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13 reviews of Minca


Minca, a small town that is located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada itself, Santa Marta. Only 40 minutes from Santa Marta, a place where one enjoys a privileged position to see the sunset over the bay (as I said Pacheco, the most beautiful of America) and best of all for me, with cold weather, it is delicious and perfect. Minca is the gateway to the Sierra. Walking for an hour or a little more, there are clear rivers with fabulous pools and beautiful waterfalls. At night, depending on the location, you can see the city lights from the cold quiet of this cozy little town where, as often happens in national ecotourism destinations, there are more foreigners than Colombians.

This place was for me an outlet to the boredom that I have described above. Less than four hours from my warm city of current residence, I found this very nice space which was economic, peaceful and secure. I would highly recommend this fantastic place.
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Minca is really an earthly paradise, is more or less half an hour from Santa Marta, nose as is the normal arrival I had the fortune to rent car

Minca es realmente un paraiso terrenal, queda mas o menos a media hora de santa marta, nose como es la llegada normal, tuve la fortuna de poder alquilar carro

Minca es realmente un paraíso terrenal, queda mas o menos a media hora de Santa Marta, no se como es la llegada normal, tuve la fortuna de poder alquilar carro. Dentro del pueblo para llegar a todos los pozos de agua natural que son realmente mágicos y maravillosos, el agua, la tierra la naturaleza, te ayudan a renovar tu espíritu, y a sentir una inmensa conexión con la madre tierra. Puedes caminar aun que es lejos, hay varios pozos, pero puedes contratar una moto que te lleve, es muy barato. Recomiendo la cerveza artesanal de Minca Happy tu can y hHppy jaguar, extremadamente deliciosa. Hay muchos planes ecoturisticos por hacer, por cuestión de tiempo no pude ir, pero seguro volveré a tan maravillosa tierra que hace parte de la Sierra nevada de Santa Marta.
Minca is really an earthly paradise, is more or less half an hour from Santa Marta, not as is the normal arrival I had the fortune to rent car. Inside the village to reach all natural water wells that are really mgicos and wonderful, water, land nature, help you renew your spirit, and feel a huge connection with Mother Earth. You can walk it even further, there are several wells, but you can hire a bike to take you, it is very cheap. Brew recommend Happy Minca your can and hHppy jaguar, extremely delicious. There are many ecotourism plans to do, to a matter of time I could not go, but surely returning to a wonderful land that is part of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
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Minca es un pequeño poblado cafetero de 600 habitantes aproximadamente, ubicado en las estribaciones de la Sierra Nevada y perdido entre la frondosa vegetación, a 14 kilómetros de Santa Marta y se recorre en 25 minutos, en carro.Es una zona de franca transición térmica con una temperatura entre los 17ºC y los 24ºC. El pueblo ofrece un entorno ideal para los amantes de las largas caminatas y cabalgatas. Un plan que no puede faltar es la visita a Pozo Azul, en el Río Minca. A sólo quince minutos de la cabecera municipal se puede disfrutar de esta maravilla de la naturaleza que está dotada de una gran cantidad de cascadas y un agua helada que estremece los huesos. En el camino se puede disfrutar y admirar la exuberante belleza del bosque húmedo tropical, donde sobresalen los árboles de más de cuarenta metros de altura. En el sector se encuentran varias posibilidades de hospedaje y alimentación, es recomendable siempre llevar repelente, ropa cómoda, traje de baño, zapatos deportivos ¿Que hacer? Aprender el proceso del café En Asocafe puedes recibir toda la información acerca del proceso que lleva el café antes de su exportación. Dónde: En la asociación de cafeteros de Minca. Travesía en el Rio Caminar río arriba puede resultar interesante, explorando podemos encontrar nuevas y hermosas caídas de agua. Dónde: Partiendo desde Pozo Azul.
Minca is a small town of 600 people about coffee, nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and lost among the lush vegetation, 14 kilometers from Santa Marta and is traversed in 25 minutes, in an area of ​​open carro.Es thermal transition a temperature between 17 º C and 24 º C. The village offers an ideal environment for lovers of long walks and rides. A plan that can not miss is a visit to Pozo Azul in the Minca River. Just fifteen minutes from the county seat can enjoy this natural wonder that is equipped with a lot of waterfalls and ice water that shakes the bones. On the way you can enjoy and admire the beauty of lush tropical rainforest, where trees stand more than forty feet high. In the area there are several possibilities for lodging and food, you should always wear repellent, comfortable clothing, swimwear, shoes What to do? Learn the process of coffee in Asocafe can receive all the information about the process leading coffee before export. Where: In the Coffee Association of Minca. Cruise on the River Walk upstream may be interesting, we can find new and exploring beautiful waterfalls. Where: Starting from Pozo Azul.
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Very small. We love the waterfall that...

