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16 reviews of Miscanti Lagoon

Real beauty

Located about 4,500 meters above sea level, it´s real beauty is in the contrast of the turquoise waters with the brown surrounding desert. It's a shame not to stop here and walk around a bit. For the more adventurous, there is a hike that takes just over two hours and leaves from the entrance (this is done with a guide from the park). The road to get there is paved until Socaire and then there´s a gravel road in good condition, so you do not need a 4x4 vehicle. Its waters feed another beautiful lagoon, the Miñiques.


surreal environment

ambiente surreale

Da San Pedro de Atacama (2.400 mt. slm.) di buonora sono partito ed alle prime luci dell'alba ero a 4.000 mt. di altezza lungo la riva della Laguna Miscanti, che prende il nome dall'omonimo monte alto 5.622. Nel silenzio assoluto ancor più si contempla un ambiente quasi surreale con le acque di un colore blu intenso contornate da un suggestivo alone di sale. L'origine della Laguna Miscanti risale all'attività eruttiva del vulcano Miniques, alto 5.910 mt., che in una sua eruzione ha sbarrato il corso delle acque derivate dal disgelo dei rilievi circostanti.
From San Pedro de Atacama (2,400 mt. Above sea level.) Are up early and left at the first light of dawn was at 4,000 mt. height along the shore of Laguna Miscanti, which takes its name from the mountain top 5622. In absolute silence even more one contemplates an almost surreal with the waters of a deep blue color surrounded by a charming aura of salt. The origin of the Laguna Miscanti was eruptive activity of the volcano Miniques, 5910 meters high., Which in its eruption has blocked the flow of water derived from the melting of the surrounding mountains.
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Laguna Miscanti

Lagune Miscanti

La voilà la fameuse lagune antiplanique ! Accessible après deux bonnes heures de bus depuis San Pedro de Atacama, cette lagune située à plus de 4000 kms d'altitude est la plus grande de la région devant celle de Chaxta (15kms carrés) et même si son bleu donne envie de plonger, la température, la teneur en sel et la profonfeur nous y feront réfléchir à deux fois.
Here it is the famous lagoon antiplanique! Accessible after two hours by bus from San Pedro de Atacama, the lagoon located more than 4000 km altitude is the largest in the region to that of Chaxta (15km square) and even though his blue makes you want to dive, the temperature, salt content and profonfeur we will think twice about it.
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Imposing and beautiful landscape

Paisaje imponente y maravilloso

Laguna maravillosa ubicada camino a paso Sico de fácil acceso por vía terrestre, muy popular para el visitante extranjero, en este lugar existen dos lagunas, la miscanti y meñiques, separada por un portezuelo, para apreciar su majestuosidad, recomiendo visitarla en época de invierno, ya que su laguna principal se congela, generando un entorno natural de gran belleza escénica, hay senderos, caminos, acceso controlado por guarda parque, estacionamientos, refugio, servicios básicos, vale la pena visitarla, el viajero puede alojarse en Pueblo San Pedro de Atacama, hay hoteles reconocidos mundialmente, todo es turístico.
Laguna wonderful way to step Sico located easily accessible by road which is popular with foreign visitors, in this place there are two gaps, and pinkies miscanti, separated by a pass, to appreciate its majesty, I recommend visiting in winter time, as its main lagoon freezes, creating a natural environment of great scenic beauty, there are trails, roads, park ranger controlled access, parking, shelter, utilities, worth a visit, travelers can stay at Pueblo San Pedro de Atacama there are world-renowned hotels, everything is touristy.
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Laguna Miscanti

Laguna Miscanti

A 4500 metros de altitud, es una laguna altiplanica que realmente impresiona por su color turquesa y su entorno. Esta laguna al igual que su hermana, la Laguna Miñiques,es formada por aguas de deshielo La flora y fauna de la zona también es un gran atractivo ya que puedes ver vicuñas con gran facilidad y con un poco más de suerte; zorros y flamencos.
At 4500 meters altitude, is a lagoon altiplanica really impresses with its turquoise and environment. This lagoon like his sister, Laguna Miñiques, is formed by meltwater flora and fauna of the area is also a great attraction as you can see vicuna easily and with a bit more luck, foxes and flamingos.
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Laguna altiplanica twin Miniques

Laguna altiplanica gemela de Miniques

Ambas lagunas (Miscanti y Miniques) están muy proximas e incluso se incluyen en la misma entrada del parque Los Flamencos. Están a más de 4000 metros de altura, por lo que tendrás que estar aclimatado antes de ir.
Both lakes (Miscanti and Miniques) are very close and even included in the entrance to the park Los Flamencos. They are more than 4000 meters high, so you have to be acclimated before you go.
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Laguna Miscanti

Laguna Miscanti

En el Desierto de Atacama los cielos son los más limpios del mundo y permiten ver reflejos perfectos en sus aguas
In the Atacama Desert skies are the most cleanest in the world and allow you to see perfect reflections in the water
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Long journey to more than 4000 meters, you come to a place: huge and immaculate

Largo recorrido a más de 4000 metros de altura, se llega a un lugar: inmenso e inmaculado

Largo recorrido a más de 4000 metros de altura, se llega a un lugar: inmenso e inmaculado. Lamentablemente no es mucho lo que uno se puede acercar pero es en pos de conservar el ecosistema.
Long distance to more than 4000 meters, you come to a place: huge and immaculate. Unfortunately it is not much that one can approach but towards maintaining the ecosystem.
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The tour is great

El tour es buenísimo

Para mi es fundamental realizarlo. subir a tan tanta altura, es un desafío para el cuerpo por lo tanto hay que ir preparado, con un buen calzado, bien hidratado y con descanso previo; luego vas a tener la recompensa natural que te entrega la cordillera.
The tour is great for my fundamental idea to do it. Going up to such a high altitude is a challenge for the body therefore you have to go prepared, with good shoes, well hydrated and with previous rest; then you will have the natural reward that the mountain range gives you
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Amazing colors

Colores increíbles.

Me encantan los desiertos y los paisajes áridos. Y en el norte de Chile, se mezclan con lagos de colores intensos que crean unos paisajes preciosos, con los cielos azul intenso del altiplano. n recorrido imperdible para los aficionados a la fotografía.
I love deserts and arid landscapes. And in the north of Chile, they mix with lakes of intense colors that create beautiful landscapes, with the intense blue skies of the altiplano. A must-see travel for photography enthusiasts.
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Una pena que no te puedas acercar mucho a ella. Está en la reserva nacional Los Flamencos.
Impress A shame you can not get very close to it. Est in the Los Flamencos National Reserve.
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Not to miss this place

Imperdible no pasar por ese lugar

Aparte el tour que se contrata vienen 2 lagunas muy lindas que se pueden recorrer con tranquilidad si vas de mañana.
You can not miss this place, apart from the tour that is hired, there are 2 very nice lagoons that can be traveled with ease if you go tomorrow
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Superb reflections of the mountains on the lagoon.

Superbes reflets des montagnes sur la lagune.

Superbes reflets des montagnes sur la lagune.
Superb reflections of the mountains on the lagoon.
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Beautiful place

Hermoso lugar

Hermoso lugar, ¡para contemplar!
Beautiful place ... To contemplate.
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A real wonder is to feel its warm water

Una verdadera maravilla es sentir su cálida agua

Una verdadera maravilla es sentir su cálida agua
A true wonder is to feel its warm water
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Information about Miscanti Lagoon