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Tour Montparnasse

9:30 - 23:30
Opening Hours
9:30 - 23:30
9:30 - 23:30
9:30 - 23:30
9:30 - 23:30
9:30 - 23:30
9:30 - 23:30
9:30 - 23:30
33 01 4538 5256
33 01 4538 5256
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Montparnasse Tickets: 56th Floor & Roof Terrace
(1322 )

30 reviews of Tour Montparnasse

Fabulous view

This tower allows us to have a fabulous view of the city of Paris and is an alternative to the typical climb of the Eiffel Tower, though I would recommended going up at least once. But if you've been up, you can go up the towering skyscrapers for a different experience. For € 10 go up in Europe's fastest elevator, go up 56 floors in 38 seconds, without stopping, James Bond style. There awaits a plant conservatory where you will see Paris by 360 ° and at a height of 195m, there is also a cafe and souvenir shop. Once there you can climb to the roof walk, reaching 210m in height. The views are amazing, and you can see the Eiffel Tower and walk from one to the other in about three quarters of an hour, and thus take advantage of the walk to visit another area of ​​the city .

Full of buildings also worth admiring. When we were in there, there was no queue, always appreciated.
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Highest culminating building in town


Paris and Eiffel tower from Montparnasse

París y su torre Eiffel desde Montparnasse

Llegamos justo antes del atardecer a la Torre de Montparnasse. Pagamos (con dolor) los 13€ que cuesta la entrada y subimos hasta la plante 56 en uno de los ascensores más rápidos del mundo: ¡56 pisos en 38 segundos! Una vez arriba, llegamos a una salita con vidrieras de las que no tengo fotos, porque estaba buscando mentalmente la Torre Eiffel para ponerme a hacer fotos. Pero aún quedaba lo mejor: ¡La terraza del piso 59! ¡¡Las vistas de la terraza son impresionantes!! Dicen que son las mejores vistas de París, por las vistas que tiene de la Torre Eiffel y porque desde la torre de Montparnasse no se ve la torre de Montparnasse... ;)- Los fotógrafos lo tenemos mal porque está rodeada casi totalmente de cristalera (en algunas zonas hay unas pequeñas aberturas para poder meter el objetivo y evitar los reflejos). Más aún si vamos sin trípode... Llegamos tarde, así que estaban casi todos los huecos ocupados. Aún así, me abrí hueco y me quedé haciendo cola a que anocheciese (aguantando hasta que se hizo de noche). Las fotos van desde mi llegada, puesta de sol, encendido de la Torre Eiffel, París en la hora azul y París de noche (cada hora, la Torre Eiffel es iluminada con unas luces parpadeantes de color blanco. Merece la pena). Una vez sacado el proceso de anochecer en la Torre Eiffel (con las que quedé muy contento), decidí dar una vuelta por la torre a ver qué se veía. El quedarme estático mirando la Torre Eiffel fue un grave error, ya que hay vistas espectaculares mires en la dirección que mires. Al ser muy tarde, me quedé sin hacer foto a casi nada. Miramos atrás y vimos la Torre iluminada... ¡Cómo impone! No nos habíamos casi fijado de lo rápido que habíamos llegado, pero son 210 metros de altura...
We arrived just before sunset at the Montparnasse Tower. We pay (with pain) the 13 € it costs the entrance and climb up the plant 56 in one of the world's fastest elevators: 56 floors in 38 seconds! Once up, we came to a small room with windows from which I have no pictures, because I was looking mentally the Eiffel Tower to get to take pictures. But there was still the best: The 59-floor terrace! The views from the terrace are stunning! They say they are the best views of Paris, for the view he has of the Eiffel Tower and because from the Montparnasse Tower is not the Montparnasse Tower ... ;) - I have bad photographers because it is surrounded almost entirely of glass (in some areas there are small openings to get the goal and avoid reflections). Moreover if we go without a tripod ... We arrived late, so they were almost all filled holes. Still, I made my hole and I was standing in line at nightfall (holding until it got dark). The photos are from my arrival, sunset on Eiffel Tower, Paris, Paris blue hour and night (every hour, the Eiffel Tower is illuminated with a white flashing lights. Worth). Once the process of evening out at the Eiffel Tower (with which I was very happy), I decided to walk around the tower to see how it looked. The static stay looking the Eiffel Tower was a mistake, as there are spectacular views face the direction you look. Being late, I was doing photo to almost nothing. We looked back and saw the tower lit ... How imposes! We had almost fixed faster than we had arrived, but they are 210 meters high ...
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At the top of the Montparnasse Tower

