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Moray Inca Ruins

18 reviews of Moray Inca Ruins

The ruins of Moray

Les ruines de Moray

Proche du village de Maras, le site de Moray est à nouveau un lieu témoignant de l'ingéniosité des Incas. Au cœur de la célèbre Vallée Sacrée et surplombées par les hautes montagne des Andes, ont été construites de nombreuses terrasses incas, formant de gigantesques amphithéâtres. Ces ruines, découvertes en 1930, auraient été le site de recherches agronomiques. En effet, les Incas s'en seraient servi pour observer l'agriculture selon la température des terrasses impliquées. Plus on descend vers le centre de l'amphithéâtre, plus la température y est chaude, et inversement lorsqu'on remonte vers le haut. Aussi, vous observerez l'écho présent lorsqu'on se trouve dans l'un des amphithéâtres. Nul besoin de crier, vous pourrez entendre des conversations de personnes situées à des centaines de mètres de vous... Un site étonnant !
Near the village of Maras, the site of Moray is a place again tmoignant the ingenuity of the Incas. In the heart of the famous Sacre Valle and overhung by high mountains of the Andes, t have built many Inca terraces, forming gigantic amphithtres. These ruins, discoveries in 1930, would t agricultural research site. Indeed, the Incas would be used to monitor agriculture according to the temperature involved terraces. Further down towards the center of the amphitheater, the more the temperature is warm and back as you move up. Also, you will see the cho Introduced when in one of amphithtres. No need to cry you can hear conversations of people situated hundreds of meters from you ... A site amazing!
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Maras Moray is also not included and...

Maras Moray também não está incluida e to...

Maras Moray também não está incluida e todo city tour do Valle Sagrado, geralmente é feito em um dia por fora, talvez por estar um pouco fora de mão do passeio, mas nós conseguimos incluí-la no nosso passeio do Valle Sagrado dos Incas. E é um lugar incrível por abrigar essas ruínas e locais redondos nas pedras. Como eles construíram isso? Parece que também servia de plantação e dizem que no centro, bem no centro tem alguma coisa mística ou uma energia. Parece fácil, mas tente ir descendo, mas lembre-se de que mesmo na altitude você terá que subir e voltar. É longo o caminho, mas consegui passear pelo menos em volta. Não desci no centro não. É um lugar afastado e fizemos um trekking pelas ruínas. É isso. Incluam Maras Moray!
Maras Moray is also not included and all city tour of the Sacred Valley, is usually done in a day out, maybe be a little out of hand ride, but we can include it in our tour of the Sacred Valley of the Incas. And it is an amazing place for harboring these ruins and places round the rocks. How they built it? It seems that also served as planting and say the center, and the center has something mystical or energy. Sounds easy, but try to go down, but remember that even in the altitude you will have to go up and back. It's a long way, but at least I could walk around. Do not come down the center not. It is a secluded place and made a trek through the ruins. That's it. Include Maras Moray!
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The Inca Botanical Laboratory

El Laboratorio botanico inca

Como conté en otro rincón esta es una de las excursiones mas famosas para la gente que tiene poco tiempo en Cuzco. Moray junto el salar de maras se encuentra a pocos km de la ciudad y en una mañana podrás visitar las dos cosas. Mi consejo es contratar un taxista que te lleve a los dos sitios y poder negociar el precio. Si sois varios os saldrá muy barato. Allí en Moray podrás encontrar un laboratorio inca con varios escalones concéntricos. Explican los expertos que allí los incas hacían sus experimentos con semillas y lograban conseguir una temperatura diferente en cada escalón para poder plantar diferentes plantas, desde las mas exóticas hasta plantas que requieren una temperatura mas baja. Cuando los españoles llegaron se encontraron estas bancadas artificiales repletas de vegetales de todo tipo y decidieron conservarlo. Para mi es un sitio mágico y super interesante, así que os recomiendo totalmente que lo visitéis.
As I told in another corner this is one of the most famous excursions for people who have little time in Cuzco. Moray next to the salar de maras is a few km from the city and in one morning you can visit both. My advice is to hire a taxi driver to take you to both sites and to negotiate the price. If you are several it will be very cheap. There in moray you can find an Inca laboratory with several concentric steps. The experts explain that there the Incas made their experiments with seeds and managed to get a different temperature in each step to be able to plant different plants, from the most exotic to plants that require a lower temperature. When the Spaniards arrived they found these artificial benches full of vegetables of all kinds and decided to keep it. For me it is a magical and super interesting site, so I totally recommend that you visit it.
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If the stunning views from Cuzco Maras...

Si desde Cuzco visitas las impactantes...

