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9 reviews of Meenakshi Temple


This place is dedicated to Meenakshi and Sundareshvara. According to legend, Madurai is the place where they got married. It is one of the most popular pilgrimage sites to visit in the whole of Southern India. The original temple was built by Kulasekara Pandya, but it reached its peak during the dynasty of the Nayaks who ruled from the 16th to the 18th Century. It is rectangular, surrounded by high walls that are approximately 254x237 meters tall and the total area is about 60,000 m2. 60 priests live here (in an area which is prohibited to the public) to attend the temple. Inside there are lots of large rooms, besides the sacred pond which is surrounded by columns and wall paintings dating back to the 17th Century.

The main towers indicating the four entrances to the temple (situated in all the 4 corners) are decorated with over 1000 figures, painted in bright colors, which are refurbished and repainted every 12 years. The most famous building to be found in this temple is called the Hall of the Thousand Pillars, but actually there are 985, all carved in Dravidian style. This room acts as a museum, with sculptures and paintings.
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In South India lies the holy city of...

En el sur de la India se sitúa la ...

En el sur de la India se sitúa la ciudad santa de Madurai, más conocida como la Atenas de Oriente gracias al espectacular templo de Sri Meeenakshi, el más antiguo y grande de todos los lugares sagrados de India. El corazón de la ciudad está dedicado al dios Shiva y su consorte Pavarti, este templo es un símbolo para el pueblo tamil y a él acuden todos los días miles de fieles para dedicarse a la oración. Además de su enorme superficie (6.000 metros cuadrados), el viajero quedará entusiasmado con las esculturas policromadas que decoran cada una de las catorce torres que flanquean el templo. De ellas, dos goturam están dedicados a las deidades y están bañadas en oro. La torre sur es la más alta de estos goturam con 52 metros de altura. Cada una de ellas está esculpida con esculturas de personajes mitológicos como dioses, animales, criaturas que fascinan a través de sus colores brillantes. El colorido exterior contrasta con un sobrio, oscuro y solemne interior, donde nos encontraremos con el Kulam Potramarai, el estanque del Loto de Oro, en el que según la leyenda, si los devotos se bañan en días de luna nueva, los primeros días del mes y los días de eclipse serán bendencidos con todas sus aspiraciones para el éxito. Los santuarios dedicados a las deidades no tienen permitida la entrada a los no hindúes y tampoco es posible hacer fotografías en el interior del templo. Además, para acceder al conjunto no es posible hacerlo con pantalón corto y hay que hacerlo descalzo, como en todos los templos de India.
In South India lies the holy city of Madurai, known as Athens of the East thanks to the spectacular temple of Sri Meeenakshi, the oldest and largest of all the holy places of India. The heart of the city is dedicated to Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati, this temple is a symbol for the Tamil people and he attended every day thousands of worshipers to engage in prayer. Besides its huge area (6,000 square meters), the traveler will be thrilled with the polychrome sculptures that decorate each of the fourteen towers flanking the temple. Two of them are dedicated to goturam deities and are gold plated. The south tower is the tallest of these goturam with 52 meters high. Each is carved with sculptures of mythological characters like gods, animals, creatures that fascinate through their bright colors. The colorful exterior contrasts with a sober, solemn, dark interior, where we will find the Potramarai Kulam, the Golden Lotus pond, which according to legend, if the devotees bathe in new moon days, the early days of months and days of eclipse will bendencidos with all its aspirations for success. The shrines to the deities are not allowed entry to non-Hindus and can not take pictures inside the temple. In addition, to access a set can not be done in shorts and do it barefoot, as in all the temples of India.
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the goddess of fish eyes *

