Jose Luis
Small Circuit
Circuito Chico
La experiencia de haber vivido en San Carlos de Bariloche, fue algo increible en mi vida, sobre todo el lugar, la montaña, el lago, la nieve.
El visitar casi todos los fines de semana al cirsuito chico solo o con mi hijos era magico, sentir la fuerza del bosque, su sonido, su aroma, su temperatura, caminar en un silencio interno que me llenaba de felicidad.
Comenzabamos el viaje luego de bajar en el hotel llao llao, frente a puerto pàñuelo, y tomabamos la ruta del circuito, caminabamos toda la mañana, pasabamos por el puente de piedra que esta en el bosque a mano derecha, que es el puente del camino del inca, disfrutabamos una flia de pajaros carpinteros que habitaba cerca de alli, llegabamos hasta la union de los lagos y tomabamos unos mates y bollos.
Luego seguiamos hasta el Cementerio del alpinista, y tomabamos el ultimo trecho mientras nos acompañaba la tremenda pared de roca del cerro Lopez que nos miraba desde atras.
Al llegar al mirador solo nos sentabamos y mirabamos, la belleza es eterna, fija en la mente, crmial de pensamientos.
Simplemente ir alli era, magico.
The experience of having lived in San Carlos de Bariloche, was something amazing in my life, all over the place, mountain, lake, snow. The visit almost every weekend to cirsuito guy alone or with my children was magical, feel the force of the forest, its sound, its smell, its temperature, walking in an inner silence that filled me with happiness. We started the journey after falling in the Llao Llao hotel, facing port handkerchief, and we took the path of the circuit, we walked all morning, we passed the stone bridge that is in the woods on the right, which is the road bridge Inca, enjoying one flia of woodpeckers who lived near there, would arrive to the union of lakes and drank some mates and scones. Then we were still up Alpinist Cemetery, and we took the final leg as we accompanied the tremendous wall of rock hill Lopez watching us from behind. Upon arriving at the viewpoint we just sat and we watched, beauty is eternal, fixed in the mind, thoughts crmial. Just go there was magic.