Si desde [poi=119126]Cuzco[/poi] visitas las impactantes [poi=81385]Salineras de Maras[/poi] no te pierdas continuar hasta el desvencijado pueblo de Maras y desde allí hasta Moray. El camino, bellísimo, solitario y muy deteriorado, atraviesa campos sembrados de una bucólica belleza. Luego de siete kilómetros, y escondido entre altas sierras, se halla el enigmático Moray, un extraño y sofisticado vivero de andenes concéntricos donde los incas experimentaban con plantas y aclimataban cultivos. En realidad, no hay certeza total de que Moray se utilizara para esto. La mayoría de los arqueólogos confirma esa teoría, aunque algunos creen que el lugar servía como observatorio astronómico. Cualquiera haya sido la función de Moray, el fantástico sitio inca destila una mágica energía.
If the stunning views from Cuzco Maras miss not continue to the ramshackle town of Maras and from there to Moray. The road, beautiful, lonely and very run down fields planted through a bucolic beauty. After seven miles, and hidden between high mountains, the enigmatic Moray is a strange and sophisticated nursery concentric terraces where the Incas experimented with acclimated plants and crops. Actually, there is no certainty at all that Moray was used for this. Most archaeologists confirmed that theory, although some believe that the place served as an astronomical observatory. Whatever the role of Moray, the great Inca site exudes a magical energy.
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Terraas for agriculture of the Incas

Terraças para a agricultura dos incas

Essa região teoricamente era utilizada pelos incas para sua agricultura. Eles plantavam nas terraças, como são conhecidas essas formações circulares e com degraus. O Vale Sagrado fica perto de Cusco, então pode-se fazer o passeio em um dia saindo e voltando de Cusco. É bem interessante como os incas estudavam para saber os melhores locais para a agricultura.
This region was theoretically used by the Incas for its agriculture. They planted in terraas, as so known these circular formations and steps. The Sacred Valley is located near Cusco, then you can do the tour in one day leaving and coming back from Cusco. very interesting as the Incas studied to know the best places to agriculture.
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Visit the ancient Inca nursery.

Visitar el antiguo vivero Inca.

A siete kilómetros de caminata desde Maras, se encuentra Moray, especie de anfiteatro circular, subdivido en anillos que data de tiempos incaicos y que sirvió de vivero para el cultivo de diversos vegetales que requerían temperaturas diferenciadas para su crecimiento. ¿Cómo? Las terrazas a mayor cercanía a la superficie, menos calor. Los incas pudieron simular cerca de 20 tipo de microclimas. ¿Sabios, no? Hay niños locales dispuestos a explicar de mejor forma el funcionamiento de esta obra. Vale la pena.
Seven miles of walking from Maras is Moray, a kind of circular amphitheater, subdivided into rings dating from Inca times and served as a nursery for growing various vegetables requiring different temperatures for growth. How? The terraces closer to the surface, less heat. The Incas were able to simulate about 20 types of microclimates. Wise, no? There are better prepared to explain how the operation of this work local children. Worth it.
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One of these crops was cotton.

Unos de estos cultivos fue el algodón.

Moray era un lugar donde se implementó un Sistema utilizados por los incas para experimentar con cultivos que no eran propios de la zona. En cada terraza iban poniendo a prueba los cultivos foráneos llevandolos poco a poco hasta temperaturas bajas acordes a las de la zona para que se fueran adapatando. Ve y descubre mas en Cuzco y el valle sagrado.
Moray was a place where a system was implemented by the Incas to experiment with crops that were not typical of the area. In each terrace they were testing the foreign crops, taking them little by little to low temperatures according to those of the area so that they could adapt. One of these crops was cotton. Go and discover more in Cuzco and the sacred valley.
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Artess in the village of Awana Kancha,...

Artesãs no vilarejo de Awana Kancha, ...

Artesãs no vilarejo de Awana Kancha, tecem tapeçarias no Vale Sagrado, Peru. Ali elas proporcionam uma pequena palestra sobre sua cultura, sua arte, seu estilo de vida. Tudo acompanhado de um bom chá de coca.
Artess in the village of Awana Kancha, weave tapestries in the Sacred Valley, Peru. There they give a short talk about their culture, their art, their lifestyle. All accompanied by a good tea of ​​coca.
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A disappointment

Una decepción

Se trata de unas terrazas circulares que los incas utilizaban para sus cultivos....muy pobre la visita para ser tan famosas.
It is a circular terraces that the Incas used for their crops .... very poor visit to be so famous.
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Salar de Maras y Moray, June 2019

Salar de Maras y Moray, junio 2019

Salar de Maras y Moray, junio 2019
Salar de Maras y Moray, June 2019
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Great Inca crop terraces

Geniales terrazas de cultivo incaico

Geniales terrazas de cultivo incaico
Great Inca crop terraces
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luogo splendido ancora poco conosciuto dai migliaia di turisti del Perù, si respira un aria di mistero e di storia ancora inesplorata.
beautiful place still little known by thousands of tourists in Peru, you can breathe an air of mystery and history still unexplored.
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Moray is a fantastic faculty of Quechua agronomy

Moray es una fantástica facultad de agronomía quechua

La construcción y sistemas de riego de la época son impresionantes, recomiendo tener un guía que les pueda explicar en detalle.
Moray is a fantastic faculty of Quechua agronomy, the construction and irrigation systems of the time are impressive, I recommend having a guide that can explain in detail
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Incredible the culture of these people

Increíble la cultura de esta gente

Increíble la cultura de esta gente
Incredible the culture of these people
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Spectacular amazing how to build in full mountain

Espectacular asombroso la forma de construir en plena montaña

Espectacular asombroso la forma de construir en plena montaña
Spectacular amazing how to build in full mountain
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Information about Moray Inca Ruins