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25 reviews of El Miguelete Tower

Views and bells

Miguelete Tower or Micalet tower (in Valencian) is known as the belfry of the Valencia Cathedral. It is a Gothic-style tower 51 meters tall (when we went up we had to stop a few times to get air), but I assure you it is worth since from above you can see all of Valencia.

The schedule is a bit tight (from 11:30 to 13:00), don’t believe that because the cathedral is open the tower will be too because it will surely be a let-down when we find it closed.

At specific times (such as the canonization of a saint) bell ringers ring the bells by hand, each one stands by one of the bells and plays a melody that can be heard for miles around.

If we are visiting the tower at this moment they will let us stay to see how it’s done.
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Bell tower

The bell tower of Valencia’s cathedral was built during the 14th and 15th centuries; it was the work of architect Andrés Julía. It’s a 50.85 high gothic style octagonal tower. The inside has a charcoal stairway that leads up to the terrace, where one can enjoy spectacular views of the city, the gardens, and the sea.


A Valencian symbol

The Miguelete is the tower most identifiable with Valencia, and is considered the Gothic belfry of the Cathedral. From here you can see a panoramic view of Valencia. Its construction dates back to 1381. The top floor has arched windows and is crowned by a steeple from the eighteenth century. It rises to a height of 50.85 meters, and is named after one of its twelve bells, specifically the one that gives the hours, which was blessed on September 29, 1418, Saint Michaels Day, although the current one is from 1532.

Of the most famous monuments

De los monumentos más conocidos

El Micalet de la Seu de valencia es una torre de forma octogonal que se encuentra al lado de la catedral. Los Micalets eran miembros como mercenarios de una milicia, combatiendo para la Corona de Aragón. La torre del campanario lleva este nombre por la gran campana que tiene, que domina el reste del conjunto. El campanario de la catedral de Valencia lleva este nombre, y es uno de los monumentos más conocidos de la ciudad. Puedes para 2 euros por persona subir y tener una preciosa vista sobre los barrios viejos, los jardines del cauce del Turia, y los techos de la catedral. La construcción fue bastante compleja, y llevada por varios arquitectos, entre los cuales Balaguer, al que se deben también las Torres de Serranos. De estilo gótico, la torre mide 63 metros en total, y 51 metros de altura hasta la terraza, desde donde observas la vista.
The Seu Micalet the valence is octagonal tower is located next to the cathedral. The Micalets were members of a militia as mercenaries, fighting for the Crown of Aragon. The bell tower is named for the great bell that is, which dominates the remainder of the set. The bell tower of the Cathedral of Valencia is named, and is one of the most famous monuments of the city. You can for 2 euros per person up and have a beautiful view over the old neighborhoods, the bed of the Turia gardens, and cathedral ceilings. Construction was quite complex, and carried by several architects, including Balaguer, who must also Serranos. Gothic style, the tower is 63 meters in total, and 51 meters to the terrace, from where you look at the view.
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This Gothic steeple bells and 11 of the...

Este campanario de estilo gótico y 11 ...

Este campanario de estilo gótico y 11 campanas del mismo estilo, tiene tres pisos cuya planta es octogonal, fue utilizado originariamente como refugio de la iglesia para aquellos que eran perseguidos. Es de paredes muy anchas y oscuras en cuyo segundo piso se encontraba la casa del quien se ocupaba de tocar las campanas y el tercero es el campanario propiamente dicho, al que se accede por un agujero en el techo. La gran campana que lo corona es llamada Miguel porque fue bendecida en 1418 el día de San Miguel, dicen que es una de las más grandes de España y es la que da nombre al lugar.
This Gothic steeple bells and 11 of the same style, has three stories whose plan is octagonal, was originally used as a refuge in the church for those who were persecuted. It is dark and thick walls in whose second floor was the house who took care of ringing the bells, and the third is the bell itself, which is accessed through a hole in the roof. The great bell that crowns it is called Miguel in 1418 because it was blessed on St. Michael, say it is one of the largest in Spain and is what gives the place its name.
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Torre del Miguelete - the Miguelete...

Le Torre del Miguelete - la tour...

Le Torre del Miguelete - la tour Miguelete ( ou Micalet) est une construction emblématique de l'une des plus belles villes de l'Espagne, Valence. Ce clocher de style gothique a été construit entre 1381 - 1425. Il est énorme: son hauteur atteint 51 mètres. Elle a une forme d'un prisme orthogonal. Vous avez possibilité monter: du haut de la tour s'ouvre une vue spectaculaire sur la ville. La Tour est ouverte au public tous les jours de l'année. Ce monument d'architecture vaut votre visite.
Torre del Miguelete - the Miguelete tower (or Micalet) is an iconic building one of the most beautiful cities in Spain, Valencia. The Gothic tower was built between 1381-1425. It is huge: its height is 51 meters. It has a shape of an orthogonal prism. You can go: the top of the tower affords spectacular views of the city. The Tower is open to the public every day of the year. This architectural monument worth visiting.
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The Miquelite tower is a tower of St....

La tour Miquelite est une tour de la...

