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29 reviews of Maya Bay

Maya Bay is indescribable

Maya Bay is indescribable. It's a beach on an island that's surrounded by mountains, all kinds of vegetation, and clear water. It's supposedly among the 10 most beautiful beaches in the world. The diving is spectacular and I saw leopard sharks, tropical fish, scorpion fish, and turtles. I've had some pretty incredible experiences during my travels but I have to say that visiting Maya Bay was one of the coolest things I've ever done. "The perfect day," if you will. I think it's one of those places that everyone should visit at least once in their lives.

It's located on the island of Ko Phi Phi which you can reach from many of the local resort areas.

I'd suggest going by speedboat from Phuket or Krabi. It cost 700 baht (around 15 euros) and takes 90 minutes from Phuket, and if you go from Krabi it's a bit cheaper (around 11 euros) and shorter.
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It's awesome!

This is the beach from the Leonardo DiCaprio movie "The Beach." It's awesome! The only downside is that hundred of tourists come to visit this idyllic place in the high season. If you really want to enjoy it, your best bet is to spend the night at the one campsite on the island.

Amazing place, I wish it wasn't so crowded


It is a place where you can see the sunset and the sunrise, it is an experience that is not forgotten

Es un lugar donde puedes ver el anochecer y el amanecer, pues es una experiencia que no se olvida

Maya Bay es una de las playas de las Islas Phi Phi, la cual se encuentra situada en la costa del sudeste de Tailandia, en el mar de Andamán y que es parte del Parque Nacional Phi Phi. Tiene una belleza impresionante, por los grandes acantilados que la rodean, es uno de los mejores lugares del mundo. Una de las mejores playas paradisíacas, en un espacio natural que cuenta con gente muy amable y comida exquisita. Se caracteriza por una playa con arenas blancas y aguas cristalinas, que se encuentra rodeada de montañas espectaculares que emergen desde el mar, lo cual la convierte en un destino ineludible. En las Islas Phi Phi puedes encontrar varias playas, las cuales son pequeñas y algunas solo se pueden ver cuando hay marea baja. Este rincón es impresionante debido a lo imponente de la naturaleza que la rodea, con acantilados de más de 100 metros de altura y una vegetación tropical. Es un lugar donde puedes ver el anochecer y el amanecer, pues es una experiencia que no se olvida.
Maya Bay is one of the beaches of the Phi Phi Islands, which is located on the southeastern coast of Thailand, in the Andaman Sea and which is part of the Phi Phi National Park. It has an impressive beauty, because of the great cliffs that surround it, it is one of the best places in the world. One of the best paradisiacal beaches, in a natural space that has very friendly people and exquisite food. It is characterized by a beach with white sands and crystal clear waters, which is surrounded by spectacular mountains that emerge from the sea, which makes it an unmissable destination. In the Phi Phi Islands you can find several beaches, which are small and some can only be seen at low tide. This corner is impressive due to the imposing nature that surrounds it, with cliffs over 100 meters high and tropical vegetation. It is a place where you can see the dusk and the dawn, it is an experience that is not forgotten.
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le Paradis

Cette plage a été rendue célèbre suite au film The Beach avec Leonardo Dicaprio. Comme dans le film, c'est un véritable petit coin de paradis situé à quelques dizaines de minutes en bateau de Koh Phi Phi. L'eau est chaude et turquoise, il y a de beaux poissons multicolores que l'on peut admirer en faisant de la plongée avec masque et tubas. La seule déception, c'est le nombre de bateaux à moteur qui sont dans une si petite baie à l'écosystème fragile. Je recommande de vous y rendre hors des créneaux horaires où affluent en masse les touristes, et d'y aller avec un petit bateau privé, loué à plusieurs.
This beach was made famous after the movie The Beach with Leonardo Dicaprio. As in the film is a little corner of paradise located just ten minutes by boat from Koh Phi Phi. The water is warm and turquoise, there are beautiful colored fish that can be admired by the diving mask and snorkel. The only disappointment was the number of boats that are in a small bay to the fragile ecosystem. I recommend you get out of slots where flocking tourists, and go with a small private boat, rented several.
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Not the best !!

No es de las mejores. Vale la pena, sí, pero por el entorno.

Ojo ten en cuenta que para llegar depende como vayas te dejan en el agua, tienes que nadar, subir por una red de 4 metros y luego caminar 3 minutos hasta la playa. Esta isla no esta en Phi Phi, sino en una isla mas abajo, con lo cual infórmate bien antes de ir. Porque te termina saliendo una fortuna. Otra cosa que tienes que tener en cuenta es que siempre hay viento y mala mar, con lo cual es difícil de bañarse.
Worth it, yes! For the environment. Eye take into account that to get depends how you leave in the water, you have to swim, climb a network of 4 meters and then walk 3 minutes to the beach. This island is not in Phi Phi, but in an island below, so you know before you go. Because you end up leaving a fortune. Another thing you have to keep in mind is that there is always wind and bad sea, which makes it difficult to bathe.
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The island Phi Phi Ley is the smallest...

A ilha Phi Phi Ley é a menor das "duas ...