la diosa de los ojos de pez *

Parece una ciudad templo , impresionante conocido también como " Sundareshvara " consagrado al dios hermoso " Shiva y a su consorte " Parvati " o " Minakshi " la diosa de los ojos de pez . Un santuario en el sur de India , lleno de detalles , de grandeza artística . Un recinto de 60.000 metros ; con doce Gopuram o puertas piramidales , que se elevan desde una base amurallada , cuatro serán las Gopuras externas según los puntos cardinales , que nos invitan a entrar en semejante recinto . Cada Gopuram esta enyesada de figuras de deidades en estuco y de animales o monstruos feroces , que en vivos colores llaman nuestra atención , como no ! Cada una de ellas tiene su dinamismo , irradiando una fuerte emoción en sus brazos o en sus pies bailarines . Un conjunto de animación apiladas unas junto a las otras , sobre todo en la torre sur que es la mas alta de 50 mt consta de mas de 1.500 figuras de estuco , increíble conjunto abigarrado . Los bastiales de los arcos de las cubiertas abovedadas están llenos de imagenes de monstruos feroces , que hacen de deidades guardianas , con ojos saltones en imitación a la diosa Minakshi . Un templo al que le dedique tiempo para explorarle , es el centro neurálgico de la ciudad . Entre por la torre este , tras dejar mis sandalias en la consigna , un conjunto de pasillos , tiendas , estanques , santuarios y salas increíbles , donde admirar como discurre el tiempo y su población en el . Una buena idea fue subir desde los comercios de alfombras de Cachemira que están enfrente , a su azotea es increíble ver el conjunto del templo , tan cerca con los detalles de las imagenes Atravesando el salón de las Ocho Diosas , precioso también ya que esta esculpido con imagenes que muestran diferentes aspectos de la diosa Shakti . Por pasillos con techos bellamente decorados me aproxime a su alberca " Potramarai Kulam " con escalones hasta el agua . Hermosas salas con columnas talladas de seres mitológicos en tamaño real , en las que uno puede creer que esta en un mundo de otro tiempo , con criaturas sobrenaturales . " Minakshi Shine " uno de los santuarios , con pasillos , deambulatorios que se unen a salas concéntricos y galerías . Lugar donde se encuentra el lecho en donde cada noche , unen a ambas deidades para que estén juntas y puedan recargarse mutuamente de energía ¡ Ya en la hora vespertina se les vuelve a separar ! Decídi ver la procesión en la que el pueblo acude , según se fue aproximando el anochecer , los sacerdotes llevan el palanquín en plata ricamente labrada de símbolos de peces , para transportar a la deidad del esposo en forma de Sudareshvara , a dormir con Minakshi . Una explosión de jubilo acompaño a las deidad ,hasta su consorte durante el cortejo que da que pensar !
It seems a city temple, impressive also known as "Sundareshvara" dedicated to the beautiful god "Shiva and his consort" Parvati "or" Meenakshi "the goddess of fish eyes. A shrine in southern India, full of details, greatness artistic an enclosure of 60,000 meters;.. with twelve Gopuram or pyramid doors, which rise from a walled base, four Sern external Gopuras according the cardinal points that invite us to enter into such an enclosure Each Gopuram this plaster figures of deities stucco and animals or fierce monsters, which in bright colors attract our attention, as no! Each of them has its dynamism, radiating emotion strong in his arms or his feet dancers. a set of animation stacked next to each others, especially in the south tower which is the highest of 50 mt consists of more than 1,500 stucco figures, incredible motley collection. the bastiales arches covers vaulted are full of images of ferocious monsters, making deities gatekeepers, with bulging eyes in imitation of the goddess Minakshi. A temple that you take time to explore him, is the nerve center of the city. Enter through the east tower, after leaving my sandals in the slogan, a set of corridors, shops, ponds, shrines and incredible rooms, where you can admire as time passes and the population. A good idea was up from the shops of Kashmiri carpets who are opposite your roof is incredible see the whole temple, so close to the details of the images Passing through the living room of Eight Goddesses, precious also because I is sculpted images showing different aspects of the goddess Shakti. For corridors beautifully decorated ceilings with me approaching your pool "Potramarai Kulam" with steps to the water. Beautiful rooms with carved mitolgicos beings in actual size, in which one can believe this in a world of another time, with supernatural creatures columns. "Minakshi Shine" one of the shrines, with corridors that join deambulatorios concentric rooms and galleys. Place where the bed where every night, to unite both deities who are together and can be recharged each other of energy already in the evening when they are separated again! Decdi see the procession in which the people come, according went approaching dusk, the priests carrying the palanqun richly carved silver fish symbols, to convey to the deity as Sudareshvara husband to sleep with Minakshi. An explosion of jubilation acompao to the deity, to his consort during courtship sobering!
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Temple City


Un temple dans la ville et une ville dans le temple ! Madurai, bénie du nectar qui coula des cheveux de Shiva est connue pour son gigantesque temple de Minakshi-Sundareshvara et ses 4 gigantesques Gopuram aux 4 points cardinaux. Dans son enceinte, les gens vivent, mangent, prient, dorment, trouvent refuge. L'intérêt architectural est, avant tout, dans les gopurams qui peuvent atteindre 60 mètres de haut. Une foultitude de statues vivement colorées de dieux et personnages de la mythologie brahmanique s'empilent en une gigantesque (encore!) pyramide.
A temple in the city and a city in the temple! Madurai, bnie nectar which sank hair of Shiva is known for its gigantic temple Minakshi-Sundareshvara and gigantic 4 Gopuram the 4 cardinal points. In its enclosure, people live, eat, pray, sleep, find refuge. The architectural interest is primarily in the gopurams that can reach 60 meters high. A multitude of highly colorful statues of gods and characters from the Brahmanical mythology pile into a giant (again!) Pyramid.
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Meenakshi Amman Temple