La tour Miquelite est une tour de la cathédrale Sainte Marie. On y accède d'ailleurs par cette cathédrale (l'accès est payant, je crois que c'est 1euros50 si mes souvenirs sont bons). Au sommet de la tour se trouve le clocher gothique de la cathédrale. Cette tour permet de voir la ville de Valencia de 51 mètres de haut. Je vous laisse imaginer la vue que l'on peut avoir à cette hauteur. Il vous faudra par contre montrer les 207 marches de la tour (aïe !). Chaque heure, le clocher sonne, c'est toujours surprenant lorsqu'on se trouve juste en dessous.
The Miquelite tower is a tower of St. Mary's Cathedral. It also reached by the cathedral (access is limited, I think this is 1euros50 if I remember correctly). Atop the tower is the Gothic spire of the cathedral. This in turn allows you to see the city of Valencia 51 meters high. Imagine the view that we can have at this height. You will show through against the 207 steps of the tower (ouch). Each time the bell rings, it's always surprising when one just below.
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La Torre Miguelete, is located in the...

La Torre Miguelete, est située dans la ...

La Torre Miguelete, est située dans la ville de Valence en Espagne. Elle fait partie de la cathédrale sainte marie de valence et offre une vue panoramique impressionnante de la ville et sa huerta. L'ascension est physique étant donné la largeur des marches et des escaliers, néanmoins la vue au sommet vaut vraiment la peine de l'effort. La bâtisse, est imposante est son architecture est octogonal avec au sommet un campanile. Pour info les horaires d'ouverture sont relativement réduits.
La Torre Miguelete, is located in the city of Valencia in Spain. It is part of Holy Mary Cathedral of Valencia and offers an impressive panoramic view of the city and its huerta. The rise is due to the physical width of steps and stairs, though the view from the top is well worth the effort. The building is impressive is its architecture is octagonal with a bell at the top. For information, opening hours are relatively low.
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Located in the heart of the old town,...

Situé au cœur de la vieille ville, le M...

Situé au cœur de la vieille ville, le Micalet pourrait être un monument à lui seul, tant il est connu et visité à Valence, mais il n'en est rien: Le Micalet est le nom affectueusement donné par les valenciens au clocher de sa grande cathédrale. Sans même entrer dans l'édifice religieux, il est possible de visiter seulement la tour octogonale et de grimper ses centaines de marches jusqu'à la plate-forme, située à 51 mètres de hauteur, qui offre une vue panoramique sur l'ensemble de la ville.
Located in the heart of the old town, the Micalet could be a monument to himself, as he is known and visited in Valencia, but it is not so: The Micalet is the name affectionately given by the Valencian the steeple of his great Cathedral. Without even going into the church building, it is possible to visit only the octagonal tower and climb the hundreds of steps to the platform, located 51 meters in height, which offers a panoramic view of the entire the city.
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The Miguelete or Micalet is the tower...

Il Miguelete o Micalet è la torre che ...

Il Miguelete o Micalet è la torre che sovrasta la Cattedrale di Santa Maria a Valencia e offre una magnifica vista su buona parte del centro storico di Valencia. E' a pianta ottagonale e fu costruita tra il XIV ed il XV secolo ad opera di Andrés Juliá. Sulla terrazza in cima alla torre, dopo una salita a tratti difficoltosa, e alle soste in 3 diverse stanze, troviamo una grande campana, e da qui è possibile ammirare il panorama sulla città. Alta 51 metri è uno dei simboli di Valencia.
The Miguelete or Micalet is the tower that overlooks the [then = 11811] St. Mary's Cathedral in Valencia [/ then] and offers a magnificent view over a large part of the historic center of Valencia. It 'octagonal and was built between the XIV and XV century by Andrés Juliá. On the terrace at the top of the tower, after climbing at times difficult, and stops in 3 different rooms, there is a large bell, and from here you can admire the panorama of the city. 51 meters high is one of the symbols of Valencia.
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To children love him

A los niños le encantará

Imprescincible subir y contemplar toda la ciudad desde aquí. A los niños le encantará.
Imprescincible up and see the whole city from here. To children love him.
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Miguelete tower

Torre del Miguelete

Torre del Miguelete
Miguelete tower
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Well it does not have the beautiful Valencia and the Torre del Miguelete in the center stands out as the bell tower of its Cathedral

Obligada visita

Bueno, qué no tiene la hermosa Valencia y la Torre del Miguelete en pleno centro. Se destaca como campanario de su Catedral. Merece ser visitada al hacer un recorrido por la zona central y no olvidar de visitar Torres de Serranos para lograr un selfie inolvidable, para terminar con un paseo por la Alameda.
Well it does not have the beautiful Valencia and the Torre del Miguelete in the center stands out as the bell tower of its Cathedral. It deserves to be visited when making a tour of the central area and do not forget to visit Torres de Serranos to achieve an unforgettable SELFIE, to finish with a walk along the Alameda.
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Despite the effort worth climbing

A pesar del esfuerzo merece la pena subir

A pesar del esfuerzo merece la pena subir
Despite the effort worth climbing
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Located in the historic center of Valencia

Situada en el centro histórico de Valencia

Situada en el centro histórico de Valencia
Located in the historic center of Valencia
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