A ilha Phi Phi Ley é a menor das "duas irmãs". Foi nesta que foi filmado o filme "A Praia" com Leonardo di Caprio. Não há hotéis nesta ilha embora seja possível acampar de forma ordenada. A ilha é bonita, embora não fosse preciso tanto alarido à sua volta. Há excursões a mais da ilha maior.
The island Phi Phi Ley is the smallest of the "two sisters". That this was filmed the movie "The Beach" with Leonardo di Caprio. There are no hotels on the island although it is possible to camp in an orderly fashion. The island is beautiful though not need much fuss around them. There are tours of the most largest island.
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Beach Experience

Beach Experience

Llegas a un puerto de Phuket, negocias con los barqueros para que te lleven de excursión por los tipicos islotes que están cerca de Phuket, JamesBond Islands, MayaBay, etc... La desilusión se palpa en el rostro de la gente al llegar a MayaBay, infestada de barcos, de turistas... Pero al pasear un poco por la arena de este famoso lugar encontré mi rincón y allí me quede todo el día, hasta el momento en que me di cuenta de que no había ninguna embarcación inclusive la mia, así que ahora si que estaba en el paraíso!!! Al final me vinieron a buscar!!
You arrive at a port of Phuket, negotiate with boatmen to take you hiking in the typical islets which lie near Phuket, JamesBond Islands, MayaBay, etc ... The disappointment is palpable in the faces of the people to reach MayaBay infested boats, tourists ... But touring around this famous sand instead found my corner and stayed there all day, until the moment when I realized that there was no vessel including mine, so now if I was in paradise ! In the end they came for me!
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Phi Phi island and more

Phi phi island y más

Recogida en el hotel, traslado a la marina y, una vez embarcados, comienza el traslado al paraíso! Sinceramente he visto pocos lugares tan bellos como el recorrido por el que te lleva el tour. Las fotos que puedes hacer son preciosas, los guías muy amables, como la mayoría de los thai, para terminar la excursión en una playa sacada directamente del paraíso! La pega: lo explotado que está y saturado. Opinión: pasar unos días alojados en Phi phi y no ir sólo un día de excursión ya que tienes distintos hoteles donde alojarte. Saludos y buen viaje!!!
Pick up at the hotel, transfer to the marina and, once loaded, it starts moving to paradise! Honestly I have seen few places as beautiful as the tour takes you on the tour. The pictures you can make are beautiful, the guides very friendly as most thai, to finish the tour on a beach straight from heaven! The downside: it is exploited and saturated. Opinion: spend a few days staying in Phi Phi and not go a day trip just because you have different hotels to stay. Greetings and good riddance!
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Just a place called paradise!

Simplemente un lugar llamado paraiso!

Era nuestra luna de miel, Septiembre 2011, cuando una excursión en barco que recorría islas alrededor de Phi Phi Island nos dejo en la isla de Maya Bay (La Playa). Tuvimos que nadar desde el barco hasta unas escaleras por las que a duras penas conseguimos entrar en la isla, una vez dentro, empezamos a recorrer la isla y todo era vegetación y arena fina y blanca, algo maravilloso, finalmente y por un sendero de arena de repente ves La Playa!! se abre ante tus ojos una playa de arena blanca y aguas de color verde esmeralda, fue una sensación maravillosa, la única pega es la cantidad de turistas que estamos disfrutando de tan bello lugar.
It was our honeymoon in September 2011, when an excursion boat that ran islands around Phi Phi Island left us on the island of Maya Bay (The Beach). We had to swim from the boat to the stairs by which barely got into the island, once inside, we began to explore the island and it was all vegetation and fine white sand, wonderful thing finally and a sandy trail suddenly see The Beach! opens your eyes to a beach of white sand and emerald green waters, it was a wonderful feeling, the only downside is the amount of tourists who are enjoying such a beautiful place.
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Maya Bay - Beach - Thailand (Krabi) on...

Maya Bay - La plage - Thaïlande (Krabi) ...

Maya Bay - La plage - Thaïlande (Krabi) Sur l'île inhabitée de Phi Phi Ley, la plage de Maya Bay. Lieu de tournage du film "The Beach" de Danny Boyle, avec Leonardo DiCaprio, Virginie Ledoyen et Guillaume Canet.
Maya Bay - Beach - Thailand (Krabi) on the uninhabited island of Phi Phi Ley, Maya Bay beach. Shooting the film "The Beach" by Danny Boyle, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Virginie Ledoyen and Guillaume Canet.
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Certainly the most beautiful "beach" in the World !!!

Certainement la plus belle "plage" au Monde !!!

Certainement la plus belle "plage" au Monde !!! Eau turquoise,paysage de rêve!! Poser votre serviette et détendez vous !!!! Juste magnifique!! Appareil photo obligatoire!!! ;)
Certainly the most beautiful "Beach" in the World !!! Turquoise water, dream landscape !! Put your towel down and relax! Just wonderful!! Compulsory camera !!!;)
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Fantastic time!

Momento fantástico!

Momento fantástico! Pura beleza, com um mar de um azul sensacional! Vale muito a pena conhecer! Principalmente se você for num barco local( Long Thai)! Se você é adepto ao snorkel e/ou mergulho contrate uma das varias agencias que existem na ilha de Phi Phi e conheçam as maravilhas do lugar!
Fantastic time! Pure beauty with a sensational blue sea! It is well worth knowing! Especially if you go on a local boat (Long Thai)! If you are adept at snorkeling and / or scuba diving hire one of the several agencies that exist on Phi Phi Island and know the wonders of the place!
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Maya Bay - The beach of your dreams

Maya Bay - La playa de tus sueños

Increíble lugar donde ir aunque sea una vez en la vida. Si el paraíso existe este seria uno de los candidatos a serlo. En pareja o con amigos será una experiencia que perdurará en la mente del que la visite durante toda su vida.
Awesome place to go at least once in life. If heaven exists this would be one of the candidates to be. Couples or friends is an experience that will linger in the mind of the visit for life.
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beautiful place

bellísimo lugar

Es una playa llena de turistas eso sí, parece una pileta, de verdad un paraíso, recomiendo hacer la excursión de las 6am, es un esfuerzo pero vale 100% la pena, de esta manera evitarás las multitudes.
beautiful place! It is a beach full of tourists that if! It looks like a pool, truly a paradise! I recommend doing the tour 6am, it is a 100% effort but worth it! thus you avoid the crowds!
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