Hiking in one of the most famous mountains of Montseny
The Metagalls is one of the most famous mountains of Montseny (Barcelona). It is not the highest (1,696 m) but the most visited by hikers. The starting point of this route is Coll Formic (1,144 m), at km 26.4 of the B-5301 Santa Maria Seva Palautordera. In Collformic there is a parking lot and a hostel . This ascent can be done by anybody. We got to the top of Metagalls in 1.5 hours. We left the car in the parking lot of Collformic, followed the signs and went through the Cross to honor the martyrs of Collformic. We left behind the farmhouse Santandreu of Castanya. Before you start to climb the Gros turó Sant Andreu on the ground you will see an interesting hollow used to gather snow during the winter.