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National Archaeological Museum of Athens

18 contributors
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14 reviews of National Archaeological Museum of Athens

National Archaeological Museum

We had to return another day as the museum has very different opening hours. Before going, make sure to check that it will be open. I liked it a great deal, however, if you don't bother with an audio guide or a guide, you may not understand everything. All the explanations of the sculptures, and paintings were in Greek or English. I recommended a visit. It's huge - if you go, go with time to spare because it takes a while to visit - there are endless rooms.


Not to be missed

Da non perdere

Semplicemente eccezionale. Il museo archeologico di Atene è senza dubbio uno dei musei più belli e toccanti del mondo, uno dei veri punti fermi della città. Anche per chi in genere non ama i musei. Il mio consiglio è di vederlo prima dell'Acropoli e soprattutto prima di Micene (se è fra le tappe che avete in programma). Perché solo così, dopo aver fatto il pieno di emozioni e aver volato con l'immaginazione su questi antichi reperti, potrete davvero immergervi in un luogo del quale restano poche rovine. Fra le sale più emozionanti del museo c'è sicuramente quella dedicata ai tesori ritrovati da Schliemann a Micene (fra cui la 'maschera di Agamennone'), ma fra i pezzi più famosi troverete anche la splendida oinochoe del Dyplon o la sala dedicata a Santorini con le antiche pitture murarie, fra cui quella famosa dei pugili. Personalmente ho trovato particolarmente commovente la sala dedicata ai monumenti funerari risalenti al periodo successivo alla peste di Atene del 430 a.c. Fra le note dolenti c'è che il museo è di concezione un po' vecchia: qualche panchina in più non avrebbe nuociuto. Il museo è non lontano da piazza Omonia (per chi usa la matro), ma ci arriva anche un gran numero di filobus che si possono prendere a piazza Sintagma. Chiuso il lunedì.
Just brilliant. The Archaeological Museum of Athens is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful museums and touching the world, one of the real strong points of the city. Even for those who generally does not like museums. My advice is to see him before the Acropolis of Mycenae and especially before (if it is among the places that you're planning). Because only then, after the full of emotions and have flown with the imagination of these ancient relics, you can really immerse yourself in a location where a few ruins remain. Among the most exciting rooms of the museum is definitely one dedicated to the treasures found by Schliemann at Mycenae (including the 'mask of Agamemnon'), but among the most famous pieces are also the beautiful oinochoe of Dyplon or room dedicated to Santorini with ancient wall paintings, including the famous boxers. Personally I found particularly moving a room devoted to funerary monuments dating back to the period after the plague of Athens in 430 BC Among the mourners is known that the museum is to design a bit 'old: some bench no longer would hurt. The museum is not far from Omonia Square (for those who use Matro), but there also comes a large number of trolley buses that can take you to Syntagma Square. Closed on Mondays.
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The National Archaeological Museum of...

Il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di...

Il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Atene è il più importante della Grecia e qui vengono conservati reperti di notevole rilievo storico. La collezione presente al Museo Nazionale è divisa in tre sezioni, disposte in ordine cronologico: Al pianterreno, la sezione preistorica e la sezione delle sculture bronzee e marmoree, al primo piano la collezione delle ceramiche risalenti al periodo cicladico. A pianterreno inoltre si tengono anche diverse mostre temporanee.L'edificio che ospita il museo risale al XIX secolo ed è in stile neoclassico. Il Museo si può raggiungere scendendo alla fermata di Omonia della metro, da qui a piedi occorrono 5 minuti. I bus che fermano nelle vicinanze del Museo Nazionale sono il n. 224 e 226. E' aperto tutti i giorni dalle 8 alle 19.30, e il lunedì dalle 13 alle 19.30. Il costo del biglietto è di 7€ per gli adulti e di 3 euro il ridotto.
The National Archaeological Museum of Athens is the most important in Greece and here are preserved finds of great historical importance. The present collection of the National Museum is divided into three sections, arranged in chronological order: ground floor, the prehistoric section and the section of bronze and marble sculptures, on the first floor, the collection of ceramics dating from the Cycladic period. The ground floor also are also held several exhibitions temporanee.L 'building that houses the museum dates back to the nineteenth century and in the neoclassical style. The museum can be reached getting off at Omonia Metro Station, from here it takes 5 minutes on foot. The buses that stop near the National Museum are the no. 224 and 226. E 'is open daily from 8 am to 19.30, and on Monday from 13 to 19.30. The cost of the ticket is € 7 for adults and 3 € reduced.
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In Greek art

Dans l'art grecque

C'est l'un des musées les plus importants dans le monde. En plus d'être le plus grand musée en Grèce est aussi le plus riche du monde sur l'art hellénique, avec des expositions portant sur la production historique et artistique de la Grèce antique. Il y a la célèbre statue en bronze de Poséidon lançant une fléchette et autres statues importantes du monde grec antique
This is one of the most important museums in the world. In addition to being the largest museum in Greece is also the richest in the world of Hellenic art, with exhibitions on the historical and artistic production of ancient Greece. There is the famous bronze statue of Poseidon throwing a dart and other important statues of the ancient Greek world
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I like mythology?, I love the heroes of...