Au sommet de la Tour Montparnasse

La tour Montparnasse a été construite en 1973. Elle fut l'une des premières grandes tours construites à Paris. Le projet a commencé par un programme de réaménagement du quartier Montparnasse en 1958 et avait reçu un fort soutien du gouvernement. La tour a été construite entre 1969 et 1973. Initialement, elle ne devait mesuré que 154 mètres, mais finalement les architectes ont augmenté la hauteur à plus de 200 mètres. Pendant la construction, la tour a été très populaire car elle est devenu un symbole du nouveau Paris moderne. Quelques polémiques ont entaché cet édifice, notamment à cause de son intrusion dans l'horizon parisien. Aujourd'hui, les gratte-ciel de Paris sont construits à la périphérie de la ville, principalement dans le quartier des affaires de La Défense. La tour abrite de nombreux bureaux où des milliers de personnes travaille chaque jour. Il est possible de la visiter, vous aurez alors accès à un étage panoramique au 56ème étage (l'ascenseur est assez impressionnant) de la Tour Montparnasse vous offrant une vue magnifique sur la ville de Paris, surtout de nuits avec les illuminations de la Tour Eiffel. Vous pourrez également monter sur le toit de l'immeuble au-dessus du 59e étage pour une vue encore meilleure sur une terrasse panoramique, un espace moderne et récemment rénové. La visite coûte 7€ et rien que pour la superbe vue, ça les vaut !
The Montparnasse Tower was built in 1973. It was one of the first towers built in Paris. The project began with a redevelopment program Montparnasse in 1958 and received strong support from the government. The tower was built between 1969 and 1973. Initially, it was measured as 154 meters, but ultimately the architects increased the height to 200 meters. During construction, the tower has been very popular because it has become a symbol of the new modern Paris. Some controversies have marred this building, particularly because of its intrusion into the Parisian skyline. Today, skyscrapers Paris are built on the outskirts of the city, mainly in the business district of La Defense. The tower houses many offices where thousands of people work every day. It is possible to visit, you will have access to a panoramic floor to the 56th floor (the elevator is quite impressive) Tour Montparnasse offering a magnificent view of the city of Paris, especially nights with the lights of the Tower Eiffel. You can also climb on the roof of the building above the 59th floor for an even better view of a panoramic terrace, a modern and newly renovated space. The tour costs € 7 and just for the stunning views, it's worth!
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The best views of Pars

Las mejores vistas de París

De todos los miradores que hay en París, la Torre Montparnasse es el mejor por una sencilla razón, ¡en las vistas no aparece la propia torre! Es conocido que este rascacielos no tiene mucha popularidad entre los parisinos, que lo ven como una mancha negra en medio de la perfecta y antigua París. Yo pienso lo mismo, no pega nada, ya que es el único rascacielos que hay en la zona, no como en La Défense, la nueva zona financiera llena de rascacielos y retirada del centro. Pero como no hay mal que por bien no venga, gracias a su posición, tenemos las mejores vistas. Desde aquí podrás tener una perfecta panorámica de TODOS los grandes monumentos de la "Ciudad de la Luz" como la Torre Eiffel; la Iglesia Sacre Coeur, coronando el barrio de Montmartre; o la mismísima Catedral de Notre Dame. No hace falta decir que la mejor hora es el atardecer y la noche, ¡sin duda algo mágico! El precio es elevado: 15 € adultos y 12 estudiantes/jóvenes, pero merecen la pena. Os lo aseguro. :)
Of all viewpoints is in Paris, the Montparnasse Tower is the best for one simple reason, in the view of the tower itself does not appear! It is known that this skyscraper is not very popular among Parisians, who see it as a black spot in the middle of the perfect old Pars. I think the same, do not hit anything as it is the only skyscraper that is in the area, not in the Dfense, the new retreat full of skyscrapers and financial district downtown. But as no ill wind that blows no good, thanks to its position, we have the best views. From here podrs have a perfect panoramic of all the great monuments of the "City of Light" as the Eiffel Tower; the Sacre Coeur Church, crowning the Montmartre district; Ragnaros or Notre Dame. Needless to say that the best time is sunset and night, definitely something magical! The price is high: 15 adults and 12 students / youth, but worth it. I assure you. :)
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MAINTE Montparnasse Tower is one of the...

La torre Mainte Montparnasse es una de...

