux couleurs chatoyantes. Allez faire un tour au jardin de l'Upper Barraca pour admirer la vue sur les trois cités, marchez le front de mer et perdez vous dans à travers les ruelles.
Valletta is a city that reserve many surprises. His co-cathedral, its gardens which overhung the sea, impressive fortifications and palaces are simply amazing. But you will appreciate even more its streets, stairways that are home to cafes, these bow windows shimmering colors. Have a look at the garden of the Upper Barraca to admire the view on the three narratives, walk the waterfront and lose yourself in the narrow streets.
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The beautiful capital city of Malta,...

La magnifique capitale de Malte, La...

La magnifique capitale de Malte, La Valette, inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, possède de nombreux forts et fortifications, protégeant des assaillants venus de la Méditerranée. En effet, cette île au positionnement stratégique, cernée par la mer, fut le lieu de nombreuses attaques au fil des siècles. Admirer de préférence en bateau notamment les forts St Ange, St Elme et St Manuel.
The beautiful capital city of Malta, Valletta, listed as World Heritage by UNESCO, has many forts and fortifications protecting the attackers from the Mediterranean. Indeed, the island's strategic location, surrounded by the sea, was the site of numerous attacks over the centuries. Admiring preferably boat including strong St Angelo St Elmo and St Manuel.
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You have to get lost in its streets

Hay que perderse por sus calles

Callejear por el casco antiguo y comer en Is-Suq Tal-Belt Valletta Food Market.
You have to get lost in its streets, stroll through the old town and eat at Is-Suq Tal-Belt Valletta Food Market.
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The cities of the island of Malta have a special charm

Le città dell'isola di Malta hanno un fascino tutto particolare

Le città dell'isola di Malta hanno un fascino tutto particolare
The cities of the island of Malta have a special charm
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