eXplorador Escocés
Scottish Hero
Near the theater at the end of the street, there are several statues that commemorate different historical people of Scotland. In this case, the statue is dedicated to Rob Roy (Robert MacGregor), leader of the Clan McGregor and example of honor for all Scots. He's a well-known character, popular outside of Scotland due to the film starring Liam Neeson. He's related to the noble houses of Argyll (Stirling) and Montrose, and represent for the Scottish what Robin Hood does for the English. His grave is near Stirling, in Balquhidder (I uploaded it to minube a few months ago), which was generally his area of operation in Scotland.
He's a Scottish Hero of the 17th and 18th century and is somewhat less-known that William Wallace, but perhaps a bit more charming and modest in his achievements.
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