MTR Restaurant
MTR stands for Mavalli Tiffin Room. This restaurant near Lallbagh Park is one of the oldest in Bangalore. On our second day we went to visit Bangalore Lallbagh Park, which is an absolute oasis of peace and tranquility in the middle of a noisy city with a lot of traffic. As we got closer to MTR restaurant we decided to eat there. The access door to the restaurant was closed, but we saw people going into a back alley. We decided to go over there, and so we walked through the kitchen and came to a sort of reception area. Nobody there knew English, but after some gesturing it was clear, and they put us at a table with two girls, dressed in their saaris ve spoke some English.
They explained the food to us a little bit. It was an unforgettable experience and I recommend this restaurant, it's classic, in Bangalore, and well worth visiting. They're opening another restaurant, in the same house, in another part of the city, which is also very good, but it doesn't have the charm as the one located on Lallbagh Road. I've attached photos of the restaurant and of Lallbagh Park.
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