Peruvian altitude with beautiful views
The Colca Canyon is a very lovely valley near the town of Chivay in southern Peru. To go, you have to take a tour, forming a group or your own, with a guide and a car. The 2nd stop is on the plateau of Chivay, to see the mountains, and the beautiful landscape, with the Andes in the background. We're going up a lot, from Arequipa which is about 2000 meters above sea level, we'll get up to 4000 feet, and the body is affected by it. If you feel you are going too fast, you must take at least a stop, or stay overnight in a village before going up more. In the highlands, everything is green. The Peruvians still use the same irrigation system that thousands of years ago their ancestors Incas used to bring water from the mountaintop to the valley.
The scenery is amazing, and the higher we climb, the more pretty it becomes. It took about 4 hours on the road, which in a mini van is a bit uncomfortable, but you forget about it soon enough when you take a look out the window, the mountains are amazing to look at!
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