La torre Mainte Montparnasse es una de las más altas torres de París, de hecho la más alta dentro de parís, sin considerar el barrio de negocios de la Défense, que está fuera de la ciudad. No es bella, no tiene un gran diseño, es una torre que parece una caja de fósforos negra, pero si subes, tendrás una de las más lindas vistas a la ciudad, y de las más originales, más que subir a la torre Eiffel o al arco de triunfo. Arriba hay un café, se puede tomar algo y comer por la noche, y una terraza panorámica en la planta 45, a 210 metros de altura. Cuando hay buen tiempo parece que se puede ver hasta 40 km alrededor de París. Primero se mira la calle de Rennes, el gran axis que sale de la Torre, y la estación de trenes justo atrás. Al segundo plano, encontramos los grandes monumentos de la ribera izquierda del río, el observatorio de París, el Panthéon, Los Inválides. Y del otro lado del río, Beaubourg, Nuestra Señora de París, la colina de Montmartre con la iglesia del Sagrado Corazón. Más allá, son las torres del centro de negocios de la Défense que se miran a lo lejos. De día como de noche, la ciudad es linda, animada, colorada. En general en verano la luz es más pura durante la mañana. En invierno, subir de noche es una delicia.
MAINTE Montparnasse Tower is one of the highest towers of Paris, in fact the highest in Paris, regardless of the business district of La Defense, which is outside of the city. It is beautiful, has a great design, is a tower that looks like a black box of matches, but if you go up, you will have one of the most beautiful views of the city, and the most original, rather than climb the Eiffel Tower the triumphal arch. Upstairs there is a coffee, you can drink and eat at night, and a panoramic terrace on the 45th floor, at 210 meters high. In good weather it seems that you can see up to 40 km around Paris. First we look at the Rue de Rennes, leaving the great axis of the Tower, and the train station just behind. In the background, we find the great monuments of the left bank of the river, the Paris Observatory, the Panthéon, the Invalides. And across the river, Beaubourg, Notre Dame, the Montmartre hill with the church of the Sacred Heart. Beyond are the towers of the business center of La Defense is looking into the distance. By day and night, the city is beautiful, lively red. Generally summer is purer light during the morning. In winter, climbing at night is a delight.
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The Parisian sky has two large ladies,...

Le ciel parisien a deux grandes Dames ;...

Le ciel parisien a deux grandes Dames ; la plus connue d’entre elles est bien évidemment la Tour Eiffel, mais il ne faudrait pas oublier sa « voisine », la Tour Montparnasse, la plus haute tour de France (même si d’autres édifices sont en passe d’être construit et de la dépasser). La Tour Montparnasse a donc beau être décriée par certains (stigmatisée pour son architecture caractéristique de la fin des années 1960- début des années 1970), elle en reste néanmoins incontournable. A tel point que de nombreux films (plus ou moins réussis, il faut bien l’avouer), la prenne pour cadre. Abritant de nombreux bureaux, elle n’en demeure pas moins un espace touristique de première importance. Depuis son toit-terrasse, une des plus belles vues de Paris s’offre à vous : La capitale française vous est accessible depuis une hauteur de 200 mètres, et en vision 360° ! Des tables d’orientations vous permettront de repérer et d’observer les joyaux de l’architecture et du patrimoine parisiens (le Trocadéro, Montmartre, les Buttes Chaumont, etc.)… hormis la Tour Montparnasse bien sûr !
The Parisian sky has two large ladies, the most famous of them is of course the Eiffel Tower, but we should not forget his "neighbor", the Montparnasse Tower, the tallest tower in France (although other buildings are about to be built and exceed). Tour Montparnasse therefore well be criticized by some (stigmatized for its characteristic architecture of the late 1960s - early 1970s), it is nevertheless essential. So much so that many films (more or less successful, it must be admitted), to take the part. Home to many offices, it remains a tourist area of ​​prime importance. From the roof terrace, one of the most beautiful views of Paris offers you: The French capital is available to you from a height of 200 meters, and 360 ° view! Tables of guidelines will help you to identify and observe the architectural gems and Parisian heritage (Trocadero, Montmartre, Buttes Chaumont, etc..) ... Except the Montparnasse Tower of course!
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I know when I am Paris ...

Je sais que je suis à Paris quand...

