Mughal Gardens
The great Muslim Mughal dynasty ruled India from early 1500 to mid 1800. He had bright emperors who left impressive traces of splendor across India. The Mughals loved Srinagar , the tranquility of Dal Lake , and the coolness of the forested hillsides that surround it. Arriving by motorcycle rickshaw Srinagar (15 minutes), see the exquisite parks built by the Mughal: Nishat Bagh and Shalimar Bagh. The surprise is total.
In the gardens, water is the protagonist, chaos and silence disappear, the sound of the fountains and birdsong. Among incredible flowers, freshly cut grass and majestic trees, hundreds of families enjoy the Mughal legacy. Spending a few hours in the gardens is incredibly refreshing. Here's the contradictory reality of the Indians: They live in complete chaos, often in dirt and disorder. But love natural comfort, silence and cleanliness.
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