Os gusta la mitología?, os encantan los ...

Os gusta la mitología?, os encantan los heroes de la antigua Grecia?, pues no os teneis que perder la visita al Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas. Hay que ver sobre todo las dos grandes esculturas de bronce ([poi=44796]Estatua Zeus-Poseidon[/poi] y el Joven Jinete), el oro de la tumba de Agamenón, las esculturas de mármol del período clásico y los frescos de Santorini. Además se pueden contemplar 5 estatuas de bronce descubiertas en 1959 en el puerto del Pireo que son una maravilla; la única Kouros Apollo Arcaica, dos estatuas de Artemis, la Piraeus Athena y una máscara trágica todas ellas fechadas en el siglo 400 a. De Cristo. Podreis visitar treinta y dos salas , comenzando por la parte neolítica y el arte cicládico, y terminando por el arte micénico. Contiene la más rica colección de artefactos de la antigüedad griega en todo el mundo. Se encuentra situado en la zona de Exarhia, en el centro de Atenas, entre las calles Epiro, Bouboulina y Tositsa mientras que su entrada se encuentra en la avenida Patission adyacente al edificio histórico de la Politécnica de Atenas. Se encuentra en la calle Patision, 44 en otro espléndido edificio neo clásico de Atenas. Las colecciones del museo que podréis disfrutar son: Colección prehistórica (Neolítico, Cícladas, Micenas) Colección de esculturas Jarrónes y colección de objetos menores Colección Santorini Colección Metalurgia Colección Stathatos Colección Vlastos Colección de Arte de Egipto donada por Ioannou y Demetrius Alexander Rostovich Colección de Antigüedades del Cercano Oriente. Visitas al Museo Arqueológico de Atenas: El museo es fácilmente accesible con el metro de Atenas. Se tarda 5 minutos a pie desde la estación de Viktoria y 10 minutos a pie de la estación de Omonoia. Tarifas y Tickets: El acceso es gratuito para niños de hasta 6 años de edad y estudiantes. El museo alberga una gran tienda de regalos, recientemente reformado, con réplicas de artefactos y un popular café para turistas en el jardín de esculturas. El museo es totalmente accesible para sillas de ruedas. Hay también instalaciones y guías para los visitantes con deficiencias auditivas. Horario de Visitas: Martes a Viernes: 8am-7pm Lunes:12:30pm-7pm Sabado, Domingo y Festivos:8:30am-3pm Espero que os haya servido y disfrutad. Esta preciosidad la podeis admirar en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas. Se trata de Atenea Partenos (traducido, Athena la Virgen). Esta maravilla del mundo griego fue hecha por Fidias y representa una escultura Criselefantina de la Diosa griega Atenea. Sin duda una de las Diosas más conocidas y admiradas por todos. Residía en el Partenón (Acrópolis ateniense) y tal fue importancia que se han realizado varias réplicas y obras inspiradas en la original. De hecho os comento en este rincón, donde podéis encontrar dichas réplicas: La Atenea Varvakeion(es el otro nombre que recibe), una copia en mármol de la Atenea Partenos. Está en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas (Las fotos de este rincón son de ella precisamente).Además se la considera como la reproducción más fiel a la original. En el Museo Nacional de Roma, en el Museo del Louvre podréis encontrar las otras y actualmente, en el museo Británico podéis encontrar el escudo. Tal fue el impacto que tuvo sobre los demás que se dio origen a partir de ella a otra remensa de estatuas criselefantinas y fue un buen motivo para que Fidias se involucrase y se motivase para ponerse manos a la obra con la estatua de Zeus en Olimpia. Os reproduzco las líneas de un historiador llamado Pausanias dando una bella descripción de la estatua: “ La estatua en sí está hecha de marfil y oro. En el centro de su casco hay una figura parecida a la Esfinge y a cada lado del yelmo hay grifos en relieve. La estatua de Atenea es de pie, con una túnica hasta los pies, y sobre su pecho la cabeza de Medusa está tallada en marfil. Sostiene una Victoria de aproximadamente cuatro codos y en la otra mano una lanza, a sus pies yace un escudo y cerca de la lanza hay una serpiente. Esta serpiente podría ser Erictonio. Sobre el pedestal está el nacimiento de Pandora en relieve ”. Por último deciros que la obra original de Fidias media 12 metros de altura, todo un monumento a la Diosa de la Guerra y la Sabiduría, Atenea.
I like mythology?, I love the heroes of ancient Greece?, Then do not you have to miss a visit to the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. Must see especially two large bronze sculptures (Statue Zeus-Poseidon and Young Rider), gold from the tomb of Agamemnon, the marble sculptures of the Classical period and the frescoes in Santorini. Also you can see five bronze statues discovered in 1959 in the port of Piraeus which are wonderful, the only Apollo Archaic Kouros, two statues of Artemis, the Piraeus Athena and tragic mask all dated in the 400 century. Of Christ. You will be able to visit thirty-two rooms, starting from the Neolithic and Cycladic art, and ending with the Mycenaean art. It contains the richest collection of artifacts from Greek antiquity worldwide. It is located in the Exarhia, in the center of Athens, between the streets Epirus, Bouboulina and Tositsa while its entrance is on Patission Avenue adjacent to the historical building of the Athens Polytechnic. It is located on the street Patision, 44 in another splendid neoclassical building in Athens. The museum's collections that you can enjoy are: Collection Prehistoric (Neolithic, Cycladic, Mycenaean) Sculptures Vases Collection and collection of minor Metallurgy Collection Santorini Collection Collection Collection Vlastos Stathatos Egyptian Art Collection donated by Ioannou and Demetrius Alexander Rostovich Collection of Antiquities the Near East. Visits Athens Archaeological Museum: The museum is easily accessible with the Athens Metro. It takes 5 minutes walk from Viktoria station and 10 minutes walk from Omonoia Station. Prices and Tickets: Entrance is free for children up to 6 years of age and students. The museum houses a gift shop, recently renovated, with replicas of artifacts and a popular tourist cafe in the sculpture garden. The museum is fully accessible to wheelchairs. There are also facilities and guides for visitors with hearing impairments. Visiting hours: Tuesday to Friday: 8am-7pm Mon: 12:30 pm-7pm Saturday, Sunday and Holidays: 8:30 am-3pm hope you have served and enjoy. This beauty you can admire the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. This is Athena Parthenos (translated, Athena the Virgin). This wonder of the Greek world was made by Phidias and represents a sculpture chryselephantine Athena Greek Goddess. Without doubt one of the best known and admired Goddesses by all. Lived in the Parthenon (Acropolis in Athens) and such was important that there have been several replicas and works inspired by the original. In fact I commented on this corner, where you can find these replicas: The Athena Varvakeion (is the other name given), a copy in marble of the Athena Parthenos. It is in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (Photos of this corner is it precisely). Additionally it is regarded as more faithful to the original. At the National Museum of Rome, the Louvre can find each other and now in the British Museum can find the shield. Such was the impact it had on others that led from it to other statues remensa criselefantinas and was a good reason for that Phidias to get involved and give reasons for to get to work with the statue of Zeus at Olympia. I reproduce the lines of a historian named Pausanias giving a beautiful description of the statue: "The statue itself is made of ivory and gold. In the middle of her helmet is a figure similar to the Sphinx and on each side of the helmet are griffins in relief. The statue of Athena is standing with a tunic to the feet, and on her breast the head of Medusa is carved ivory. Holds a Victory about four cubits, and on the other hand a spear at his feet lies a shield and near the spear is a serpent. This serpent would be Erichthonius. On the pedestal is the birth of Pandora in relief. " Finally say that the original work of Phidias average 12 meters high, a monument to the Goddess of War and Wisdom, Athena.
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An impressive museum that collects the most important works of Greek art.

