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National Capitol


36 reviews of National Capitol

A majestic building located in the most central part of the Cuban capital

The Capitolio Nacional in Havana is a majestic building located in the most central part of the Cuban capital. The building´s construction dates back to 1910, which was not without controversy, as it was thought to be the seat of the House of Representatives but, on occasion, some presidents tried to change the project in order to build a presidential palace. Finally, the Capitol is a multipurpose space that gathers from a cybercafe to monumental rooms where assemblies are held, as well as meetings and conventions. It is also home to the Ministry of Science and Environment, and a library. Visiting this place is a must if you should be lucky enough to have the opportunity to pass through Havana.

A trick, if it fits: say you want to go to the bathroom and all you'll have to pay to enter the building will be the money for the ladies which are usually found on the door of every bathroom in the country in order to keep them clean.
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Havana's capitol is a historical legacy


This building is one of the most emblematic of Cuba. Ideal for people interested in history because it carries a lot of Cuban history. It's located in a central place perfect for sightseeing.

The noble and venerable building

El edificio noble y venerable

¿Y por qué? Porque es el edificio más y majestuoso de toda La Habana, construido después de que la "Danza de los Millones" donase al gobierno cubano un cofre aparentemente sin fondo de dinero procedente del azúcar; porque es similar al edificio del Capitolio de Washington D.C. en E.U pero algo más alto y mucho más rico en detalle. Las obras fueron iniciadas por el dictador Gerardo Machado en 1926, por supuesto con respaldo americano. Para terminarlo fueron necesarios 5.000 obreros, 3 años, 2 meses y veinte días y 17 millones de $. Antiguamente era la sede del congreso cubano, pero desde 1959 ha albergado la Academia Cubana de las Ciencias y la Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Construido con piedra caliza blanca de Capellanía y granito, la entrada está guardada por seis columnas dóricas en lo alto de una escalinata que sube dese el Prado. Una cúpula de 62 metros rematada por una estatua de de bronce que representa a Mercurio despunta en el horizonte de La Habana. Desgraciadamente no pude ever el interior por estar en obras y por ello tampoco admirar el diamante que es punto de partida y kilómetro cero de todas las carreteras de Cuba. Tampoco el gran Salón de los Pasos Perdidos con la estatua de la República... En fin. Admirarlo sólo desde el exterior también me alimentó...
Why? Because the building is more and majestic in all Havana, built after the "Dance of the Millions" donate the Cuban government a seemingly bottomless box of money from sugar because it is similar to the Capitol building in Washington DC USA but something higher and richer in detail. The work was started by the dictator Gerardo Machado in 1926, of course with American backing. To finish it took 5,000 workers, three years, two months and twenty days and $ 17 million. Formerly the Cuban congress venue, but since 1959 has housed the Cuban Academy of Sciences and the National Library of Science and Technology. Built with white limestone and granite Chaplaincy, the entrance is guarded by six Doric columns at the top of a stairway leading up yourself the Prado. A 62-meter dome topped by a bronze statue representing Mercury dawns on the horizon of Havana. Unfortunately I could not ever be in the interior works and why not admire the diamond that is the starting point and kilometer zero of all roads in Cuba. Neither the great Hall of Lost Steps with the statue of the Republic ... In order. Admire it only from the outside also fed me ...
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A place unique and incomparable

Un lugar único e incomparable

El capitolio se encuentra en un entorno inmejorable. Esta situado en los alrededores del Parque Central, conocido por sus reuniones espontaneas de cubanos que discuten sobre béisbol de forma acalorada. Está rodeado de las típicas calles pintorescas de La Habana, llenas de coches clásicos americanos que nos recuerdan los gloriosos años 50. Rodeado por antiguos edificios neocoloniales en los que aún distinguimos el vivo color que algún día tuvieron. El aire, en todo Cuba se respira son, se respira ritmo, salsa...Pero sin duda, lo que hace del capitolio y sus alrededores un lugar único e incomparable...Un ambiente peculiar...Es su gente, la misma gente que encontramos sentada en el malecón a media tarde, la misma gente que inunda las playas del Este los domingos...Sin duda los cubanos hacen de su país un sitio cálido, acogedor, dulce, amable, alegre... Para todas las personas que visiten Cuba, les recomiendo que paseen por sus calles, que disfruten de su aroma, que hablen con su gente y disfruten.
The Capitol is located in lovely surroundings. It is located near the Central Park, known for its spontaneous meetings that discuss Cuban baseball heatedly. It is surrounded by typical picturesque streets of Havana, full of classic American cars that remind us the glorious 50s. Surrounded by old buildings in neo still distinguish the bright color that someday had. The air you breathe throughout Cuba are, breathes rhythm, salsa ... But surely, making Capitol and around a unique and incomparable ... A unique environment ... is its people, the same find people sitting on the jetty in the afternoon, the same people who flooded the eastern beaches on Sundays ... No doubt the Cubans make their country a warm, friendly, sweet, kind, cheerful ... For all visitors to Cuba, I recommend that roam the streets, enjoying the aroma, talk to people and enjoy.
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Le Capitole National (Capitolio Nacional de La Habana) est l’édifice le plus imposant et un des plus remarquables de La Havane. Situé en plein centre de de la Ville, le Capitole est le point zéro de toutes les routes du pays. Ouvert au public, il est l'un des centres touristiques les plus visités de la ville, devenu l'une des icônes Havane architecturale, il et est généralement considéré comme le bâtiment le plus imposant de la ville. Il est considéré comme l'un des six palais les plus importants à travers le monde.
The National Capitol (Capitolio Nacional de La Habana) is the most imposing building and one of the most remarkable of Havana. Located in the heart of the City, the Capitol is the zero point of all roads. Open to the public, it is one of the most visited tourist centers of the city, became one of the architectural icons Havana, and it is generally considered the most imposing building in the city. It is considered one of the six largest worldwide palace.
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Dome astonishing!

