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Mount Ortobene

4 reviews of Mount Ortobene

One of my best moments

Climbing the 995-meters-high summit of Mt. Ortobene is one of the best moments of any trip to Sardinia. The winding road slowly rises above the town of Nuoro and when you reach the peak you’re greeted by an excellent view of the Supramonte and towns of Oliena and Orgosolo. The landscape is truly sublime: white limestone mountains set against the azure Sardinian sea. At the top, there’s a statue of the Christ the Redeemer built in 1901 (yes, so old yet so new!). The statue’s bronze feet literally glow from the all devotional kisses of the local Catholics. It is one of the 19 statues that Pope Leo XIII built to celebrate 19 centuries of Catholicism in Italy.

Half way down the slope, there is a charming B&B in a lovely forest where you can see wild boars. There’s a large restaurant next to the statue that has rooms built into the rock; it’ a very good way to end the day, especially since the service begins at 19:30.
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Beautiful views of the valley

Redeemer Statue is an impressive bronze work by the sculptor Vincenzo Jerace. It’s located atop Mt. Ortobene at nearly 1000 meters of elevation. At the foot of the statue is a plaque dedicated to Jerace Luisa, wife of the sculptor. It’s a nice place to visit, not only for religious pilgrims, but also those looking to enjoy the beautiful views over the valley. Really, it’s an ideal place for picnics and nature walks. In August, there’s a large festival held in honor of the Redeemer which has grown famous throughout Sardinia.


Ortobene Mount

Monte overlooks the city of Nuoro, which is the capital of Barbaggia. It is the mountainous area of ​​Sardinia and the most traditional. It has a nice veranda and a huge sculpture of the 'Christ of Ortobene'. It is a good place to relax, admire the scenery, and take part in the village festivals celebrating Mass.

Monte Ortobene, peace and relaxation at almost 1000 meters high

Monte Ortobene, pace e relax a quasi 1000 metri di altezza

Il monte Ortobene è una bellissima altura che domina la città di Nuoro con i suoi massi granitici e torrioni ed è caratterizzato da una folta macchia mediterranea. La vista che si può ammirare da lassù è senz'altro bellissima e in più si può godere il fresco in un meraviglioso bosco, posto ideale per passeggiate e scampagnate. In cima al monte a 955 metri di altezza, troverete l'imponente statua di sette metri dedicata al Cristo Redentore, a cui è dedicata anche un'importante Sagra che si svolge nel mese di agosto e che prevede canti, balli e sfilate di costumi sardi. Imperdibile per chi ama la tradizione degli antichi costumi e usanze dell'isola. Lungo la strada per raggiungere la vetta del Monte inoltre, si possono ammirare bellissimi paesaggi in mezzo alla natura.
The Ortobene is a beautiful hill overlooking the town of Nuoro with its granite boulders and towers and is characterized by a thick Mediterranean scrub. The view that you can admire from up there is definitely more beautiful and you can enjoy the fresh air in a beautiful forest, an ideal place for walks and picnics. On top of the mountain at 955 meters, you will find the imposing statue of seven meters dedicated to Christ the Redeemer, which is dedicated to an important festival that takes place in the month of August and includes songs, dances and parades of Sardinian costumes . A must for those who love the tradition of the ancient customs and traditions of the island. Along the road to reach the summit of Mount Furthermore, you can admire beautiful landscapes in nature.
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