Bem pequenina.

Adoramos a cachoeira que se não me falho a memória chamada de poço azul. Nela há duas cascatas e paga-se 4000 pesos para entrar. Se não quiser entrar na água, da pra ficar num deck que também é um bar.
Very small. We love the waterfall that if I fail to memory the so-called blue pit. In it there are two cascades and it pays itself 4000 pesos to enter. If you do not want to get in the water, you can stay on a deck that is also a bar.
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Beautiful and its streets are unique...

Sus calles son únicas

Hermoso... Te llegan a transportar a otro lugar, en donde no hay peligro y solo sientes paz y tranquilidad.
Beautiful and its streets are unique ... They come to transport you to another place, where there is no danger and you only feel peace and tranquility.
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Excellent corner of the world to escape...

Excelente rincón del mundo para escapar de la ciudad.

A tan solo 4 horas de Barranquilla, mi ciudad natal, se descubre entre las espesuras del Magdalena una tierra inolvidable. Inolvidable por su gente, por sus paisajes, por sus aguas De Arroyos cristalinos que te refrescan en contraste con el sol abrasador. Toma un moto taxi, camina, trota, ves en bicicleta, pero descubre Minca.
Excellent corner of the world to escape the city. Just 4 hours from Barranquilla, my hometown, you will discover an unforgettable land in the thick of the Magdalena. Unforgettable for its people, for its landscapes, for its waters Of crystalline streams that cool you in contrast with the scorching sun. Take a motorcycle taxi, walk, jog, bike, but discover minca.
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The waterfall, the Pozo Azul and Mundo NUevo, my favorite

La cascada, el Pozo Azul y Mundo NUevo mis preferidos.

Hermoso pueblo, más que nada por los lugares a los que permite llegar. La cascada, el Pozo azul y mundo nuevo mis preferidos. El centro tiene barquitos tranquilos coloridos con pizzas, jugos, y arepas.
Beautiful town, more than anything because of the places it allows to reach. The waterfall, the Pozo Azul and Mundo NUevo, my favorite. The center has quiet colorful bars with pizzas, juices, and arepas.
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small village near Santa Marta

petit village proche de Santa Marta

Endroit idéal pour un Petit trek ou pour observer les oiseaux.plusieurs ecolodges proposent des hébergements de qualité.
Ideal place for a small trek or for bird watching. Several ecolodges offer quality accommodation.
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Sunrise in Minca

Amanecer en Minca

Esta es una de las maravillas que puedes apreciar, al quedarte a disfrutar de un amanecer en minca, un paraje inolvidable de Colombia
This is one of the wonders you can see, to stay and enjoy a sunrise in Minca, an unforgettable place for Colombia
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The adventurous Minca offers you trails...

Hay que disfrutarla

La aventurera Minca te ofrece trochas donde te llevan a disfrutar hermosos pasajes como pozos, cascadas, montañas, vista a la sierra nevada de Santa Marta.
The adventurous Minca offers you trails where you will be able to enjoy beautiful passages like wells, waterfalls, mountains, view to the sierra nevada of Santa Marta.
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Its water that comes down from the...

Agua ideal para el baño

Su agua que baja de la sierra es cristalina, perfecta para bañarse en familia.
Its water that comes down from the mountain range is perfect for bathing in family
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Un lugar para descansar

Un lugar para escuchar la naturaleza, conocerla y respirar aire puro. Recomendaciones: no olvidar bloqueador y por supuesto el repelente de mosquitos, esencial para este viaje.
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