Cúpula asombrante!

El Capitolio Nacional de La Habana es un relevante edificio construido en 1922. Inspirado en el clásico capitolio romano, el edificio presenta una fachada acolumnada neoclásica y una cúpula que alcanza los 91,73 m de altura. Situado en el centro la capital del país, entre las calles Prado, Dragones, Industria y San José, es el origen kilométrico de la red de carreteras cubanas, y después del triunfo de la Revolución, cuando fue disuelto el Congreso, fue transformado en la sede del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente y de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Visita obligada.
The Capitol building in Havana is a significant building constructed in 1922. Inspired by the classic Roman Capitol, the building has a neoclassical facade columnar and dome which reaches 91.73 m. Centrally located in the capital, between Calle Prado, Dragons, Industry and San Jose, is the origin kilometer road network in Cuba, and after the triumph of the Revolution, when Congress was dissolved, was transformed into the headquarters of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and the Academy of Sciences of Cuba. Must.
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Sede del congreso cubano hasta 1959, destaca por su gran cúpula de casi 92 metros de altura, replica de la basílica de San Pedro de Roma, que alberga la estatua bajo techo más grande del mundo. En su construcción, iniciada en 1929 durante el gobierno de Gerardo Machado y diseñado por el arquitecto Eugenio Raynieri, participaron 5000 trabajadores durante más de 3 años.
Cuban Congress headquarters until 1959, features great dome almost 92 meters high replica of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, which houses the largest indoor statue in the world. Its construction began in 1929 during the government of Gerardo Machado and designed by architect Eugene Raynieri, 5000 workers participated for more than three years.
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Rainy afternoon on 1 May. A hot and...

Tarde de lluvia el 1º de mayo. Un día d...

Tarde de lluvia el 1º de mayo. Un día de calor y sol. De repente, la típica tormenta caribeña que despeja rápidamente las calles y oscurece el día. No queda otra más que resguardarte en los soportales del Teatro Nacional y dejar pasar un rato hasta que escampe. Pero mientras esperas, sientes como una atmósfera de melancolía te invade...
Rainy afternoon on 1 May. A hot and sunny day. Suddenly, the typical Caribbean storm that quickly clears the streets and darkens the day. There is no other more than shelter in the portico of the National Theater and let hang until it stops raining. But while you wait, you feel an atmosphere of melancholy comes over ...
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Havana 2012

La Habana 2012

En junio de 2012 co-organizamos el primer EBE fuera de España en La Habana dentro de la programación de Festival CLIC que también co-organizamos junto a Yoani Sánchez y Antonio Rodiles
In June 2012, co-organized the first EBE outside Spain in Havana in the CLIC Festival schedule also co-organized with Yoani Sanchez and Antonio Rodiles
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It was a weekend trip unforgettable...

Fue un viaje de fin de carrera...

Fue un viaje de fin de carrera inolvidable. La Habana te conquista nada más pisarla. Y el capitolio, una obra maestra... Dicen que es más grande que el de Washington! No sé si es cierto, pero, desde luego, es impresionante.
It was a weekend trip unforgettable race. Havana will conquer nothing more underfoot. And the capitol, a masterpiece ... They say it's bigger than that of Washington! It s not if it is true, but, of course, is impressive.
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Mucho encanto

Si viajais a cuba nada de llevar dólares. Tienen penalización al cambio del 20/. Cobran demasiado por las excursiones y la comida nada del otro mundo. El café es solo para el turista así que no te extrañe que no sepan poner café con hielo.
If you travel to Cuba no take dollars. They change penalty of 20 /. They charge too much for the excursions and the food nothing special. Coffee is only for tourists so do not be surprised to know not to put iced coffee.
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Political center of the country

Centro político del país

No sólo es interesante el Capitolio en sí, sino las calles que lo rodean y la avenida principal que está llena de edificios con colores de todo tipo. Se encuentra en el centro y es de rápido acceso desde cualquier punto de la ciudad.
Political center of the country. Not only is the Capitol itself interesting, but the streets that surround it and the main avenue that is full of buildings with colors of all kinds. It is located in the center and is quickly accessible from anywhere in the city.
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It just seems that traveling to the...

Simplemente, parece que viajas 50 años ...

Simplemente, parece que viajas 50 años al pasado, un destino que todo aquel viajero tiene que conocer.
It just seems that traveling to the past 50 years, a fate that all the traveler needs to know.
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We could not enter because it was under construction.

No pudimos entrar porque estaba en construcción.

Pero pude apreciar que el Capitolio, como todos los edificios gubernamentales en Cuba son majestuosos y dejan entrever la riqueza de cuba en el pasado.
We could not enter because it was under construction, but I could appreciate that the Capitol, like all the governmental buildings in Cuba, are majestic and show the richness of Cuba in the past.
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The Capitol

Il Campidoglio

Nell'agosto 2012 quando siamo stati a Cuba il Campidoglio non era visitabile per restauri per un anno circa. Anche se la maestosità dell'edificio è veramente apprezzabile dall'esterno. Di fronte numerosi avventori cercano di vendere giri turistici della città su vecchie cabriolet degli anni '50.
In August 2012 when we were in Cuba, the Capitol was not visited for renovations for about a year. Although the majesty of the building is really appreciable from the outside. In front of many customers trying to sell tours of the old city of convertible 50s.
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Information about National Capitol