Je sais que je suis à Paris non pas tout de suite quand je descends du train mais quand je sors de la gare Montparnasse et que se dresse devant moi la Tour Montparnasse, difficile de passer à côté sans la remarquer en même temps. Elle est l'unique gratte-ciel de Paris. C'est un endroit un peu atypique: un lieu où se mêlent bureau, centre commercial, restaurants. J'ai toujours trouvé bizarre cette tour de 210 mètres de haut relativement récente, posée comme ça, au milieu d'une place et entourée d'immeubles typiquement parisiens beaucoup moins récents et plus beaux d'un point de vue architectural. Mais quand même, il faut admettre qu'elle en impose et qu'elle est extrêmement "pratique": elle offre un point de vue exceptionnel sur la capital et un centre commercial qui permet de sortir de la gare Montparnasse quand on a un temps d'attente un peu long entre 2 correspondances. J'aime bien y flâner, la rue de Rennes à proximité et une ambiance parisienne qui donne un vrai coup de fouet!
I know I'm not in Paris right away when I get off the train, but when I go to Montparnasse station and stands before me the Montparnasse Tower, difficult to miss without noticing the same time. It is the only skyscraper in Paris. This is a somewhat unusual place: a place that combines office, shopping mall, restaurants. I always found it odd that tower 210 meters high relatively recent, asked how, in the middle of a square and surrounded by much less recent typical Parisian buildings and most beautiful architectural point of view. Still, we must admit that it imposes and is extremely "practical": it offers a unique perspective on the capital and commercial center that pulls the Montparnasse train station when we have a time wait a little longer between two matches. I like to wander around the nearby Rue de Rennes and Parisian atmosphere that gives a real boost!
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It's hard to miss this great walking...

Il est difficile de rater cette grande...

Il est difficile de rater cette grande tour en se promenant dans Paris, gratte-ciel construit de 1969 à 1973 qui est encore aujourd’hui parmi les plus hauts de France : 210 mètres et 58 étages. Le bâtiment a été, et est toujours aujourd’hui, contesté pour sa hauteur qui, selon certains, « pollue » le paysage parisien car elle est visible d’un peu partout, dominant largement la plupart des autres bâtiments. Surtout occupée par des bureaux, il est possible d’y monter, le 56ème étage ayant été aménagé en 2005 et étant tenu par un organisme qui en organise la visite (Société Montparnasse 56) qui présente ainsi une vue panoramique sur la ville de Paris. Je ne suis jamais montée dans la tour et pour ma part elle consiste véritablement en un point de repère dans Paris et en un point de vue privilégié, sans être véritablement un « monument » même si le quartier de Montparnasse ne serait plus le même sans sa tour !
It's hard to miss this great walking tour in Paris, skyscraper built from 1969 to 1973 which is still among the highest in France: 210 meters and 58 floors. The building was, and still is today challenged for its height, according to some, "pollutes" the Parisian landscape as it is visible from almost everywhere, largely dominating most of the other buildings. Mainly occupied by offices, it is possible to go up, the 56th floor has been built in 2005 and is operated by an organization which organizes visits (Society Montparnasse 56) and has a panoramic view of the city of Paris. I never climb into the tower and for me it is truly a landmark in Paris and a vantage point, without actually being a "monument" even if the Montparnasse district would not be the same without her turn!
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The tower from the tower

La torre desde la torre

Llegué a este rascacielos de París por casualidad y movida por la publicidad de las vistas que inunda toda la ciudad. Y no me defraudó, las vistas son realmente espectaculares. En concreto yo la visité de noche y me parece que gana muchísimo con todas las luces y las vistas. La silueta más espectacular es la de la Torre Eiffel, sobre todo el momento en que se encienden todas las luces parpadeando. Os recomiendo la visita. Sobre todo a los niños les encanta y es una muy buena forma de terminar un día de turismo por París y ver la ciudad desde otra perspectiva!
I came to this skyscraper of Paris by chance and moved by advertising that floods the views across the city. And I was not disappointed, the views are truly spectacular. Specifically I visited her at night and I think we gain a lot with all the lights and sights. The most spectacular is the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower, especially the moment when all lights are flashing. I recommend a visit. Especially children love and is a great way to end a day of sightseeing in Paris and see the city from another perspective!
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Paris 360 Perspectives

Vistas de 360º de Paris

Lo encuentro un dinero mucho mejor invertido que el subir a la Torre Eiffel o al Arco del triunfo, ya que desde esta se pueden ver ambos junto con el Palacio Nacional de los Inválidos y los Jardines de Luxemburgo. Sinceramente, no es algo que hiciese repetidas veces, a no ser que fuese de noche ya que observar París iluminada desde lo alto debe ser espectacular. La entrada de estudiante cuesta 12€ y la de adulto 14€. Hay una exposición de fotos del antiguo París al salir del ascensor y desde ahí subiendo 3 pisos esta la terraza desde la cual puedes ver un París lleno de arte.
I find it much better for money than climbing the Eiffel Tower or the Arc de Triomphe, as you can see from this both with the National Palace of invalids and the Luxembourg Gardens. Honestly, it's not something that would make repeatedly, unless it was night and observe Pars illuminated from above must be spectacular. The student input costs 12 Adult and 14. There is a photo exhibition of ancient Pars off the elevator and from this 3 story ah up the terrace from which you can see a full Pars art.
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Visible from most parts of the capital...