Tempio Meenakshi Amman

Il complesso di templi di Meenakshi Amman segna il centro dell'antica città di Madurai in Tamil Nadu, India meridionale. Meenakshi è uno dei nomi usati per indicare Parvati, la moglie di Shiva, ed a questa dea induista è dedicato il tempio. Il tempio è circondato da 14 torri e attira migliaia di visitatori ogni giorno provenienti da ogni angolo dell'India. Il tempio è scolpito con tutte le divinità e la mitologia induista, in uno stile tipico del meridione. Per chi passa da Madurai una visita è d'obbligo a questa imponente struttura.
The Meenakshi Amman temple complex marks the center of the ancient city of Madurai in Tamil Nadu, southern India. Meenakshi is one of the names used to indicate Parvati, the wife of Shiva, the Hindu goddess and the temple is dedicated. The temple is surrounded by 14 towers and attracts thousands of visitors every day from every corner of India. The temple is carved with all the gods and the Hindu mythology, in a style typical of the south. For those who pass from Madurai a visit is a must in this impressive structure.
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Sri Meenakshi Temple

Temple Sri Meenakshi

La plupart des gens font le détour à Madurai pour le temple Sri Meenakshi et on les comprend. Quand on arrive devant l’une des quatre entrées de ce sanctuaire, on est impressionnés d’emblée par les tours et leurs décorations colorées. A l’intérieur, ce festival de détails et de couleurs continue de plus belle. A noter, les appareils photos et les tablettes sont interdits (des casiers payants sont proposé sur place) mais vous pourrez rentrer et prendre des photos avec votre téléphone.
Most people make the detour for Madurai Sri Meenakshi Temple and understandably. When you arrive in front of the moon among four of this sanctuary, one is impressionns demble by towers and colorful decorations. A lintrieur it dtails festival and colors continues unabated. Note, cameras and tablets are prohibited (pay lockers are about locally) but you can go and take pictures with your phone.
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Both Arian with these eleven gopuram...

A la fois aérien avec ces onze gopuram ...

A la fois aérien avec ces onze gopuram qui s'élancent vers le ciel, et souterrain avec les innombrables galeries qui parcourent les sous-sol du temple, le Sri Meenakshi Temple est l'un des plus grands sanctuaires du sud de l'Inde, une véritable ville dans la ville. Tout à l'intérieur est dédié aux Dieux Hindou : Shiva, Kali, Ganesh... Une véritable ambiance, à la fois tellement particulière et indescriptible se dégage tout au long du parcours de la visite. A voir absolument !
Both Arian with these eleven gopuram which s'lancent to heaven, and with countless underground galleries that run through the basement of the temple, Sri Meenakshi Temple is one of the largest sanctuaries in southern India, a veritable city within a city. While the interior is the ddi Hindu Gods Shiva, Kali, Ganesh ... A veritable atmosphere, both indescribable and so particulire is dgage throughout the course of the visit. A must see!
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the gopuram (statues pyramids of South Indian temples)

les gopuram (pyramides de statues des temples d'Inde du sud)

Le temple de Sri Meenakshi (femme de Shiva, aussi appelée Parvati mais elle a aussi plus de 16 autres noms) est très fréquenté. C’est un immense dédale de salles aux nombreuses colonnes (1000) et deux sanctuaires, l’un a Shiva, l’autre bien sûr à Meenakshi). Extraordinaire collection de Gopuram dont 4 aux points cardinaux marquent les entrées. Ils comptent chacun plus de 1200 à 1500 statues aux couleurs vives sur 50 à 60 m de haut. en savoir plus sur mon voyage en Inde du sud > http://voyagesaventures.com/item/74-voyage-en-inde-du-sud
The Sri Meenakshi temple (wife of Shiva, also called Parvati but also more than 16 other names) is very popular. This is a huge maze of rooms with many columns (1000) and two shrines, one is Shiva, the other of course Meenakshi). Extraordinary collection of Gopuram which 4 cardinal points marked entries. They each have over 1200-1500 colorful statues on 50-60 meters high. Learn more about my trip in South India> http://voyagesaventures.com/item/74-voyage-en-inde-du-sud
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