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St. Petersburg Mosque

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7 reviews of St. Petersburg Mosque

Europe's largest mosque


The Grand Mosque is located in the city centre. In the early twentieth century it was the larget in Europe, 49 metres high and with a capacity for 5,000 people. It resembles Samarkand Gur with its two minarets and ceramic tiled dome.

Mosque of St. Petersburg

Mezquita de San Petersburgo

Pues si, una mezquita en medio de San Petersburgo. Está situada en la zona de Petrogrado, el archipiélago frente al Hermitage, se encuentra en activo y su cúpula azul turquesa llama la atención desde lejos. Los minaretes estaban en obras cuando la visitamos, pero sí que pudimos ver parecido con su modelo: se ha construido a imagen y semejanza del Mausoleo del Gur que hay en Samarkanda. Los mosaicos en gamas de azules, la cúpula formada por cilindros y hasta el arco ojival son idénticos. Si bien, el mausoleo debe estar ubicado en una zona más atractiva que esta mezquita… http://bienvenidospb.com
Well, yes, a mosque in the middle of St. Petersburg. It is located in the area of ​​Petrograd, the archipelago in front of the Hermitage, is in active and turquoise blue dome attracts attention from afar. The minarets were under construction when we visited, but we could see resemblance to its model has been constructed image of the Mausoleum of Gur is in Samarkand. The mosaics in shades of blue, the dome formed by cylinders and to the ogee are identical. While, the mausoleum must be located in a more attractive area this mosque ... http://bienvenidospb.com
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Not far from the fortress of Peter and...

Non loin de la forteresse...

Non loin de la forteresse Pierre-et-Paul, dans l’arrondissement de Pétrogradskaïa Storona, la Mosquée de Saint-Pétersbourg enfonce ses minarets dans le ciel. Construite en 1913, elle était la plus grande mosquée d'Europe. C’est un bâtiment d’une incroyable beauté avec ses murs de granite gris et le dôme ainsi que les minarets recouverts de mosaïque en céramique de couleur bleu ciel. Les façades sont recouvertes de passages du Coran écrit en alphabet arabe. De nos jours cette mosquée abrite aussi le centre d’instruction et de culture où l’on peut apprendre l’arabe et le tatare.
Not far from the fortress of Peter and Paul, in the district of Petrogradskaya Storona, the Mosque of St. Petersburg sinks its minarets in the sky. Built in 1913, it was the largest mosque in Europe. It is a building of incredible beauty with walls of gray granite dome and minarets covered with mosaic ceramic sky blue. The facades are covered with passages written in Arabic script Quran. Today the mosque also houses the training center and culture where you can learn Arabic and Tatar.
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The Great Mosque of St. Petersburg is...

La grande mosquée de Saint-Pétersbourg e...

La grande mosquée de Saint-Pétersbourg est visible de loin. Son toit bleu et ses minarets dépassent tous les immeubles environnants. C’est en contemplant le détail de son architecture que je me suis rendu compte de ma méconnaissance sur la beauté de ces lieux de cultes. Un toit de mosaïque bleue, orné de motifs, porte un croissant de lune d’or. Sa façade principale est un travail d’orfèvre qui constitue un tout qui se marie harmonieusement avec les bâtiments prestigieux de le ville de Pierre le Grand.
The Great Mosque of St. Petersburg is visible from afar. Its blue roof and minarets exceed all the surrounding buildings. Is contemplating the details of its architecture that I realized my ignorance about the beauty of these places of worship. A roof tile blue, decorated with patterns, wearing a crescent moon gold. Its main facade is a work of craftsmanship that is a whole that blends harmoniously with the prestigious buildings of the city of Peter the Great.
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Located not far from the Peter and Paul...

Située non loin de la forteresse Pierre ...

Située non loin de la forteresse Pierre et Paul, cette impressionnante bâtisse date de 1914. Il s'agit de la seule mosquée de la ville et reprend le style Ouzbek (quasi copie d'un mausolée de Samarkand) , déjà dans le giron russe à l'époque de Nicolas II. Le résultat est assez surprenant, d'autant qu'il s'agit du plus haut bâtiment du quartier. Ses minarets et sa couple en faïence bleu et verte ne manquent cependant pas de charme, mais l'intérieur ne se visite pas. La station Gorkovskaya est située à deux pas, dans le parc Alexandrovski.
Located not far from the Peter and Paul Fortress, this impressive building dates from 1914. It is the only mosque in the city and takes the Uzbek style (quasi copy of a mausoleum in Samarkand), already in the Russian fold at the time of Nicolas II. The result is quite surprising, especially since it is the tallest building in the area. Minarets and torque tiled blue and green, however, not without charm, but the interior can not be visited. Gorkovskaya The station is located nearby, in Alexandrovski park.
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In Sanpetersburg there are several mosques, but this is the largest.

En San Petersburgo hay varias mezquitas

pero esta es la más grande. Si nos trasladamos a principios del siglo XX, esta mezquita ubicada en el centro de la ciudad era considerada la más grande de Europa.
In Sanpetersburg there are several mosques, but this is the largest.
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Located near the Peter and Paul...

Situado cerca de la fortaleza de Pedro...

Situado cerca de la fortaleza de Pedro y Pablo se encuentra este impresionante edificio que data de 1914. Es la única mezquita de la ciudad y con ella se reanuda el estilo uzbeko (la mezquita es casi una copia de un mausoleo en Samarcanda), en el seno de la Federación de Rusia en la época de Nicolás II. El resultado es bastante sorprendente, sobre todo porque es el edificio más alto del barrio. Sus minaretes y su loza azul y verde están llenos de encanto, pero desgraciadamente no puede ser visitado. La estación de Gorkovskaya está situada en las cercanías, en el parque Alexandrovska, para acceder al monumento.
Located near the Peter and Paul fortress lies this impressive building dating from 1914. It is the only mosque in the city and resumed her Uzbek style (the mosque is almost a copy of a mausoleum in Samarkand), within the Russian Federation at the time of Nicholas II. The result is quite surprising, especially because it is the tallest building in the neighborhood. Its minarets and blue and green faience are full of charm, but unfortunately can not be visited. Gorkovskaya station is located nearby in the park Alexandrovska, to enter the monument.
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