the fastest method of transport
The tram is the fastest method of transport, and it is also the greenest and most beautiful method of transport to be found in the city of Mulhouse. If you take the bus, you have to deal with a lot of traffic, but of course it is nothing like the big cities such as Paris or Barcelona. If the weather is good, there are the Velocités, a free bike service, but the tram, rain or shine, is both quick and convenient. The fare costs 1.20 euros for a ticket, and allows you to change between both bus and tram for an hour indefinitely. There are two tram lines, which were decorated by the residents. The tram is yellow, much happier than in Paris.
The first line runs from the main train station and reaches Rattachement, the other goes from Nouveau Bassin up to Coteaux. From these four points there are buses to the suburbs. But once you get where there is a tram, it is better to change in order to take advantage of exclusive tracks and speed.
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