Un museo impresionante que recoge las obras más importantes del arte griego.

Algunas de ellas son las más destacadas e imperdibles: el grupo de Afrodita, Pan y Eros; el Poseidon lanzando el tridente; el jinete de Artimisio y la copia en miniatura de la Atenea que se encontraba en el Partenon.
An impressive museum that collects the most important works of Greek art. Some of them are the most outstanding and must-see: the group of Aphrodite, Pan and Eros; the Poseidon throwing the trident; the rider of Artimisio and the miniature copy of the Athena that was in the Partenon !!!!
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One of the best museums in the world

Uno de los mejores museos del mundo

Me impresionó este museo. Posee un gran número de grandes obras en las que la perfección del arte clásico se muestra. Está en pleno centro de Atenas y es una visita de referencia además de la de la Acrópolis.
I was impressed by this museum. It has a large number of works in which the perfection of classical art shows. It is in the center of Athens and is a further reference visit of the Acropolis.
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Beautiful objects of Mycenaean art

Belos objetos da arte micénica

O Museu Arqueológico Nacional é o mais importante para o estudo da civilização grega antiga. Belos objetos da arte micénica.
The National Archaeological Museum is the most important for the study of ancient Greek civilization. Beautiful objects of Mycenaean art.
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Place to visit.

Lugar de visita obligada.

Lugar de visita obligada.
Place to visit
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Great!!! I loved

Genial, me encantó.

Genial, me encantó.
Great!!! I loved
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And that you can also enjoy quietly and without hurry

Se puede disfrutar tranquilamente y sin prisas

Uno de los más espectaculares e imprescindibles museos arqueológicos del mundo.
One of the most spectacular and essential archaeological museums in the world. And that you can also enjoy quietly and without haste.
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Nice nice nice! Take some time to visit it all ...

Bello bello bello! Prendetevi un po' di tempo per visitarlo tutto...

Bello bello bello! Prendetevi un po' di tempo per visitarlo tutto...
Nice nice nice! Take some time to visit it all ...
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Peccato per alcune sale chiuse per mancanza di personale.
Nice, shame about some rooms closed due to lack of staff.
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Very interesting

Molto interessante

Molto interessante
Very interesting
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