Visible depuis la plupart des endroits...

Visible depuis la plupart des endroits de la capitale parisienne, célèbre notamment depuis le film qui porte son nom, la Tour Montparnasse se dresse, fière et majestueuse, en plein cœur de Paris. Aisément reconnaissable du fait de sa hauteur et de sa couleur marron foncé, c’est l’une des plus hautes tours de Paris. Elle se visite tous les jours, et l’on peut monter au sommet (sur lequel il y a également un excellent restaurant !!), depuis lequel on bénéficie d’une vue imprenable sur la ville. La visite est particulièrement agréable le soir, pour voir la ville illuminée de mille feux.
Visible from most parts of the capital Paris, famous especially for the film that bears his name, the Montparnasse Tower stands proud and majestic in the heart of Paris. Easily recognizable because of its height and its dark brown color, it is one of the tallest towers of Paris. It can be visited every day, and you can climb to the top (where there is also a great restaurant!), From where you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the city. The tour is especially nice in the evening to see the city lit with a thousand lights.
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Hard to miss, especially if you are...

Difficile de la louper, surtout si vous...

Difficile de la louper, surtout si vous logez à l'hôtel juste en face (cf. Précédent post: Timhôtel)! La tour Montparnasse est un gratte-ciel située dans le 15ème arrondissement et qui mesure 210m de haut (ce qui en fait quand même le bâtiment le plus élevé de France). A l'intérieur, beaucoup de bureaux certes, mais aussi un 56ème étage ouvert au public. D'ici, vous aurez un panorama époustouflant et vous pourrez même vous restaurer.
Hard to miss, especially if you are staying at the hotel across the street (see Previous post: Timhôtel)! The Montparnasse Tower is a skyscraper located in the 15th district and measures 210m high (making it still the highest building in France). Inside, many offices course, but also a 56th floor open to the public. From here you will have a breathtaking view and you can even restore.
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Fue mi primera visita a algo en París y sin duda una de las que más recuerdo. Aluciflipamos con las vistas. Fuimos al atardecer y fué espectacular el espectáculo de luces que nos diò la madre naturaleza! ... Ni en fotos vi la Torre Eiffel tan bonita. Muy divertida su azotea con camas elásticas para saltar a tu disposición y menudos saltos que sientes! Todo París como si estuvieras volando! Eso sí, no saltes si tienes mucho vértigo.
It was my first visit to something in Paris and without a doubt one of the ones I remember the most. We hallucinate with the views. We went to the sunset and it was spectacular the light show that Mother Nature gave us! ... Not even in pictures I saw the Eiffel Tower so beautiful. Very fun roof with elastic beds to jump at your disposal and small jumps you feel! ... Jump and pummm ... all Paris as if you were flying! .. Yes, do not jump if you have a lot of vertigo!
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Protest multicolored sun in Paris

Pôr do sol multicolorido em Paris

Havia acabado de chegar em Paris, numa tarde de domingo, e não restava muito o que fazer além de deixar as malas no hotel, dar uma volta e esperar pelo jantar. Amo ver as cidades de cima. Resolvi então subir na Tour Montparnasse, o prédio mais alto de Paris, que possui um deck de observação no último andar. Cheguei com o sol ainda alto, mas quando me dei conta, lá vinha ele, o pôr do sol. O frio, trazido pelo vento, chegava também, e com força. Mas fiquei. E vi o pôr do sol mais lindo de todos, no topo de Paris, em tons de amarelo, laranja, rosa, roxo e azul. Foi lindo. E inesquecível.
He had just arrived in Paris on a Sunday afternoon, and left plenty to do besides leave the bags at the hotel, take a turn and wait for dinner. I love to see the city from above. I decided then climb the Tour Montparnasse, the tallest prdio of Paris, which has an observation deck on the top floor. I arrived with the sun still high, but when I realized, l came to him, pr sun. The cold, brought by the wind, she came too, and off. But I was. And I saw the most beautiful sunset pr of all, on top of Paris, in shades of yellow, orange, pink, purple and blue. It was beautiful. And unforgettable.
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